
Defines functions tm_ts_interpolated_data

Documented in tm_ts_interpolated_data

#' Get interpolated time series data by tag name
#' @details
#' The maximum number of points `tm_ts_interpolated_data()` can return is 10.000.
#' The `step` argument defines the time increment between returned observations.
#' If you define `step` to be one second which is the default setting, the time interval
#' you can select using the `start` and `end` arguments can span 2 hours, 46 minutes
#' and 40 seconds (2 x 60 x 60 + 46 x 60 + 40 = 10.000) at most. Make sure to decrease the
#' resolution by increasing the `step` argument if you like to fetch cohesive time series
#' data of a tag which spans more than 10.000 seconds.
#' The `shift` argument lets you control if `tm_ts_interpolated_data` returns values
#' which are either forward or backward shifted in time before they are aligned
#' with the actual time in the response. `shift` is expressed in seconds.
#' The example in the following table shows the returned time series values based
#' on different `shift` settings:
#'  | Time          | shift = 0   | shift = 1    | shift = -1 |
#'  | -------------:|------------:| ------------:|-----------:|
#'  | 03:02:00      | 23          | NA           | 27         |
#'  | 03:02:01      | 27          | 23           | 25         |
#'  | 03:02:02      | 25          | 27           | NA         |
#' @param token A valid access token
#' @param tag_name Tag name
#' @param start_date POSIXct object with timezone set to "UTC". Start date of the time series
#' @param end_date POSIXct object with timezone set to "UTC". End date of the time series
#' @param step Time increment between returned observations expressed in seconds
#' @param type Interpolation type which is either "linear" or "stepped"
#' @param shift Time series shift (offset) expressed in seconds
#' @inheritParams tm_token
#' @return A list with two elements:
#' * `tag`: A list with tag information and three elements:
#'   * `tagName`: Length one character vector.  `tag_name` of the original request
#'   * `shift`: Length one integer vector. `shift` of the original request
#'   * `interpolationType`: Length one character vector. `interpolation_type` of the original request
#' * `timeSeries`: A data frame with time series data:
#'   * `index`:  POSIXct vector. Time index of each observation
#'   * `value`: Double vector. Value of each observation
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' token <- tm_token()
#' start <-  ymd_hms("2019-09-15T05:16:00Z")
#' end <- ymd_hms("2019-09-15T06:16:00Z")
#' tm_ts_interpolated_data(token, "BA:CONC.1", start, end, 60)
#' }
tm_ts_interpolated_data <- function(token, tag_name, start_date, end_date,
                                  step = 1,
                                  type = "linear",
                                  shift = 0, ...) {
  if (class(token) != "tm_token") {
    stop("'token' must be a TrendMiner access token.")
  if (class(token) == "tm_token" && !tm_is_valid_token(token)) {
    stop("Token expired. Please provide a valid access token.")
  if (length(tag_name) != 1L || typeof(tag_name) != "character") {
    stop("'tag_name' must be a length-one character vector.")
  if (class(start_date)[1] != "POSIXct") {
    stop("'start_date' must be a POSIXct object.")
  if (attr(start_date, "tzone") != "UTC") {
    stop("'start_date' time zone must be UTC.")
  if (class(end_date)[1] != "POSIXct") {
    stop("'end_date' must be a POSIXct object.")
  if (attr(end_date, "tzone") != "UTC") {
    stop("'end_date' time zone must be UTC.")
  if (start_date > end_date) {
    stop("'start_date' must be before 'end_date'.")
  if (length(step) != 1L || typeof(step) != "double") {
    stop("'step' must be a length-one numeric vector.")
  if (step < 1) {
    stop("'step' should be greater or equal than 1.")
  if (!type %in% c("linear", "stepped")) {
    stop("'type' must be 'linear' or 'stepped'.")

  url <- paste(tm_get_base_url(), "/compute/interpolatedData", sep = "")
  create_body <- function(step, tag_name, type,
                          shift, start_date, end_date) {
    body <- list()
    body$stepInSeconds <- step
    tag <- list()
    tag$id <- tag_name
    tag$interpolationType <- type
    tag$shift <- shift

    timePeriod <- list()
    timePeriod$startDate <- format(start_date, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%OSZ")
    timePeriod$endDate <- format(end_date, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%OSZ")

    body$tag <- tag
    body$timePeriod <- timePeriod

  body <- create_body(step, tag_name, type, shift, start_date, end_date)
  url <- paste(tm_get_base_url(), "/compute/interpolatedData", sep = "")

  response <- httr::POST(url,
                         httr::add_headers(Authorization = paste("Bearer", token$access_token, sep = "")),
                         body = body,
                         encode = "json",

  if (httr::http_error(response)) {
        "TrendMiner API request failed [%s]\n%s\n%s\n%s",
    call. = FALSE
  parsed <- httr::content(response, as =  "text", encoding = "UTF-8") %>%
  names(parsed[["tag"]])[1] <- "tagName"
  names(parsed)[2] <- "timeSeries"
  names(parsed[["timeSeries"]])[1] <- "index"
  parsed[["timeSeries"]][["index"]] <- lubridate::ymd_hms(parsed[["timeSeries"]][["index"]])
TrendMiner/trendminer documentation built on Jan. 30, 2020, 12:21 a.m.