
Defines functions get_change_distr semisparse_cor_only cor_only semisparse_sd_only sd_only semisparse_mean_only mean_only semisparse_uniform full_uniform_small full_uniform_large full_uniform_equal full_uniform set_uniform_cd

Documented in set_uniform_cd

#' Set a uniform change distribution.
#' This function is used to specify a change distribution to be used in
#' conjuction with the function \code{\link{tpca}}. All components of the distribution
#' (marginal and conditional distributions) are uniform, but the
#' probability/importance of each type of change can be specified, along with
#' the range of sparsity of the change, as well as ranges for the sizes and
#' directions of the different change types. In each simulation run, after a
#' change sparsity has been drawn, which dimensions that are affected by a
#' change is always randomized. Choices for the distribution should reflect
#' prior knowledge about which changes that are of interest to detect.
#' See references.
#' @param data_dim An integer specifying the dimension of the data.
#' @param prob A numeric vector of length 3 specifying the probability of a
#' change in the mean, variance or correlation, respectively.
#' @param sparsities An integer vector containing values between 2 (minimum 
#' sparsity for changes in the correlation) and data_dim.
#' @param mean_int A vector of length 2 specifying the lower and upper bound
#' of the interval that changes in the mean components are drawn uniformly from.
#' @param sd_int A vector of length 2 specifying the lower and upper bound
#' of the interval that multiplicative changes in the standard deviations
#' are drawn from. Must be between \eqn{\epsilon} and \eqn{\epsilon^{-1}}, where 
#' \eqn{\epsilon = } \code{sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)}.
#' @param sd_inc_prob A numeric between 0 and 1 indicating the probability of
#' a change in the standard deviation being an increase.
#' @param cor_int A vector of length 2 specifying the lower and upper bound
#' of the interval that multiplicative changes in the correlations are drawn 
#' from. Only values between 0 and 1 are allowed, i.e. a jump towards
#' 0 of the correlation coefficients.
#' @param change_equal A logical for whether all affected dimensions should 
#' change by the same amount, or by amounts independent of eachother.
#' For example, if TRUE and the mean changes, \eqn{\mu_d = \mu} for
#' all \eqn{d} in \eqn{D}, where \eqn{D} is the set of affected dims.
#' @return \code{set_uniform_cd} returns an S3 object of class "change_distr". 
#' This is a list containing the following functions:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{draw_types(n_sim)}}{A function that draws \code{n_sim} change 
#'   types among ('mean', 'sd', 'cor') with probabilities \code{prob}.}
#'   \item{\code{draw_sparsities(n_sim)}}{A function that draws \code{n_sim} 
#'   change sparsities uniformly from \code{sparsities}.}
#'   \item{\code{draw_dims(k)}}{A function that uniformly draws a size k subset 
#'   of affected dimensions.}
#'   \item{\code{draw_mean(k)}}{A function that draws k values uniformly from
#'   \code{mean_int}.}
#'   \item{\code{draw_sd(k)}}{A function that draws an increase in the 
#'   standard deviation uniformly from [0, \code{sd_int[2]}] with probability 
#'   \code{sd_inc_prob}, and a decrease in standard deviation uniformly
#'   from [\code{sd_int[1]}, 1] with probability 1 - \code{sd_inc_prob}.}
#'   \item{\code{draw_cor(k)}}{A function that draws k values uniformly from
#'   \code{cor_int}}
#' }
#' The functions with argument \code{n_sim} are called with the number of 
#' simulations as arguments, while the ones with argument \code{k} are called
#' in each simulation run with a number depending on the change sparsity.
#' @examples 
#' @export
set_uniform_cd <- function(data_dim,
                           prob         = rep(1/3, 3), 
                           sparsities   = 2:data_dim,
                           mean_int     = c(-1.5, 1.5), 
                           sd_int       = c(2.5^(-1), 2.5), 
                           sd_inc_prob  = 0.5,
                           cor_int      = c(0, 1),
                           change_equal = FALSE) {
  ## ERROR HANDLING ------------------------------------------------------------
  assert_class_length_noNA(data_dim, is.numeric, 1)
  assert_class_length_noNA(prob, is.numeric, 3)
  assert_class_length_noNA(sparsities, is.numeric)
  assert_integer_in_interval(sparsities, c(2, data_dim))
  assert_class_length_noNA(mean_int, is.numeric, 2)
  assert_class_length_noNA(sd_int, is.numeric, 2)
  assert_in_interval(sd_int, c(sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), 
  assert_class_length_noNA(sd_inc_prob, is.numeric, 1)
  assert_in_interval(sd_inc_prob, c(0, 1))
  assert_class_length_noNA(cor_int, is.numeric, 2)
  assert_in_interval(cor_int, c(0, 1))
  ## MAIN ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  return_list <- list(
  'draw_types'      = function(n_sim) {
                        change_types <- c('mean', 'sd', 'cor')
                        sample(change_types, n_sim, prob = prob, replace = TRUE)
  'draw_sparsities' = function(n_sim) sample(sparsities, n_sim, replace = TRUE),
  'draw_dims'       = function(k) sample(1:data_dim, k)
  if (change_equal) {
    return_list$draw_mean <- function(k) rep(runif(1, mean_int[1], mean_int[2]), k)
    return_list$draw_sd <- function(k) {
      sd_increase <- runif(1, 1, sd_int[2])
      sd_decrease <- runif(1, sd_int[1], 1)
      sd_change <- sample(c(sd_increase, sd_decrease), 
                          prob = c(sd_inc_prob, 1 - sd_inc_prob), 1)
      rep(sd_change, k)
    return_list$draw_cor <- function(k) rep(runif(1, cor_int[1], cor_int[2]), k)
  } else {
    return_list$draw_mean <- function(k) runif(k, mean_int[1], mean_int[2])
    return_list$draw_sd <- function(k) {
      sd_increases <- runif(round(sd_inc_prob * k), 1, sd_int[2])
      sd_decreases <- runif(k - length(sd_increases), sd_int[1], 1)
      sample(c(sd_increases, sd_decreases), k)
    return_list$draw_cor <- function(k) runif(k, cor_int[1], cor_int[2])
  structure(return_list, class = 'change_distr')

