strr_FREH: Identify frequently rented entire-home (FREH) listings

View source: R/strr_FREH.R

strr_FREHR Documentation

Identify frequently rented entire-home (FREH) listings


strr_FREH takes a table of daily STR activity and identifies listings which met a given standard of availability and activity over a specified time period.


  start_date = NULL,
  end_date = NULL,
  property_ID = property_ID,
  date = date,
  status = status,
  status_types = c("R", "A"),
  listing_type = listing_type,
  entire_home = "Entire home/apt",
  n_days = 365,
  r_cut = 90,
  ar_cut = 183,
  quiet = FALSE



A data frame of daily STR activity in standard UPGo format.


A character string of format YYYY-MM-DD indicating the first date for which to return output. If NULL (default), the earliest date present in 'daily' will be used.


A character string of format YYYY-MM-DD indicating the last date for which to run the analysis. If NULL (default), the latest date present in 'daily' will be used.


The name of a character or numeric variable in the 'daily' table which uniquely identifies STR listings.


The name of a date variable in the 'daily' table.


The name of a character variable in the 'daily' table which identifies the activity status of a listing on a give date.


A two-length character vector which identifies the values in the 'status' variable indicating "reserved" and "available" status respectively. The default value is c("R", "A").


The name of a character variable in the 'daily' table which identifies entire-home listings. Set this argument to FALSE to use all listings in the 'daily' table.


A character string which identifies the value of the 'listing_type' variable to be used to find entire-home listings. This field is ignored if 'listing_type' is FALSE.


An integer scalar which determines how many days should be used to evaluate each listing's activity status. The default is 365 days (one year).


An integer scalar. The threshold for number of reserved days in the last 'n_days' which qualifies for "frequently rented".


An integer scalar. The threshold for number of available or reserved days in the last 'n_days' which qualifies for "frequently rented".


A logical vector. Should the function execute quietly, or should it return status updates throughout the function (default)?


strr_FREH is named after "frequently rented entire-home" (FREH) listings, which it identifies by examining rolling windows of activity to find listings with more than a specified number of reserved or available nights in a specified time period. By default, the function identifies entire-home listings which are available a majority of the year and reserved at least 90 nights a year, and reports for each date within the requested time range #' whether each entire-home listing satisfies or fails to satisfy these criteria.

While the inspiration for the function is identifying FREH listings, all the function's parameters can be modified; so, for example, it can instead identify all listing types reserved at least once in a month.


The output will be a tidy data frame of identified FREH listings, organized with the following fields: 'property_ID' (or whatever name was passed to the property_ID argument): A character vector with the ID code of the listings. 'date': The date for which the FREH status is being reported. 'FREH': A logical scalar indicating whether, on a given date, the given listing exceeded the 'r_cut' and 'ar_cut' thresholds over the number of days specified by 'n_days'.

UPGo-McGill/strr documentation built on June 11, 2024, 1:56 a.m.