
Defines functions checkIndicatorforFlows loadLCIAfactors loadFactors loadIndicators loadandbuildIndicators

Documented in checkIndicatorforFlows loadandbuildIndicators loadFactors loadIndicators loadLCIAfactors

# Functions for loading and checking indicator data

#' Loads data for all model indicators as listed in model specs
#' @param model A model object with model specs, IO tables, and satellite tables loaded
#' @return A model object with Indicators added
loadandbuildIndicators <- function(model) {
   if(!is.null(model$specs$Indicators)) {
      # Load model indicators
      indicators <- loadIndicators(model)
      # Add to model object
      model$Indicators <- indicators

#' Load indicators and associated factors in a list based on model config.
#' @param model A model object with model specs, IO tables, and satellite tables loaded.
#' @return A list with a dataframe for indicator meta and a dataframe for indicator factors.
loadIndicators <- function(model) {
   logging::loginfo("Initializing model indicators...")
   meta <- data.frame()
   factors <- data.frame()
   for (s in model$specs$Indicators) {
      logging::loginfo(paste0("Getting ", s$Name, " indicator from ", s$FileLocation, "..."))
      # Populate metadata
      meta_fields <- c("Name","Code","Group","Unit","SimpleUnit","SimpleName")
      i <- s[meta_fields]
      meta <- rbind(meta,data.frame(i, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

      #Get factors
      f <- loadFactors(s)
      #Make sure indicator name comes from spec and not factor source data
      f$Indicator <- s[["Name"]]
      factors <- rbind(factors,f)
      checkIndicatorforFlows(f, model$SatelliteTables$flows)
   indicators <- list(meta=meta,factors=factors)

#' Load indicator factors based on spec from static or dynamic source
#' @param ind_spec Specification of an indicator
#' @return A dataframe of factors with factor_fields
loadFactors <- function(ind_spec) {
   if(is.null(ind_spec$ScriptFunctionCall)) {
      # Load static LCIA factors from useeio respository data
      StaticIndicatorFactors <- loadLCIAfactors()
      # Subset LCIA factors list for the abbreviations
      factors <- StaticIndicatorFactors[StaticIndicatorFactors$Code == ind_spec$Code, ]
      # Add Indicator column
      factors <- cbind("Indicator" = ind_spec$Name, factors)
   } else {
      func_to_eval <- ind_spec$ScriptFunctionCall
      indloadfunction <- as.name(func_to_eval)
      factors <- do.call(eval(indloadfunction), list(ind_spec))
      factors <- prepareLCIAmethodforIndicators(factors)
   factor_fields <- c("Indicator","Flowable","Context","Unit","Amount")
   factors <- factors[,factor_fields]

#' Loads all LCIA factors from static source file after melting it to long file
#' @return A dataframe of LCIA factors.
loadLCIAfactors <- function() {
   # Load static LCIA factors
   lciafact <- utils::read.table(system.file("extdata", "USEEIO_LCIA_Factors.csv", package = "useeior"),
                                 sep = ",", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, check.names = FALSE)
   # Melt these so there is one indicator score per line
   lciafactlong <- reshape2::melt(lciafact, id.vars = c("Flowable", "Context", "Unit", "UUID"))
   # Add Code and Amount
   lciafactlong[, "Code"] <- as.character(lciafactlong$variable)
   lciafactlong[, "Amount"] <- as.numeric(lciafactlong$value)
   # Drop zeroes and keep wanted columns
   lciafactlong <- lciafactlong[lciafactlong$value>0,
                                c("Flowable", "UUID", "Context", "Unit", "Amount", "Code")]

#' Checks an LCIA indicator to ensure that flows exist in the model for that indicator
#' @param factors A dataframe of indicator characterization factors
#' @param flows A dataframe of flows from model SatelliteTables
checkIndicatorforFlows <- function(factors, flows){
      logging::logwarn("No flows found in model")
   factor_list <- apply(cbind(factors['Context'], factors['Flowable']), 1, FUN = joinStringswithSlashes)
   flows_list <- apply(cbind(flows['Context'], flows['Flowable']), 1, FUN = joinStringswithSlashes)
   if(length(intersect(factor_list,flows_list)) == 0){
      logging::logwarn("No flows found for this indicator in model")
USEPA/useeior documentation built on April 12, 2024, 1:36 p.m.