
Defines functions get.fun.cor

Documented in get.fun.cor

#' @title Compute the functional Pearson's correlation and concordance correlation
#'        of functional data
#' @description Compute the functional Pearson's correlation coefficient and
#'              concordance correlation coefficeint of two data sets and the
#'              corresponding standard errors.
#' @param X: matrix with columns being time points and rows being subjects
#' @param Y: matrix with columns being time points and rows being subjects, same size as X
#' @param W: weight matrix, same size as X and Y. By default, weight is the same for all data points
#' @return rho: functional Pearson's correlation coefficient
#' @return ccc: functional concordance correlation coefficient
#' @return rho.se: standard error of functional Pearson's correlation coefficient
#' @return ccc.se: standard error of functional concordance correlation coefficient
#' @export get.fun.cor
#' @examples
#' x = matrix(rnorm(12), 3, 4)
#' y = matrix(rnorm(12), 3, 4)
#' w = matrix(1, 3, 4)
#' get.fun.cor(x,y,w)

### Get the functional rho/ccc and their standard error
get.fun.cor <- function(X, Y, W=NULL){
  # X: data from measurement 1
  # Y: data from measurement 2
  # W: weight for all data points
  # X,Y,W: are all matrix of the same size

  # Find the "covariance" between data set X and Y with weight matrix W
  mCov <- function(X, Y, W){

    nt    <- ncol(X)
    nsubj <- nrow(X)
    XW    <- X*W
    YW    <- Y*W
    XW[is.nan(XW)] <- 0
    YW[is.nan(YW)] <- 0

    Xsum  <- rep(NA, nsubj)
    Ysum  <- rep(NA, nsubj)

    for(i in 1:nsubj){
      Xsum[i] <- sum(XW[i,W[i,]!=0])
      Ysum[i] <- sum(YW[i,W[i,]!=0])

    mean(Xsum*Ysum) - mean(Xsum)*mean(Ysum)


  nt    <- ncol(X)
  nsubj <- nrow(X)
  Xbar  <- rep(NA, nt)
  Ybar  <- rep(NA, nt)


    W <- matrix(1, nsubj, nt)
    W[is.nan(X) | is.nan(Y)] <- 0


  W <- W[1:nsubj, 1:nt]
  W[is.nan(X) | is.nan(Y)] <- 0

  for(j in 1:nt){
    Xbar[j] <- mean(X[W[,j]!=0,j])
    Ybar[j] <- mean(Y[W[,j]!=0,j])

  mXbar <- matrix(Xbar, nsubj, nt, byrow = T)
  mYbar <- matrix(Ybar, nsubj, nt, byrow = T)

  X.center <- X - mXbar
  Y.center <- Y - mYbar
  inn.XY.center <- sum((X.center*Y.center*W)[W!=0])
  inn.XX.center <- sum((X.center*X.center*W)[W!=0])
  inn.YY.center <- sum((Y.center*Y.center*W)[W!=0])
  inn.df.xybar  <- sum(((mXbar - mYbar)^2*W)[W!=0])
  rho <- inn.XY.center/sqrt(inn.XX.center*inn.YY.center)
  ccc <- 2*inn.XY.center/(inn.df.xybar + inn.XX.center + inn.YY.center)

  term1 <- X.center*Y.center
  term2 <- X*X
  term3 <- Y*Y
  term4 <- (X.center*mYbar + Y*mXbar)
  term5 <- X.center*X.center
  term6 <- Y.center*Y.center
  term.ccc <- array(c(term1, term2, term3, term4), dim = c(dim(term1), 4))
  term.rho <- array(c(term1, term5, term6), dim = c(dim(term1), 3))

  Sigma.ccc <- matrix(NA, 4, 4)
  Sigma.rho <- matrix(NA, 3, 3)

  for(i in 1:4){
    for(j in 1:4){
      Sigma.ccc[i,j] <- mCov(term.ccc[,,i], term.ccc[,,j], W)

  for(i in 1:3){
    for(j in 1:3){
      Sigma.rho[i,j] <- mCov(term.rho[,,i], term.rho[,,j], W)

  A <- (X^2 + Y^2 - 2*X*Y)*W
  A[is.nan(A)] <- 0
  a.ccc <- c(2, -ccc, -ccc, 2*ccc)/mean(apply(A, 1, sum))
  ma.ccc1 <- matrix(a.ccc, 4, 4, byrow = F)
  ma.ccc2 <- matrix(a.ccc, 4, 4, byrow = T)
  se.ccc  <- sqrt(sum(ma.ccc1*Sigma.ccc*ma.ccc2))/sqrt(nsubj-2)

  B2 <- inn.XX.center/nsubj
  B3 <- inn.YY.center/nsubj
  B1 <- sqrt(B2*B3)
  a.rho <- c(1/B1, -rho/(2*B2), -rho/(2*B3))
  ma.rho1 <- matrix(a.rho, 3, 3, byrow = F)
  ma.rho2 <- matrix(a.rho, 3, 3, byrow = T)
  se.rho  <- sqrt(sum(ma.rho1*Sigma.rho*ma.rho2))/sqrt(nsubj-2)

  return(list(rho=rho, ccc=ccc, se.rho=se.rho, se.ccc=se.ccc))
  # return the functional rho and ccc and their standard errors

TwoLittle/fccc documentation built on June 13, 2020, 10:18 a.m.