
# Utility function to solve the objFun
#' @importFrom ucminf ucminf
#' @importFrom stats optim
#' @importFrom minqa bobyqa 

# Decide the solver that is derivative-free.
# It seems that a good optimazation strategy is to start with Nelder-Mead line search (equivalent to fminsearch), then go to ucminf (equivalent to fminunc)

# The optimization procedure requires 2 optimizers. For each candidate of initial parameters, the function first attempt
# to solve the problem using the MainSolver which is unbounded and derivative-free. The solution of the Mainsolver is then used as 
# initial parameters to resolve the problem using the SecondSolver, which could be bounded or not. The use of multiple solvers is an attempt to 
# get the global optimization. The process is repeated 10 times over 10 inital paramters guess (default)

.sol_cav <- function(MainSolver,SecondSolver, betaIni, fun, control, y, x, As, q, empQuant, Uni = FALSE,
                     warn = TRUE,condMean = NULL, lb, ub,multiSol = TRUE){
  rep = control$rep
  control$rep = NULL
  N = NROW(betaIni)
  xsol = vector(mode="list", length = N)
  convCheck = 0;
  for(i in 1:N){
    sol <- .solverSwitch_cav(MainSolver, betaIni[i,], fun, control, y, x, As, empQuant, Uni, q, condMean, lb, ub)
    if(sol$convergence == 1) iniPar = betaIni[i,] else iniPar = sol$par
    for(ii in 1:rep){
      sol = .solverSwitch_cav(SecondSolver, iniPar, fun, control, y, x, As, empQuant, Uni, q,condMean, lb, ub)
      if(sol$convergence == 0) iniPar = sol$par
      sol = .solverSwitch_cav(MainSolver, iniPar, fun, control, y, x, As, empQuant, Uni, q,condMean, lb, ub)
      if(sol$convergence == 0) break
    if(sol$convergence == 0){
      xsol[[i]] = sol
    } else{
      convCheck = convCheck + 1
  if(convCheck == N){
    out = list()
    out$convergence = 1
    out$pars = rep(NA, dim(betaIni)[2])
    out$value = NA
  } else{
    best = sapply(xsol, function(x) 
        NA} else {
    best = which(best == min(best, na.rm=TRUE))
    if(length(best) > 1) best = best[1]
    out = xsol[[best]]

.solverSwitch_cav <- function(solver, pars, fun, control, y, x, As, empQuant, Uni, q,condMean, lb, ub){
  #  control$method = solver
  #  solver = "optim"
  control$rep = NULL
  solution = switch(solver,
   #              nmkb = .nmkbsolver_cav(pars, fun, control,  y, x, As, empQuant, Uni, q,condMean),
                 neldermead = .optimsolver_cav(pars, fun, control,  y, x, As, empQuant, Uni, q,condMean),
                 ucminf = .ucminfsolver_cav(pars, fun, control, y, x, As, empQuant, Uni, q,condMean),
   #              nlminb = .nlminbsolver_cav(pars, fun, control, y, x, As, empQuant, Uni, q,condMean),
                 solnp = .solnpsolver_cav(pars, fun, control, y, x, As, empQuant, Uni, q,condMean, lb, ub),
                 bobyqa = .bobyqasolver_cav(pars, fun, control, y, x, As, empQuant, Uni, q,condMean, lb, ub))

#.nlminbsolver_cav = function (pars, fun, control, y, x, As, empQuant, Uni, q,condMean){
#  control$method = NULL
#  control = .nlminb.ctrl(control)
#  rep = 10
#  if(is.null(condMean)){
#    ans = try(nlminb(start = pars, objective = fun, control = control, yr = y, Xr = x, 
#                     As = As, empQuant = empQuant, Uni = Uni, q = q), silent = TRUE)
#  } else{
#    ans = try(nlminb(start = pars, objective = fun, control = control, yr = y, Xr = x, condmeanR = condMean,
#                     As = As, empQuant = empQuant, Uni = Uni, q = q), silent = TRUE)
#  }
#  pscale = rep(1, length(pars))
#  smin = 0.1
#  maxtries = 1
#  while(ans$convergence!=0 && maxtries < rep) {
#    control$step.min = smin*0.1
#    smin = smin*0.1
#    pscale = 0.25*pscale
#    if(is.null(condMean)){
#      ans = try(nlminb(start = pars, objective = fun, control = control, yr = y, Xr = x, 
#                       As = As, empQuant = empQuant, Uni = Uni, q = q), silent = TRUE)
#    } else{
#      ans = try(nlminb(start = pars, objective = fun, control = control, yr = y, Xr = x, condmeanR = condMean,
#                       As = As, empQuant = empQuant, Uni = Uni, q = q), silent = TRUE)
#    }
#    maxtries = maxtries+1
#  }
#  if (inherits(ans, "try-error")) {
#    sol = list()
#    sol$convergence = 1
#  } else{
#    sol = ans
#    sol$value = sol$objective
#    sol$objective = NULL
#  }
#  return(sol = sol)

