
Defines functions strr_FREH

Documented in strr_FREH

#' Identify frequently rented entire-home (FREH) listings
#' \code{strr_FREH} takes a table of daily STR activity and identifies listings
#' which met a given standard of availability and activity over a specified
#' time period.
#' \code{strr_FREH} is named after "frequently rented entire-home" (FREH)
#' listings, which it identifies by examining rolling windows of activity to
#' find listings with more than a specified number of reserved or available
#' nights in a specified time period. By default, the function identifies
#' entire-home listings which are available a majority of the year and reserved
#' at least 90 nights a year, and reports for each date within the requested
#' time range #' whether each entire-home listing satisfies or fails to satisfy
#' these criteria.
#' While the inspiration for the function is identifying FREH listings, all the
#' function's parameters can be modified; so, for example, it can instead
#' identify all listing types reserved at least once in a month.
#' @param daily A data frame of daily STR activity in standard UPGo format.
#' @param start_date A character string of format YYYY-MM-DD indicating the
#'   first date for which to return output. If NULL (default), the earliest date
#'   present in `daily` will be used.
#' @param end_date A character string of format YYYY-MM-DD indicating the last
#'   date for which to run the analysis. If NULL (default), the latest date
#'   present in `daily` will be used.
#' @param property_ID The name of a character or numeric variable in the `daily`
#'   table which uniquely identifies STR listings.
#' @param date The name of a date variable in the `daily` table.
#' @param status The name of a character variable in the `daily` table which
#' identifies the activity status of a listing on a give date.
#' @param status_types A two-length character vector which identifies the
#' values in the `status` variable indicating "reserved" and "available" status
#' respectively. The default value is \code{c("R", "A")}.
#' @param listing_type The name of a character variable in the `daily`
#'   table which identifies entire-home listings. Set this argument to FALSE
#'   to use all listings in the `daily` table.
#' @param entire_home A character string which identifies the value of the
#'   `listing_type` variable to be used to find entire-home listings. This field
#'   is ignored if `listing_type` is FALSE.
#' @param n_days An integer scalar which determines how many days should be used
#' to evaluate each listing's activity status. The default is 365 days (one
#' year).
#' @param r_cut An integer scalar. The threshold for number of reserved days in
#' the last `n_days` which qualifies for "frequently rented".
#' @param ar_cut An integer scalar. The threshold for number of available or
#' reserved days in the last `n_days` which qualifies for "frequently rented".
#' @param quiet A logical vector. Should the function execute quietly, or should
#' it return status updates throughout the function (default)?
#' @return The output will be a tidy data frame of identified FREH listings,
#'   organized with the following fields: `property_ID` (or whatever name was
#'   passed to the property_ID argument): A character vector with the ID code of
#'   the listings. `date`: The date for which the FREH status is being reported.
#'   `FREH`: A logical scalar indicating whether, on a given date, the given
#'   listing exceeded the `r_cut` and `ar_cut` thresholds over the number of
#'   days specified by `n_days`.
#' @export

strr_FREH <- function(daily, start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL,
                      property_ID = property_ID, date = date, status = status,
                      status_types = c("R", "A"), listing_type = listing_type,
                      entire_home = "Entire home/apt", n_days = 365, r_cut = 90,
                      ar_cut = 183, quiet = FALSE) {

  ### ERROR CHECKING AND ARGUMENT INITIALIZATION ###############################

  start_time <- Sys.time()

  ## Input checking ------------------------------------------------------------

  helper_check_daily(rlang::ensyms(property_ID, date, status))

  n_days <- floor(n_days)
  r_cut <- floor(r_cut)
  ar_cut <- floor(ar_cut)

  stopifnot(exprs = {
    length(status_types) == 2
    n_days > 0
    r_cut > 0 && r_cut <= n_days
    ar_cut > 0 && ar_cut <= n_days && ar_cut >= r_cut

  # Check that status_types arguments are plausible
  if (nrow(dplyr::filter(daily, {{status}} == status_types[1])) == 0) {
    warning(paste0("The first supplied argument to `status_types` returns no ",
                   "matches in the input table. Are you sure the argument ",
                   "is correct?"))

  if (nrow(dplyr::filter(daily, {{status}} == status_types[2])) == 0) {
    warning(paste0("The second supplied argument to `status_types` returns no ",
                   "matches in the input table. Are you sure the argument ",
                   "is correct?"))

