
Defines functions get_localNWIS

Documented in get_localNWIS

#' get_localNWIS.  
#' Pulls data from NWIS internal servers using ODBC connection and returns a longtable (by result)
#' @param DSN A character string containing the DSN for your local server
#' @param env.db A character string containing the database number of environmental samples
#' @param qa.db A character string containing the database number of QA samples
#' @param STAIDS A character vector of stations IDs. Agency code defaults to "USGS" unless appended to the beginning of station ID with a dash, e.g. "USGS-123456". 
#' @param begin.date Character string containing beginning date of data pull (yyyy-mm-dd)
#' @param end.date Character string containing ending date of data pull (yyyy-mm-dd)
#' @param projectCd Character vector containing project codes to subset data by.
#' @param resultAsText Output results as character instead of numeric. Used for literal output of results from NWIS that are no affected by class coerrcion, such as dropping zeros after decimal point. Default is False.
#' @param approval A character string indicating which DQI samples to pull.\cr
#' Default is 'All', which includes approved, rejected, and in-review samples.\cr Other options are:\cr
#' "Rejected" which pulls only samples with DQI = "Q","X", or "U".\cr 
#' "Non-rejected" which includes any historical, approved, provisional, and in-review samples.
#' @return Returns a dataframe of samples. 
#' The longTable format contains all data pulled from NWIS along with all assosciated metadata in by-result format. 
#' For a wideTable containing all data pulled from NWIS in wide (sample-result) format, an easier format for import into spreadsheet programs, use the \code{make_wideTable} function
#' Dataframe names will be changed to more appropriate values in future package updates.
#' @details 
#' NWIS parameter groups are as follows: All = "All",
#'physical = "PHY",
#'cations = "INM",
#'anions = "INN",
#'nutrients = "NUT",
#'microbiological = "MBI",
#'biological = "BIO",
#'metals = "IMM",
#'nonmetals = "IMN",
#'pesticides = "TOX",
#'other organics = "OPC",
#'radio chemicals = "RAD",
#'stable isotopes = "XXX",
#'sediment = "SED",
#'population/community = "POP"
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #Will not run unless connected to NWISCO
#' qw.data <- get_localNWIS(DSN="NWISCO",
#'                              env.db = "01",
#'                              qa.db = "02",
#'                              STAIDS = c("06733000","09067005"),
#'                              begin.date = "2005-01-01",
#'                              end.date = "2015-10-27",
#'                              projectCd = NULL,
#'                              resultAsText = FALSE,
#'                              approval = 'All')
#' }
#' @import RODBC
#' @importFrom reshape2 dcast
#' @importFrom dplyr left_join
#' @importFrom lubridate yday
#' @export
get_localNWIS <- function(DSN,
                     env.db = "01",
                     qa.db = "02",
                     begin.date = NA,
                     end.date = NA,
                     projectCd = NULL,
                     resultAsText = FALSE,
                     approval = 'All')
  dl.parms = c("SED","INF","PHY")
  parm.group.check = TRUE
  ##Check that the 32 bit version of r is running
  if(Sys.getenv("R_ARCH") != "/i386"){
    print("You are not running 32 bit R. This function requires R be run in 32 bit mode for the ODBC driver to function properly. Please restart R in 32bit mode.")
    stop("You are not running 32 bit R. This function requires R be run in 32 bit mode for the ODBC driver to function properly. Please restart R in 32bit mode.")
  ###Check for valid inputs
    print("A valid datasource name must be entered for the ODBC connection")
    stop("A valid datasource name must be entered for the ODBC connection")
    print("You must enter atleast one site number")
    stop("You must enter atleast one site number")
  ##parse out agency code from station ID
  agencySTAIDS <- read.delim(text=STAIDS,header=FALSE,sep="-",fill=TRUE,colClasses = "character")
  if(ncol(agencySTAIDS) > 1)
    ###Fill in empty fields with USGS agency code if ommitted
    agencySTAIDS[which(agencySTAIDS[2] == ""),2] <- NA
    agencySTAIDS[is.na(agencySTAIDS[2]),2] <- as.character(agencySTAIDS[is.na(agencySTAIDS[2]),1])
    agencySTAIDS[!is.na(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(agencySTAIDS[,1]))),1] <- "USGS"
    ###Pad Station IDs with spaces to make 15 characters long
    agencySTAIDS[,2] <-  as.character(
        pad <- rep(" ",15-nchar(x))
        pad <- paste(pad,sep="",collapse="")
        x <- paste(x,pad,sep="")
    uniqueSTAIDS <- paste0(agencySTAIDS[,1],agencySTAIDS[,2])
    #Change to a list that SQL can understand. SQL requires a parenthesized list of expressions, so must look like c('05325000', '05330000') for example
    STAID.list <- paste("'", agencySTAIDS[,2], "'", sep="", collapse=",")
  } else{STAIDS <-  as.character(
      pad <- rep(" ",15-nchar(x))
      pad <- paste(pad,sep="",collapse="")
      x <- paste(x,pad,sep="")
  uniqueSTAIDS <- paste0("USGS",STAIDS)
  #Change to a list that SQL can understand. SQL requires a parenthesized list of expressions, so must look like c('05325000', '05330000') for example
  STAID.list <- paste("'", STAIDS, "'", sep="", collapse=",")
  Chan1 <- RODBC::odbcConnect(DSN)###Start of ODBC connection
  if(Chan1 == -1L)
    stop("ODBC connection failed. Check DSN name and ODBC connection settings")
  ###Env Database###
  # First get the site info--need column SITE_ID
  Query <- paste("select * from ", DSN, ".SITEFILE_",env.db," where site_no IN (", STAID.list, ")",sep="")
  SiteFile <- RODBC::sqlQuery(Chan1, Query, as.is=T)

