Man pages for UPGo-McGill/strr
Tools for Analysis of Short-Term Rental Data

ghost_clusterHelper function to create potential ghost hostel clusters
ghost_combineHelper function to create potential intersection combinations
ghost_emptyHelper function to output an empty ghost hostel table
ghost_find_leftoversHelper function to rerun analysis on leftover ghost hostel...
ghost_identify_leftoversHelper function to identify leftover ghost hostel candidates
ghost_intersectHelper function to find ghost hostel locations
ghost_intersect_with_doneHelper function to intersect two buffers
ghost_stepwise_intersectHelper function to intersect a data frame of buffers
handler_strrHelper function to set a progress reporting strategy
helper_check_dailyHelper function to check an strr_daily data frame
helper_check_dataHelper function to check a data frame
helper_check_hostHelper function to check a host data frame
helper_check_propertyHelper function to check a property data frame
helper_check_quietHelper function to check a 'quiet' argument
helper_compress_dailyHelper function to compress daily file
helper_compress_hostHelper function to compress host file
helper_expandHelper function to expand compressed STR tables
helper_integrateHelper function to integrate raffle_pdf_* over intersect...
helper_intersectHelper function to intersect property and polys
helper_messageHelper function to display a message
helper_planHelper function to characterize future plan
helper_prepare_expandHelper function to prepare to expand compressed STR tables
helper_prepare_gridHelper function to prepare grid
helper_prepare_integrateHelper function to prepare to integrate intersects
helper_prepare_intersectHelper function to prepare to intersect property and polys
helper_prepare_polysHelper function to prepare polys
helper_prepare_propertyHelper function to prepare property
helper_process_intersectsHelper function to process intersections of property and...
helper_process_resultsHelper function to process raffle results
helper_table_splitHelper function to split data for parallel processing
raffle_pdf_airbnbHelper function specifying the probability density function
reduceHelper function to reduce predicate lists to minimal...
strr_as_sfFunction to convert property tables to sf objects
strr_compressFunction to compress daily STR tables into UPGo DB format
strr_expandExpand compressed STR tables
strr_FREHIdentify frequently rented entire-home (FREH) listings
strr_ghostFunction to identify STR ghost hostels
strr_hostFunction to create daily host activity tables
strr_housingFunction to identify STRs located in housing
strr_multiIdentify STR multilistings
strr_process_dailyFunction to process raw daily STR tables into UPGo format
strr_process_propertyFunction to process raw property STR tables into UPGo format
strr_process_reviewProcess raw STR review tables into UPGo format
strr_raffleRaffle to assign STR listings to administrative units for...
with_progressWrapper for progressr::with_progress
UPGo-McGill/strr documentation built on Feb. 24, 2024, 6:15 p.m.