
#' Compute TFCE derived p-values using a standard permutation testing procedure.
#' Given a NxVxK imaging matrix Y (N = number of subjects, V = number of vertices
#' in the ventricular mesh, K = number of principal components from the concatenated
#' vertices), a NxC model matrix X  (N = number of subjects, C = number of
#' variables + intercept term) and the numbers of the column variables to extract,
#' this function computes for each variable specified in extract the TFCE derived
#' p-values map on the mesh. The output is a matrix with a number of
#' columns equal to the lenght of extract and a rows equal to the number of vertices.
#' @param X is the design matrix. Number of rows = number of subjects in the study,
#' number of columns = number of vertices in the atlas. Numerical varable must be
#' normalized to 0-mean and unit-standard deviation. Categorical variables must be
#' coded using dummy coding. The first column should contain the intercept (all 1s).
#' @param Y is the imaging matrix. Number of rows = N. Number of columns = V.
#' @param extract is an array expressing which covariates in X you want to extract.
#' @param A A V-dimensional vector containing the area associated with a vertex,
#' usually its Voronoi area.
#' @param NNmatrix  Nx2 matrix containing the mesh edges. Important: to speed up
#' the execution please avoid repetitions like (A,B) and (B,A).
#' @param nPermutations number of permutations in the permutation test, default is 1000.
#' @param parallel flag for triggering parallel computing, default is FALSE.
#' @param nCores flag for defining the number of cores to use, default is 1.
#' @param verbOutput flag for activating verbose output, default is 0 (off).
#' @return If verbOutput = 0 the output is a matrix containing in its rows the
#' pvalues computed at each vertex and the number of colums referes to the
#' variables specified in extract. If verbOutput = 1 the output is a list where
#' the pval field contains the the pvalues computed at each vertex, TFCEmatrix
#' field contains a V x nPermutations matrix containing the TFCE scores computed
#' for each permutation and the tfceScores field is a V-dimensional vector
#' containing the TFCE scores of the non-permuted data.
#' @keywords mur TFCE Freedman-Lane
#' @export
#' @examples TFCEresults <- perm(X, Y, extract, A, NNmatrix, nPermutations = 1000)
perm <- function(X, Y, extract, A, NNmatrix, nPermutations = 1000, parallel = FALSE, nCores = 1, verbOutput = 0) {
  # set seed for reproducibility
  num_vertices <- dim(Y, 2)

  # parallelization
  if (parallel) {
    cl <- makeCluster(nCores)

    resP <- foreach(iF = 1:nPermutations, .packages = "mutools3D", .combine = rbind) %dopar% {
      Yper <- Y[sample(1:nrow(Y)), ]

      resMUR <- mur_multivariate(X, Yper, extract)

      computed <- matrix(0, ncol = num_vertices, length(extract))

      for (iEx in 1:length(extract)) {
        computed[iEx, ] <- TFCE(round(resMUR[, 2 + (iEx - 1) * 3], 2), A, NNmatrix)
        # compute TFCE
  } else {
    for (iF in 1:nPermutations) {
      Yper <- Y[sample(1:nrow(Y)), ]
      # Y permuted for the Freedman and Lane procedure
      resMUR <- mur_multivariate(X, Yper, extract)

      computed <- matrix(0, ncol = num_vertices, nrow = length(extract))

      for (iEx in 1:length(extract)) {
        computed[iEx, ] <- TFCEsecond(round(resMUR[, 2 + (iEx - 1) * 3], 2), A, NNmatrix)
        # compute TFCE

      if (iF == 1) {
        resP <- computed
      } else {
        resP <- rbind(resP, computed)

  significance <- matrix(0, ncol = length(extract), nrow = num_vertices)
  # TFCE derived p-values

  results <- matrix(0, ncol = 3 * length(extract), nrow = num_vertices)
  results <- mur_multivariate(X, Y, extract)

  tfceScores <- list()
  # compute the residual matrix of Z

  for (iEx in 1:length(extract)) {
    tfceScores[[iEx]] <- TFCE(results[, 2 + (iEx - 1) * 3], A, NNmatrix)
    # list of TFCE scores to analyise

    TFCEmatrix <- resP[seq(1, nrow(resP), by = length(extract)), ]

    for (a in 1:ncol(Y)) {
      if (tfceScores[[iEx]][a] >= 0) significance[a, iEx] <- length(which(TFCEmatrix[, a] > tfceScores[[iEx]][a])) / nPermutations
      if (tfceScores[[iEx]][a] < 0) significance[a, iEx] <- length(which(TFCEmatrix[, a] < tfceScores[[iEx]][a])) / nPermutations
      if (significance[a, iEx] == 0) significance[a, iEx] <- 1 / nPermutations # minimum pvalue achievable.

  if (verbOutput == 1) {
    TFCEresults <- list("pvalues" = significance, "TFCEmatrix" = TFCEmatrix, "tfceScores" = tfceScores)
  } else {
    TFCEresults <- significance

UK-Digital-Heart-Project/mutools3D documentation built on April 7, 2024, 8:04 a.m.