
#' Packages Menu
#' Interactive menu to download a package
#' @param s query
#' @param rows Number of rows to be returned in the menu
#' @param pack_sel Override Package selection
#' @return The selected Package
menu_packages <- function(s,
                          rows = 100,
                          pack_sel = NULL) {
    if (!is.null(s)) {
        # If only one package, pick that
        if (nrow(s) == 1) {
            pack_sel <- 1
        # Else ask for selection
        while (is.null(pack_sel) || pack_sel == 0) {
            choices <- s$title
            pack_sel <- menu(choices,
                             title = "The query returned these datasets,
                             which one do you want to load?")
            if (nrow(s) == rows) {
                    "There are probably more datasets than showed,
                    use the rows parameter to increase the limit"
            if (pack_sel == 0) {
                message("Please select a package or hit ESC to exit")
        pack <- s[pack_sel, ]
#' Organization default resource
#' If we know the structure of a organization tipical package, we can attempt to download it automatically
#' @param pack Package df as returned by menu_packages
#' @param res Resource options (RENAME - REFACTOR)
#' @return The automatically selected Resource
default_package <- function(pack, res) {
    if (pack$organization$title == " ISPAT - Indici Subprovinciali") {
        res <- list(res_sel = 2,
                    sep = ";",
                    downloader = function(res) {
                        dat <- read.csv2(URLencode(res$resource$url),
                                         colClasses = c('integer',
                                         dec = '.')
Trento-R-User-Group/RUTrentoOpenData documentation built on May 9, 2019, 5:13 p.m.