
Defines functions BumpDisconnectCells

Documented in BumpDisconnectCells

#' Adjust Vertically Disconnected Cells
#' Given upper and lower surfaces (raster layers) of a three-dimensional (3D) model layer,
#' this function incrementally decreases lower cell values until
#' a minimum vertical overlap between adjacent model cells is satisfied.
#' @param rs 'Raster*'.
#'   Collection of two raster layers, the first and second layers represent
#'   the upper and lower surface of a 3D model layer.
#' @param min.overlap 'numeric' number.
#'   Minimum vertical overlap between horizontally adjacent model cells.
#' @param bump.by 'numeric' number.
#'   Amount to decrease a cell value by during each iteration of the algorithm.
#' @param max.itr 'integer' count.
#'   Maximum number of iterations.
#' @details During each iteration of the algorithm:
#'   (1) Cells are identified that violate the minimum vertical overlap between adjacent cells; that is,
#'       the bottom of cell \emph{i} is greater than or equal to the top of an adjacent cell \emph{j} minus the
#'       minimum overlap specified by the \code{min.overlap} argument.
#'   (2) For cells violating the minimum vertical overlap, lower raster layer (\code{rs[[2]]}) values are
#'       decreased by the value specified in the \code{bump.by} argument.
#' @return An object of class 'RasterLayer' that can be added to
#'   \code{rs[[2]]} to ensure connectivity between model layer cells.
#'   Cell values in the returned raster grid represent vertical adjustments.
#' @author J.C. Fisher, U.S. Geological Survey, Idaho Water Science Center
#' @keywords utilities
#' @importClassesFrom raster BasicRaster
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(0)
#' r_top <- raster::raster(ncols = 10, nrows = 10)
#' r_bot <- raster::raster(ncols = 10, nrows = 10)
#' r_top[] <- rnorm(raster::ncell(r_top), mean = 12)
#' r_bot[] <- rnorm(raster::ncell(r_bot), mean = 10)
#' rs <- raster::stack(r_top, r_bot)
#' r <- BumpDisconnectCells(rs, min.overlap = 0.1)
#' raster::plot(r, col = GetColors(255, reverse = TRUE))
#' summary(r[])
#' r_bot_new <- r_bot + r

BumpDisconnectCells <- function(rs, min.overlap=2, bump.by=0.1, max.itr=10000) {

  stopifnot(inherits(rs, c("RasterStack", "RasterBrick")))
  stopifnot(raster::nlayers(rs) >= 2)
  checkmate::assertNumber(min.overlap, lower=0, finite=TRUE)
  checkmate::assertNumber(bump.by, lower=0, finite=TRUE)

  r <- rs[[2]]

  cell <- which(!is.na(r[]))
  rows <- raster::rowFromCell(r, cell)
  cols <- raster::colFromCell(r, cell)

  d <- cbind(cell, c1=NA, c2=NA, c3=NA, c4=NA)
  d[, "c1"] <- raster::cellFromRowCol(r, rows + 1, cols)
  d[, "c2"] <- raster::cellFromRowCol(r, rows, cols - 1)
  d[, "c3"] <- raster::cellFromRowCol(r, rows - 1, cols)
  d[, "c4"] <- raster::cellFromRowCol(r, rows, cols + 1)

  itr <- 0L
  while(TRUE) {
    FUN <- function(i) {
      x <- rep(NA, nrow(d))
      is <- !is.na(d[, i])
      x[is] <- r[d[is, "cell"]] >= rs[[1]][d[is, i]] - min.overlap
    m <- cbind(FUN("c1"), FUN("c2"), FUN("c3"), FUN("c4"))
    is.disconnected <- apply(m, 1, any, na.rm=TRUE)
    if (all(!is.disconnected)) break

    cells.to.bump <- d[is.disconnected, "cell"]
    r[cells.to.bump] <- r[cells.to.bump] - bump.by

    itr <- itr + 1L
    if (itr > max.itr) {
      warning("maximum iterations reached")

    d <- d[is.disconnected, , drop=FALSE]
  r - rs[[2]]
USGS-R/inlmisc documentation built on Sept. 17, 2022, 2:38 a.m.