Defines functions TFCE

Documented in TFCE

#' Compute TFCE on a ventricular mesh.
#' Given a statistical map on a 3D mesh this function computed the related TFCE map. The 3D mesh is described as a graph using a two-columns matrix the mesh edges, each row containing the vertex ID of a edge.
#' @param h A V-dimensional vector (V = number of vertices in the ventricular mesh) containing the values of a statistic at each vertex in the mesh.
#' @param A A V-dimensional vector containing the area associated with a vertex, usually its Voronoi area.
#' @param NNmatrix A Nx2 matrix containing the mesh edges. Important: to speed up the execution please avoid repetitions ofthe form (A,B) and (B,A) in the matrix.
#' @param E TFCE parameter, by default fixed to 0.5.
#' @param H TFCE parameter, by default fixed to 2.
#' @param deltah discrete integral sampling dimension, by default fixed to 2.
#' @return A V-dimensional vector containig the TFCE score computed at each vertex.
#' @keywords TFCE multiple testing
#' @export
#' @examples TFCEscores = TFCE(h, A, NNmatrix) #run with default TFCE parameters.
#' TFCEscores = TFCE(h, A, NNmatrix, deltah=0.02) #change discrete integral sampling.
#' TFCEscores = TFCE(h, A, NNmatrix, E=1, H=1, deltah=0.02) #user default TFCE parameters.

TFCE <- function(h, A, NNmatrix, E=0.5, H=2, deltah=0.01){
  #h - input statistic map - N-dimensional vector, N = number of vertices in the mesh.
  #A - area associated to each vertex of the mesh - N-dimensional vector. 
  #NNmatrix - two columns matrix storing the mesh edges, each row contain the vertex ID of the nodes at their extremes.
  #E, H - TFCE parameters
  #deltah - finite dh of TFCE integral
  #check input data
  if(length(h)!=length(A)) stop('Lengths of h and A are different.')
  nPoints <- length(h)
  #the number of mesh vertexes 
  TFCEscore <- array(0, dim = nPoints)
  #this array will contain the TFCE score for each vertex of the mesh
  seqT <- c()
  if(min(h)<0) seqT <- c(seqT,-seq(deltah,abs(min(h)),deltah))
  if(max(h)>0) seqT <- c(seqT,seq(deltah,abs(max(h)),deltah))
  # compute the range of h-statistic to study: if the minimum value of the input statistic is positive the
  # range to examine will be (0, max(h)); if the maximum value of the input statistic is negative the range 
  # under examination will be (min(h), 0).
  for(iClusters in 1:length(seqT)){
    #for all the the possible thresholds computed the algorithm computes 
    #all the possible clusters and assigns to the points that belongs to them a 
    #a TFCE score weighted for the cluster extend
    thr <- seqT[iClusters]
    #cluster threshold
    scores <- array(0, dim = nPoints)
    if(thr>0) origI <- which(h >= thr)
    if(thr<=0) origI <- which(h <= thr)
    #compute the list of h statistic that could be contained in a cluster
    #with forming threshold thr
    firstRowok <-  which(NNmatrix[,1] %in% origI)
    #row numbers that that have in the first column a origI value
    rows2Keep <- firstRowok[NNmatrix[firstRowok,2] %in% origI]
    #rows that have also a origI value int the second columns
      g = graph_from_edgelist(NNmatrix[rows2Keep,], directed = FALSE)
      ##compute the graph from them
      compo <- components(g)
      ##and extract the components
      memberships <- compo$membership
      ##for each vertex extract its membership
      nCluster <- which(compo$csize>1) 
      # cluster indexes of clusters with dimension > 1
      for(i in 1:length(nCluster)){
        clusterIndexes <- which(memberships == nCluster[i])
        ## indexes of the vertexe of the cluster with label nCluster[i]
        TFCEscore[clusterIndexes] <- TFCEscore[clusterIndexes] + (sum(A[clusterIndexes]))^E * abs(thr)^H * deltah
  return(sign(h) * TFCEscore) # re-assign the correct sign
UK-Digital-Heart-Project/mutools3D documentation built on April 7, 2024, 8:04 a.m.