strr_raffle: Raffle to assign STR listings to administrative units for...

View source: R/strr_raffle.R

strr_raffleR Documentation

Raffle to assign STR listings to administrative units for spatial analysis


strr_raffle takes reported STR listing locations and assigns the listings to administrative units based on a probability density function and other information about population or housing distribution.


  distance = 200,
  seed = NULL,
  pdf = "airbnb",
  diagnostic = FALSE,
  quiet = FALSE



An sf or sp point-geometry object, in a projected coordinate system. If the data frame does not have spatial attributes, an attempt will be made to convert it to sf using strr_as_sf. The result will be transformed into the CRS of 'polys'.


An sf or sp polygon-geometry object with administrative geographies as polygons.


The name of a character or numeric variable in the polys object to be used as an ID to identify the "winning" polygon assigned to each point in the output.


The name of a numeric variable in the polys object which contains the weighting factor (number of people or housing units).


A numeric scalar. The radius (in the units of the CRS) of the buffer which will be drawn around points to determine possible listing locations.


An integer scalar. A seed for the random number generation, to allow reproducible results between iterations of strr_raffle. If NULL (default), a new seed will be chosen each time.


A character scalar. The probability density function which should be used for assigning listing locations within the 'distance' radius. The only option currently is "airbnb", which is a radially symmetric normal curve around the point origin, with mean 100 m and standard deviation 50 m. More options may be added in the future.


A logical scalar. Should a list of polygon candidates and associated probabilities be appended to the function output?


A logical scalar. Should the function execute quietly, or should it return status updates throughout the function (default)?


A function for probablistically assigning STR listings to administrative geographies (e.g. census tracts) based on reported latitude/longitude. The function works by combining a known probability density function (e.g. Airbnb's spatial obfuscation of listing locations) with an additional source of information about possible listing locations–either population or housing densities.


The output will be the input property object with a new field appended, which specifies which polygon from the 'polys' object was probabilistically assigned to the listing, and which takes the name of the field identified in the 'poly_ID' argument. (If there was already a field with that name in the 'property' object, the new field will have "_new" appended to its name.) If diagnostic == TRUE, a 'candidates' field will also be appended, which lists the possible polygons for each point, along with their probabilities.

UPGo-McGill/strr documentation built on June 11, 2024, 1:56 a.m.