#' GUI: Edit Text
#' A graphical user interface (\acronym{GUI}) for viewing and editing text.
#' @param txt character.
#' Text used to populate the window.
#' @param read.only logical.
#' Specifies whether the text is read only.
#' @param win.title character.
#' Title of the dialog box.
#' @param is.fixed.width.font logical.
#' Specifies whether a fixed-width font be used.
#' @param parent tkwin.
#' \acronym{GUI} parent window
#' @return Returns an object of class character with edited text.
#' @author J.C. Fisher, U.S. Geological Survey, Idaho Water Science Center
#' @keywords misc
#' @import tcltk
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' txt <- c("\"Hills cherish the ambition",
#' " to turn into partial",
#' " differential equations\"",
#' "",
#' " -Donald Hall")
#' new.txt <- EditText(txt, is.fixed.width.font = TRUE)
#' EditText(txt, read.only = TRUE)
#' }
EditText <- function(txt, read.only=FALSE, win.title="View Text",
is.fixed.width.font=FALSE, parent=NULL) {
# close gui and return edited text
SaveText <- function() {
txt <- as.character(tclvalue(tkget(f1.txt.1.1, "1.0", "end-1c")))
txt <- strsplit(txt, split="\n", fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
rtn <<- txt
tclvalue(tt.done.var) <- 1
# open file in text console
OpenFile <- function(is.appended=FALSE) {
txt <- as.character(tclvalue(tkget(f1.txt.1.1, "1.0", "end-1c")))
if (txt != "" & !is.appended) {
msg <- paste("This action will delete existing console text.",
"Would you like to continue?", sep="\n")
ans <- tkmessageBox(icon="question", message=msg, title="Warning", type="yesno", parent=tt)
ans <- as.character(ans)
if (ans != "yes") return()
f <- GetFile(cmd="Open", exts="txt", win.title="Open Text File", parent=tt)
if (is.null(f)) return()
txt <- paste(readLines(f), collapse="\n")
tkinsert(f1.txt.1.1, "end", txt)
# save current text to file
SaveAs <- function() {
txt <- as.character(tclvalue(tkget(f1.txt.1.1, "1.0", "end-1c")))
f <- GetFile(cmd="Save As", exts="txt", win.title="Save Text As",
defaultextension="txt", parent=tt)
if (is.null(f)) return()
cat(txt, file=f, sep="\n")
# edit menu functions
EditUndo <- function() {
try(tcl(f1.txt.1.1, "edit", "undo"), silent=TRUE)
EditRedo <- function() {
try(tcl(f1.txt.1.1, "edit", "redo"), silent=TRUE)
EditCut <- function() {
tcl("tk_textCut", f1.txt.1.1)
EditCopy <- function() {
tcl("tk_textCopy", f1.txt.1.1)
EditPaste <- function() {
tcl("tk_textPaste", f1.txt.1.1)
EditSelectAll <- function() {
tktag.add(f1.txt.1.1, "sel", "1.0", "end")
ClearConsole <- function() {
tcl(f1.txt.1.1, "delete", "1.0", "end")
# assign missing values
if (missing(txt) || is.null(txt) || length(txt) == 0) txt <- ""
if (!is.character(txt)) stop("input text argument is not of class character")
# add end-of-line for vector of character strings and
# determine the maximum number of characters in a line
if (length(txt) > 1) {
txt <- paste(txt, collapse="\n")
n <- max(vapply(strsplit(txt, split="\n", fixed=TRUE)[[1]], nchar, 0L))
} else {
n <- 0
# determine the width of the text window
txt.width <- 80
# determine font type
font.type <- if (is.fixed.width.font) "TkFixedFont" else "TkTextFont"
# assigin global variables
rtn <- NULL
# assign variables linked to Tk widgets
tt.done.var <- tclVar(0)
# open gui
tt <- tktoplevel()
if (!is.null(parent)) {
tkwm.transient(tt, parent)
geo <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(tkwm.geometry(parent)), "\\+"))
geo <- as.integer(geo[2:3]) + 25
tkwm.geometry(tt, sprintf("+%s+%s", geo[1], geo[2]))
tktitle(tt) <- win.title
# start top menu
top.menu <- tkmenu(tt, tearoff=0)
# edit menu
menu.file <- tkmenu(tt, tearoff=0, relief="flat")
menu.edit <- tkmenu(tt, tearoff=0, relief="flat")
