
Defines functions print.frames frames

Documented in frames

#' @title Average Marginal Effects
#' @author Tyson S. Barrett
#' @description Provides the average marginal effects of a GLM model with 
#' bootstrapped confidence intervals. Similar results would be obtained from using
#' \code{margins::margins()}.
#' @param model the model object
#' @param ci_type the type of boostrapped confidence interval; options are "perc", "basic", "bca"
#' @param boot the number of bootstrapped samples; default is 100
#' @param ci the confidence interval; the default is .975 which is the 95\% confidence interval.
#' @details Using the average marginal effects as discussed by Tamas Bartus (2005), 
#' the coefficients are transformed into probabilities (for binary outcomes) or remain
#' in their original units (continuous outcomes).
#' @references Bartus, T. (2005). Estimation of marginal effects using margeff. 
#' The Stata Journal, 5(3), 309–329. <https://EconPapers.repec.org/RePEc:tsj:stataj:v:5:y:2005:i:3:p:309-329>
#' @examples 
#' library(furniture)
#' data(nhanes_2010)
#' fit = glm(marijuana ~ home_meals + gender + age + asthma, 
#'            data = nhanes_2010, 
#'            family = "binomial")
#' frames(fit)
#' @import stats
#' @export
frames = function(model, ci_type = "perc", boot=100, ci=.95){
  data = model$data
  forms = model$formula
  ## checks
  .call = match.call()
  ## Bootstrapped Samples and Statistics
  booted = boot(data = data, 
                statistic = .run_mod, 
                R = boot, 
                model = model)
  cis = vector("list", 0L)
  for (i in seq_along(names(booted$t0))){
    cis[[i]] = boot.ci(booted, index = i, type = ci_type)
  estimates = data.frame(do.call("rbind", cis))
  estimates = data.frame("Estimate" = sapply(estimates$t0, function(x) x[1]), 
                         "Lower"    = sapply(estimates$percent, function(x) x[4]), 
                         "Upper"    = sapply(estimates$percent, function(x) x[5]))
  final = structure(
    list("estimates"    = estimates,
         "data"         = data, 
         "boot"         = boot, 
         "model"        = forms,
         "call"         = .call),
    class = c("frames", "list")
  cat('\r', rep(' ', 40), '\r')

#' @export
print.frames = function(x, ...){
  cat("\u250C", rep("\u2500", 28), "\u2510\n", sep = "")
  cat("\u2502", " Average Marginal Effects ", "\u2502")
  cat("\n\u2514", rep("\u2500", 28), "\u2518\n", sep = "")
  print(round(x[[1]], 4), ...)
TysonStanley/MarginalMediation documentation built on April 17, 2022, 3:23 a.m.