  # Set lt_flag and check validity of listing_type
  lt_flag <-
      # If listing_type is a field in points, set lt_flag = TRUE
      dplyr::pull(daily, {{listing_type}})
      error = function(e) {tryCatch({
        # If listing_type == FALSE, set lt_flag = FALSE
        if (!listing_type) { FALSE
          } else stop("`listing_type` must be a valid field name or FALSE.")
        error = function(e2) {
          # Otherwise, fail with an informative error
          stop("`listing_type` must be a valid field name or FALSE.")

  # Check entire_home argument
  if (lt_flag) {
    if (nrow(dplyr::filter(daily, {{listing_type}} == entire_home)) == 0) {
      warning(paste0("The supplied argument to `entire_home` returns no ",
                     "matches in the input table. Are you sure the argument ",
                     "is correct?"))

  ## Prepare data.table options ------------------------------------------------

  # Silence R CMD check for data.table fields
  R <- AR <- NULL

  # Make sure data.table is single-threaded within the helper
  threads <- data.table::setDTthreads(1)

  # Set up on.exit expression for errors

    # Restore data.table threads

  ### PREPARE TABLE FOR ANALYSIS ###############################################

  ## Drop geometry if table is sf ----------------------------------------------

  if (inherits(daily, "sf")) {
    daily <- sf::st_drop_geometry(daily)

  ## Wrangle dates -------------------------------------------------------------

  if (missing(start_date)) {
    start_date <- min(dplyr::pull(daily, {{date}}), na.rm = TRUE)
  } else {
    start_date <- tryCatch(as.Date(start_date), error = function(e) {
      stop(paste0('The value of `start_date`` ("', start_date,
                  '") is not coercible to a date.'))

  if (missing(end_date)) {
    end_date <- max(dplyr::pull(daily, {{date}}), na.rm = TRUE)
  } else {
    end_date <- tryCatch(as.Date(end_date), error = function(e) {
      stop(paste0('The value of `end_date` ("', end_date,
                  '") is not coercible to a date.'))

  ## Rename fields to make data.table functions work ---------------------------

  daily <- dplyr::rename(daily,
                         property_ID = {{property_ID}},
                         date = {{date}},
                         status = {{status}})

  ## Filter daily file and select necessary columns ----------------------------


  if (lt_flag) {

    daily <- dplyr::rename(daily, listing_type = {{listing_type}})
    daily <- daily[listing_type == entire_home]


  daily <-
    daily[status %in% c("A", "R") & date >= start_date - 364 & date <= end_date]

  # Only select needed fields, to reduce object size for remote transfer
  daily[, setdiff(names(daily), c("property_ID", "date", "status")) := NULL]

  ### PERFORM CALCULATIONS #####################################################

  helper_message("(1/2) Analyzing data, using ", helper_plan(), ".")

  ## Function to be iterated over ----------------------------------------------

  date_fun <- function(.x, ...) {
    daily <- daily[date >= .x - 364 & date <= .x]
    daily[, AR := .N, by = "property_ID"]
    daily[, R := sum(status == "R"), by = "property_ID"]
    daily[, list(date = as.Date(.x, origin = "1970-01-01"),
                 FREH = as.logical((mean(AR) >= ar_cut) *
                                     (mean(R) >= r_cut))),
          by = "property_ID"]

  ## Run function --------------------------------------------------------------

  handler_strr("Analyzing date")


      # Initialize progress bar
      .strr_env$pb <- progressor(along = start_date:end_date)

      daily <-
        par_lapply(start_date:end_date, date_fun, future.globals =
                     c("start_date", "end_date", "daily", "ar_cut", "r_cut"))

      daily <- data.table::rbindlist(daily)


  helper_message("(2/2) Arranging output.", .type = "open")

  data.table::setorderv(daily, c("property_ID", "date"))

  daily <- dplyr::rename(daily,
                         {{property_ID}} := .data$property_ID,
                         {{date}} := .data$date)

  daily <- dplyr::as_tibble(daily)

  helper_message("(2/2) Output arranged.", .type = "close")

  ### RETURN OUTPUT ############################################################

  helper_message("Analysis complete.", .type = "final")


UPGo-McGill/strr documentation built on Feb. 24, 2024, 6:15 p.m.