stopifnot(packageVersion("MsDataHub") >= "1.7.1")
stopifnot(packageVersion("QFeatures") >= "1.17.2")
## Preparing the data
ai2025aTab <- read_tsv(MsDataHub::Ai2025_aCMs_report.tsv())
tab <- tibble(File.Name = unique(ai2025aTab[[1]])) |>
mutate(Sample = sub("^.+CM_PROJECT\\\\", "", File.Name)) |>
mutate(Sample = sub("\\\\", "_", Sample)) |>
mutate(Date = ymd(as.integer(substring(Sample, 1, 6)))) |>
mutate(Subject = sub("^.+_(Subject[0-9])_.+$", "\\1", Sample)) |>
mutate(PlateWell = sub("^.+_([A-Z][0-9]+)_.+$", "\\1", Sample)) |>
mutate(PlateRow = gsub("[0-9]*", "", PlateWell)) |>
mutate(PlateColumn = gsub("[A-Z]*", "", PlateWell)) |>
mutate(PlateColumn = factor(PlateColumn, levels = 1:24)) |>
mutate(Position = sub("^.+_([A-Z]+[0-9]+)_1_[0-9]+\\.d$", "\\1", Sample)) |>
mutate(FileIndex = sub("^.+_1_([0-9]+)\\.d$", "\\1", Sample)) |>
mutate(FileIndex = factor(FileIndex, levels = sort(unique(FileIndex))))
## Extracting the heart locations
tab$HeartLocation <- NA
ExpectedLocations <- c("Lvendo", "Lvepi", "Lvmid", "RV", "sytox")
for (i in 1:5) {
loc <- ExpectedLocations[i]
tab$HeartLocation[grep(loc, tab$File.Name, = TRUE)] <- loc
tab$runCol <- tab$File.Name
ai2025a <- readSCPfromDIANN(ai2025aTab,
colData = DataFrame(tab),
fnames = "Precursor.Id")
## Setting the names of the QFeatures objects
names(ai2025a) <- ai2025a$Sample
## Processing from the vignette
ai2025a <- zeroIsNA(ai2025a, names(ai2025a)) |>
filterFeatures(~ abs(RT - Predicted.RT) < 0.18) |>
filterFeatures(~ !grepl(";", Protein.Names) &
Proteotypic == 1)
## Add cell-level QC metrics
ai2025a$MedianIntensity <- sapply(names(ai2025a), function(i) {
median(log2(assay(ai2025a[[i]])), na.rm = TRUE)
ai2025a$TotalIds <- nrows(ai2025a)
## Join, log-transform and aggregate
ai2025a <- joinAssays(ai2025a, i = names(ai2025a), name = "precursors")
ai2025a <- logTransform(ai2025a, "precursors", "precursors_log")
ai2025a <- aggregateFeatures(ai2025a,
i = "precursors_log",
name = "peptides",
fcol = "Modified.Sequence",
fun = colMedians,
na.rm = TRUE)
ai2025a <- aggregateFeatures(ai2025a,
i = "peptides",
name = "proteins",
fcol = "Protein.Ids",
fun = colMedians,
na.rm = TRUE)
## Statistical modelling
sce <- getWithColData(ai2025a, "precursors_log")
sce <- sce[, sce$HeartLocation != "sytox"]
sce <- scpModelWorkflow(
formula = ~ 1 + ## intercept
## normalisation
MedianIntensity +
## batch effects
PlateRow +
Subject +
## biological variability
verbose = FALSE)
scpModelFilterThreshold(sce) <- 3
## Add sce with scplainer models
ai2025a <- addAssay(ai2025a, sce, "precursors_stats")
ai2025a <- addAssayLinkOneToOne(ai2025a, "precursors_log", "precursors_stats")
## Serialise object
file = file.path("../extdata/ai2025a.rda"),
compress = "xz",
compression_level = 9)
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