tkadd(top.menu, "cascade", label="File", menu=menu.file, underline=0)
tkadd(top.menu, "cascade", label="Edit", menu=menu.edit, underline=0)
if (read.only) {
tkadd(menu.file, "command", label="Save as\u2026", accelerator="Ctrl+S", command=SaveAs)
tkadd(menu.edit, "command", label="Select all", accelerator="Ctrl+A", command=EditSelectAll)
tkadd(menu.edit, "separator")
tkadd(menu.edit, "command", label="Copy", accelerator="Ctrl+C", command=EditCopy)
} else {
tkadd(menu.file, "command", label="Open\u2026", accelerator="Ctrl+O",
command=function() OpenFile())
tkadd(menu.file, "command", label="Open and append\u2026",
command=function() OpenFile(is.appended=TRUE))
tkadd(menu.file, "command", label="Save as\u2026", accelerator="Ctrl+S", command=SaveAs)
tkadd(menu.edit, "command", label="Undo", accelerator="Ctrl+Z", command=EditUndo)
tkadd(menu.edit, "command", label="Redo", accelerator="Ctrl+Y", command=EditRedo)
tkadd(menu.edit, "separator")
tkadd(menu.edit, "command", label="Cut", accelerator="Ctrl+X", command=EditCut)
tkadd(menu.edit, "command", label="Copy", accelerator="Ctrl+C", command=EditCopy)
tkadd(menu.edit, "command", label="Paste", accelerator="Ctrl+V", command=EditPaste)
tkadd(menu.edit, "separator")
tkadd(menu.edit, "command", label="Select all", accelerator="Ctrl+A", command=EditSelectAll)
tkadd(menu.edit, "command", label="Clear console", accelerator="Ctrl+L", command=ClearConsole)
# finish top menu
tkconfigure(tt, menu=top.menu)
# frame 0, ok and cancel buttons
f0 <- tkframe(tt, relief="flat")
if (read.only) {
f0.but.1.2 <- "x"
f0.but.1.3 <- ttkbutton(f0, width=12, text="Close",
command=function() tkdestroy(tt))
} else {
f0.but.1.2 <- ttkbutton(f0, width=12, text="OK", command=SaveText)
f0.but.1.3 <- ttkbutton(f0, width=12, text="Cancel",
command=function() tclvalue(tt.done.var) <- 1)
f0.grp.1.4 <- ttksizegrip(f0)
tkgrid("x", f0.but.1.2, f0.but.1.3, f0.grp.1.4)
tkgrid.configure(f0.but.1.3, columnspan=2, padx=c(4, 10), pady=10)
tkgrid.configure(f0.grp.1.4, sticky="se")
tkraise(f0.but.1.3, f0.grp.1.4)
tkgrid.columnconfigure(f0, 0, weight=1)
tkpack(f0, fill="x", side="bottom", anchor="e")
# frame 1, text window
f1 <- tkframe(tt, relief="flat")
f1.txt.1.1 <- tktext(f1, bg="white", font=font.type, padx=2, pady=2,
width=txt.width, height=20, undo=1, autoseparators=1,
wrap="none", foreground="black", relief="flat",
yscrollcommand=function(...) tkset(f1.ysc.1.2, ...),
xscrollcommand=function(...) tkset(f1.xsc.2.1, ...))
f1.ysc.1.2 <- ttkscrollbar(f1, orient="vertical")
f1.xsc.2.1 <- ttkscrollbar(f1, orient="horizontal")
tkconfigure(f1.ysc.1.2, command=paste(.Tk.ID(f1.txt.1.1), "yview"))
tkgrid(f1.txt.1.1, f1.ysc.1.2)
tkgrid.configure(f1.txt.1.1, sticky="nswe")
tkgrid.configure(f1.ysc.1.2, sticky="ns")
if (!read.only || (read.only & n > 120)) {
tkconfigure(f1.xsc.2.1, command=paste(.Tk.ID(f1.txt.1.1), "xview"))
tkgrid(f1.xsc.2.1, "x")
tkgrid.configure(f1.xsc.2.1, sticky="we")
tkgrid.columnconfigure(f1, 0, weight=1)
tkgrid.rowconfigure(f1, 0, weight=1)
tkpack(f1, fill="both", expand="yes")
tkinsert(f1.txt.1.1, "end", txt)
tcl(f1.txt.1.1, "edit", "reset")
tcl(f1.txt.1.1, "edit", "separator")
if (read.only) tkconfigure(f1.txt.1.1, state="disabled")
# bind events
if (!read.only) {
tkbind("Text", "<Control-KeyPress-s>", SaveAs)
tkbind("Text", "<Control-KeyPress-z>", EditUndo)
tkbind("Text", "<Control-KeyPress-y>", EditRedo)
tkbind("Text", "<Control-KeyPress-v>", EditPaste)
tkbind("Text", "<Control-KeyPress-l>", ClearConsole)
tkbind("Text", "<Control-KeyPress-a>", EditSelectAll)
tkbind(tt, "<Destroy>", function() tclvalue(tt.done.var) <- 1)
# gui control
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.