strr_multi: Identify STR multilistings

View source: R/strr_multi.R

strr_multiR Documentation

Identify STR multilistings


strr_multi takes a daily table and a host table and identifies which listings in the daily table are multilistings on each date.


  thresholds = c(EH = 2L, PR = 3L, SR = NA, HR = NA),
  combine_listing_type = TRUE,
  combine_housing = TRUE,
  field_name = multi,
  quiet = FALSE



A data frame of daily STR activity in standard UPGo format.


A data frame of STR host activity in standard UPGo format.


An integer vector indicating the thresholds to establish multilisting status for each listing type. If the vector is unnamed, the options will be read in the order "Entire home/apt", "Private room", "Shared room", "Hotel room". If the vector is named, using the full listing type names ("Entire home/apt", "Private room", "Shared room", "Hotel room") or acronyms ("EH", "PR", "SR", "HR"), the values can be presented in any order. An NA or 0 value means that multilisting calculations will not be performed for that listing type.


A logical scalar. Should multilisting status for one listing type (e.g. "Entire home/apt") confer multilisting status on the other listing types operated by a host on a given day, regardless of whether the other listing types exceeded the multilisting threshold (default)?


A logical scalar. Should housing and non-housing listings be combined for the purposes of establishing multilisting status (default)?


A symbol or character string to name the new logical field identifying multilisting status in the output table. The default is 'multi'.


A logical scalar. Should the function execute quietly, or should it return status updates throughout the function (default)?


The function summarizes the listings operated by a given host on a given date to determine if the listings are "multilistings"–i.e. more listings operated by a single host than is consistent with the host being a home sharer.


The output will be the 'daily' input table with one additional logical field (with name taken from the 'field_name' argument) indicating multilisting status.

UPGo-McGill/strr documentation built on June 11, 2024, 1:56 a.m.