.ucminfsolver_cav = function(pars, fun, control, y, x, As, empQuant, Uni, q,condMean){
  control = .ucminf.ctrl(control)
    ans = try(ucminf(fn = fun, par = pars, control = control, yr = y, Xr = x, 
                     As = As, empQuant = empQuant, Uni = Uni, q = q), silent = TRUE)
  } else{
    ans = try(ucminf(fn = fun, par = pars, control = control, yr = y, Xr = x,condmeanR = condMean,
                     As = As, empQuant = empQuant, Uni = Uni, q = q), silent = TRUE)
  if (inherits(ans, "try-error")) {
    sol = list()
    sol$convergence = 1
    sol$par = rep(NA,length(pars))
  } else{
    sol = ans
    if(ans$convergence>0) sol$convergence = 0 else sol$convergence = 1

.optimsolver_cav = function(pars,  fun, control, y, x, As, empQuant, Uni, q,condMean){
 # method = control$method
 #  control$method = NULL
  control = .optim.ctrl(control)
 #  if(method == "L-BFGS-B"){
 #   if(is.null(condMean)){
 #      ans = try(optim(fn = fun, par = pars, control = control, method = "L-BFGS-B",As = As,yr = y, Xr = x,gr = NULL,
 #                   empQuant = empQuant, Uni = Uni, q = q),silent = TRUE)
 #   }else{
 #    ans = try(optim(fn = fun, par = pars, control = control, method = "L-BFGS-B",As = As,yr = y, Xr = x,gr = NULL,
 #                    empQuant = empQuant, Uni = Uni, q = q,condmeanR = condMean),silent = TRUE)
 #  }
 #   } else {
       ans = try(optim(fn = fun, par = pars, control = control, method = "Nelder-Mead",As = As,yr = y, Xr = x,gr = NULL,
                       empQuant = empQuant, Uni = Uni, q = q),silent = TRUE)
       ans = try(optim(fn = fun, par = pars, control = control, method = "Nelder-Mead",As = As,yr = y, Xr = x,gr = NULL,
                       empQuant = empQuant, Uni = Uni, q = q,condmeanR = condMean),silent = TRUE)
  if (inherits(ans, "try-error")) {
    sol = list()
    sol$convergence = 1
    sol$par = rep(NA,length(pars))
  } else{
    sol = ans
    if(ans$convergence!=0) sol$convergence = 1

.bobyqasolver_cav = function(pars, fun, control,  y, x, As, empQuant, Uni, q, condMean, lb, ub){
  control = .minqa.ctrl(control,pars)
    ans = try(minqa::bobyqa(fn = fun, par = pars, control = control,yr = y, Xr = x,
                     As = As, empQuant = empQuant, Uni = Uni, q = q, lower = lb, upper = ub),silent = TRUE)
  } else{
    ans = try(minqa::bobyqa(fn = fun, par = pars, control = control,yr = y, Xr = x,
                     As = As, empQuant = empQuant, Uni = Uni, q = q,condmeanR = condMean, lower = lb, upper = ub),silent = TRUE)
  if (inherits(ans, "try-error")) {
    sol = list()
    sol$convergence = 1
    sol$par = rep(NA,length(pars))
  }  else{
    sol = ans
    sol$value = sol$fval
    sol$message = sol$msg
    sol$convergence = sol$ierr
    sol$fval = NULL
    sol$ierr= NULL
    sol$msg = NULL

.solnpsolver_cav = function(pars, fun, control, y, x, As, empQuant, Uni, q,condMean, lb, ub){
  control = .solnpctrl(control)
    ans = try(Rsolnp::solnp(pars, fun = fun, eqfun = NULL, eqB = NULL, ineqfun = NULL, ineqLB = NULL,
                            ineqUB = NULL, LB = lb, UB = ub, control = control,yr = y, Xr = x,
                            As = As, empQuant = empQuant, Uni = Uni, q = q), silent = TRUE)
  } else{
    ans = try(Rsolnp::solnp(pars, fun = fun, eqfun = NULL, eqB = NULL, ineqfun = NULL, ineqLB = NULL,
                          ineqUB = NULL, LB = lb, UB = ub, control = control,yr = y, Xr = x,
                          As = As, empQuant = empQuant, Uni = Uni, q = q,condmeanR = condMean), silent = TRUE)
  if (inherits(ans, "try-error")) {
    sol = list()
    sol$convergence = 1
    sol = ans
    sol$value = tail(ans$values,1)
#.nmkbsolver_cav = function(pars,  fun, control, y, x, As, empQuant, Uni, q,condMean){
#  control = .dfoptim.ctrl(control)
#  if(is.null(condMean)){
#    ans = try(nmkb(fn = fun, par = pars, control = control, yr = y, 
#                 Xr = x, As = As, empQuant = empQuant, Uni = Uni, q = q), silent = TRUE)
#  } else{
#    ans = try(nmkb(fn = fun, par = pars, control = control, yr = y, 
#                   Xr = x, As = As, empQuant = empQuant, Uni = Uni, q = q,condmeanR = condMean), silent = TRUE)
#  }
#  if (inherits(ans, "try-error")) {
#    sol = list()
#    sol$convergence = 1
#  }  else{
#    sol = ans
#  }
#  return(sol)
TrungLeVn/MidasVaREs documentation built on May 24, 2019, 8:50 a.m.