
Defines functions repTabler

Documented in repTabler

#' Replicate agreement table
#' Generates a table of environmental samples and replicates and calculates relative percent difference
#' @param qw.data A qw.data object generated by readNWISodbc
#' @examples 
#' data("exampleData",package="WQReview")
#' repTablerOut <- repTabler(qw.data=qw.data)
#' @importFrom dplyr left_join
#' @importFrom dplyr rename
#' @export

repTabler <- function(qw.data)
        ###Subset to environmental samples with a rep and no < or E
        envData <- subset(qw.data$PlotTable,SAMP_TYPE_CD %in% c(7,5) & MEDIUM_CD %in% c("WS ","WG ")  & PARM_SEQ_GRP_CD != "INF" & DQI_CD != "Q")
        ###Subset to rep samples
        repData <- subset(qw.data$PlotTable,SAMP_TYPE_CD %in% c(7,5) & MEDIUM_CD %in% c("WSQ","WGQ")  & PARM_SEQ_GRP_CD != "INF" & DQI_CD != "Q")
        if(nrow(repData) == 0)
                warning("No samples found with medium code WSQ or WGQ and sample type 7(rep) or 5(dup). Check sample coding in NWIS.")
        } else if(nrow(repData) > 0 && nrow(envData) == 0)
                warning("There are samples with medium code WSQ or WGQ and sample type 7(rep) or 5(dup), but no WS or WG samples with sample type 7(rep) or 5(dup). Check sample coding in NWIS.")
        } else if(nrow(repData) > 0 & nrow(envData) > 0)
                ###Rename columns to indicate env or rep
                names(envData) <- paste("Env_",names(envData),sep="")
                names(repData) <- paste("Rep_",names(repData),sep="")
                envData <- dplyr::rename(envData,PARM_CD = Env_PARM_CD)
                repData <- dplyr::rename(repData,PARM_CD = Rep_PARM_CD)
                ###Make a unique ID for each sample by site id, date
                envData$UID <- paste(envData$Env_SITE_NO,as.Date(envData$Env_SAMPLE_START_DT),sep="")
                repData$UID <- paste(repData$Rep_SITE_NO,as.Date(repData$Rep_SAMPLE_START_DT),sep="")
                ###Join data frames by UID and pcode
                repTable <- dplyr::left_join(envData,repData,by=c("UID","PARM_CD"))
                ###Calculate difference and RPD
                repTable$Env_minus_Rep <- repTable$Env_RESULT_VA - repTable$Rep_RESULT_VA
                repTable$relPercent_diff <- (repTable$Env_RESULT_VA - repTable$Rep_RESULT_VA)/((repTable$Env_RESULT_VA + repTable$Rep_RESULT_VA)/2)*100
                ###Remove extraneous variables
                repTable <- repTable[c("Env_RECORD_NO","Rep_RECORD_NO","Env_SITE_NO","Env_STATION_NM",
                names(repTable) <- c("Env_RECORD_NO","Rep_RECORD_NO","SITE_NO","STATION_NM",
                repTable$flags <- ""
                ###Flag pairs with RPD > 10%
                repTable$flags[which(abs(repTable$relPercent_diff) > 10)] <- "RPD > 10%"
                ###Flag pairs with RPD > 10% and the difference is > than the largest LRL
                repTable$flags[which(abs(repTable$relPercent_diff) > 10 & abs(repTable$Env_minus_Rep) > as.numeric(pmax(repTable$Env_RPT_LEV_VA,repTable$Rep_RPT_LEV_VA)))] <- "RPD > 10% and > RPT_LEV"
                ###Add flag to caution user about < and E values in calculation
                repTable$flags[which(repTable$Env_REMARK_CD != "Sample" | repTable$Rep_REMARK_CD != "Sample")] <- paste(repTable$flags[which(repTable$Env_REMARK_CD != "Sample" | repTable$Rep_REMARK_CD != "Sample")],"Calculations affected by remark code")
                ###Format times as character
                #repTable$Env_SAMPLE_START_DT <- as.character(repTable$Env_SAMPLE_START_DT)
                #repTable$Rep_SAMPLE_START_DT <- as.character(repTable$Rep_SAMPLE_START_DT)
                repTable <- repTable[!is.na(repTable$Rep_RECORD_NO),]
USGS-R/WQ-Review documentation built on Nov. 12, 2019, 9:51 a.m.