#' Import OWID vaccine data
#' @title Fetch Our World In Data vaccine data
#' @description Retrieves COVID-19 vaccination data for a given list of countries
#' @param cntry country, or list of countries, that appear in the our world in
#' data page
#' @family vax
#' @return Returns data frame of total vaccinations by day
#' @source \url{https://github.com/owid/covid-19-data}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #only one country
#' df_vax_zmb <- get_vax_data("Zambia")
#' #only PEPFAR countries
#' cntry_list <- get_vax_countries()
#' df_vax_pepfar <- get_vax_data(cntry_list)
#' #all countries
#' cntry_list <- get_vax_countries(pepfar_only = FALSE)
#' df_vax <- get_vax_data(cntry_list)
#' }
pull_vax_data <- function(cntry){
df <- cntry %>%
add_csv_stub() %>%
purrr::map_dfr(~make_url(.x) %>%
readr::read_csv(show_col_types = FALSE,
progress = FALSE))
df <- df %>%
dplyr::rename(countryname = location) %>%
dplyr::mutate(countryname = dplyr::recode(countryname,
"Myanmar" = "Burma",
"Brunei" = "Burundi",
"Democratic Republic of Congo" = "Democratic Republic of the Congo"))
#' Import OWID vaccine data
#' @title Fetch Our World In Data vaccine data
#' @description Retrieves COVID-19 vaccination data for a given list of countries
#' @param cntry country, or list of countries, that appear in the our world in
#' data page
#' @return Returns data frame of total vaccinations by day
#' @export
get_vax_data <- function(cntry){
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