change_distr_env <- new.env(hash = FALSE)

change_distr_env$full_uniform <- function(data_dim) {

change_distr_env$full_uniform_equal <- function(data_dim) {
  set_uniform_cd(data_dim, change_equal = TRUE)

change_distr_env$full_uniform_large <- function(data_dim) {
                 mean_int     = c(-3, 3), 
                 sd_int       = c(4^(-1), 4),
                 cor_int      = c(0, 0.5))

change_distr_env$full_uniform_small <- function(data_dim) {
                 mean_int     = c(-0.5, 0.5), 
                 sd_int       = c(1.5^(-1), 1.5),
                 cor_int      = c(0.5, 1))

change_distr_env$semisparse_uniform <- function(data_dim) {
                 sparsities  = 2:round(data_dim / 2))

change_distr_env$mean_only <- function(data_dim) {
                 prob        = c(1, 0, 0))

change_distr_env$semisparse_mean_only <- function(data_dim) {
                 prob        = c(1, 0, 0), 
                 sparsities  = 2:round(data_dim / 2))

change_distr_env$sd_only <- function(data_dim) {
                 prob        = c(0, 1, 0))

change_distr_env$semisparse_sd_only <- function(data_dim) {
                 prob        = c(0, 1, 0), 
                 sparsities  = 2:round(data_dim / 2))

change_distr_env$cor_only <- function(data_dim) {
                 prob        = c(0, 0, 1))

change_distr_env$semisparse_cor_only <- function(data_dim) {
                 prob        = c(0, 0, 1), 
                 sparsities  = 2:round(data_dim / 2))

get_change_distr <- function(change_distr, data_dim) {
  if (class(change_distr) == 'change_distr') 
  else if (is.character(change_distr)) {
    assert_class_length_noNA(change_distr, is.character, 1)
    change_distr_func <- change_distr_env[[change_distr]]
    msg = paste0('The supplied change distribution is not implemented. Use ', 
                 paste0(names(change_distr_env), collapse = ', '), 
                 ', or make your own by using the function set_uniform_cd.')
    assertthat::assert_that(!is.null(change_distr_func), msg = msg)
  } else 
    stop(paste0('change_distr must either be a character string or belong to class change_distr. See set_uniform_cd.'))
Tveten/tpca documentation built on June 10, 2021, 8:43 p.m.