
Defines functions trigram bigram ngram.default ngram.character ngram.VCorpus ngram.list

Documented in bigram ngram.character ngram.default ngram.list ngram.VCorpus trigram

#' n-Gram creators
#' The function aims is to create the ngram tokens for each document in a
#' corpora.
#' @param corpus a compatible object storing documents (actually, list (and
#'               corpus-list of (tokened) documents,
#'               character vectors and \code{\link[tm]{VCorpus}})
#' @param n_min (num) minimum number of words to include in the grams
#' @param n_max (num) maximum number of words to include into the grams
#' @param parallel (lgl) if \code{TRUE} perform the computation in parallel
#'                 using the \code{parallel} package functionality. Default is
#'                 \code{FALSE}.
#' @param ... further option passed to the function
#' @param ncores (int) number of core to use in the parallel computation
#'        (default is number of machine cores minus one)
#' @return an object of the same class of input (except for
#'         \code{character vector} input, for which the output is a \code{list})
#'         with documents tokenized in ngram.
#' @export
ngram <- function (corpus, n_min = 1, n_max = 2, ..., parallel= FALSE,
  ncores = parallel::detectCores() - 1
) {

#' @rdname ngram
#' @export
ngram.list <- function(corpus, n_min = 1, n_max = 2, ..., parallel  = FALSE,
  ncores = parallel::detectCores() - 1
) {
  if (!parallel) {
    corpus[] <- purrr::map(corpus,
      ~ RWeka::NGramTokenizer(.,
        control = RWeka::Weka_control(min = n_min, max = n_max)
  } else {
    cl <- parallel::makePSOCKcluster(ncores)
    on.exit(parallel::stopCluster(cl), add = TRUE)

      varlist = c('corpus', 'n_min', 'n_max'), envir = environment()

    corpus[] <- parallel::parLapply(cl  = cl,
      X   = corpus,
      fun = function(x) RWeka::NGramTokenizer(x ,
        control = RWeka::Weka_control(min = n_min, max = n_max)

#' @rdname ngram
#' @export
ngram.VCorpus <- function(corpus, n_min = 1, n_max = 2, ..., parallel  = FALSE,
  ncores = parallel::detectCores() - 1
) {
  corpus %>%
    corpora2list %>%
      n_min = n_min, n_max = n_max, ..., parallel = parallel, ncores = ncores
    ) %>%

#' @rdname ngram
#' @param docs_or_tokens character vector to explain if the vector is a
#'        vector of documents (to be tokened) or is already a vector of
#'        tokens (of a single document)
#' @export
ngram.character <- function(corpus, n_min = 1, n_max = 2, ...,
  parallel  = FALSE, ncores = parallel::detectCores() - 1,
  docs_or_tokens = c('docs', 'tokens')
) {

  docs_or_tokens = match.arg(docs_or_tokens)

  ## If the vector represents a list of documents convert to it, if represents
  ## a list of tokens of a single documents convert it to a single-element
  ## list
    docs   = {
      corpus <- as.list(corpus)
      warning('Pay attention: input is a character vector, output will be a list!')
    tokens = {
      corpus <- list(corpus)
      warning('It has not much sense to looks for ngrams of an already tokened text, look carefully the results.')

  ngram.list(corpus = corpus, n_min = n_min, n_max = n_max,
    parallel = parallel, ..., ncores = ncores)

#' @rdname ngram
#' @export
ngram.default <- function(corpus, n_min = 1, n_max = 2, ...,
  parallel  = FALSE, ncores = parallel::detectCores() - 1
) {
  stop('corpus must be a list, a character vector or a VCorpus')

#' Bigram computation
#' a shortcuts for \code{\link{ngram}} using
#' \code{n_min = n_max = 2}
#' @rdname ngram
#' @return (list) of character vectors containing the nGrammed documents
#' @export
bigram  <- function(corpus, ..., parallel = FALSE,
  ncores = parallel::detectCores() - 1
) {
      corpus = corpus, n_min = 2, n_max = 2, ..., parallel = parallel,
      ncores = ncores

#' Trigram computation
#' a shortcuts for \code{\link{ngram}} using
#' \code{n_min = n_max = 3}
#' @rdname ngram
#' @return (list) of character vectors containing the nGrammed documents
#' @export
trigram <- function(corpus, ..., parallel = FALSE,
  ncores = parallel::detectCores() - 1
) {
      corpus = corpus, n_min = 3, n_max = 3, ..., parallel = parallel,
      ncores = ncores
UBESP-DCTV/costumer documentation built on Feb. 1, 2023, 4:52 a.m.