  if(length(grep("table or view does not exist",SiteFile)) > 0)
    stop("Incorrect database number entered for env.db")
  siteType <- SiteFile[c("SITE_NO","SITE_TP_CD")]
  #Make unique AgencyCd/sitefile key
  SiteFile$agencySTAID <- gsub(" ","",paste0(SiteFile$AGENCY_CD,SiteFile$SITE_NO))
  ##Subset SiteFile to unique agency code site ID pair
  SiteFile <- SiteFile[SiteFile$agencySTAID %in% gsub(" ","",uniqueSTAIDS),]
  ##Check for samples and throw warning if none
  if(nrow(SiteFile) == 0){
    print("Site does not exist in sitefile, check site number input")
    warning("Site does not exist in environmantal database sitefile, check site number input")
  #get the QWSample file
  Query <- paste("select * from ", DSN, ".QW_SAMPLE_",env.db," where site_no IN (", STAID.list, ")", sep="")
  Samples <- RODBC::sqlQuery(Chan1, Query, as.is=T)
  ##Make unique AgencyCd/sitefile key
  Samples$agencySTAID <- gsub(" ","",paste0(Samples$AGENCY_CD,Samples$SITE_NO))
  ##Subset Samples to unique agency code site ID pair
  Samples <- subset(Samples,agencySTAID %in% gsub(" ","",uniqueSTAIDS))
  Samples <- Samples[Samples$agencySTAID %in% gsub(" ","",uniqueSTAIDS),]
  ##Check if samples were pulled and quit if no
  if(nrow(Samples) == 0) {
    #print("No samples exist in your local NWIS database for site number specified, check data criteria")
    warning("No samples exist in your local environmantal NWIS database for site number specified, check data criteria")
  #Subset records to date range, times are in GMT, which is the universal NWIS time so that you can have a consistant date-range accross timezones.
  #Time is corrected to local sample timezone before plotting
  Samples$SAMPLE_START_DT <- as.POSIXct(Samples$SAMPLE_START_DT, tz="GMT")
  if(!is.na(begin.date) && !is.na(end.date)) {
    Samples <- Samples[Samples$SAMPLE_START_DT >= as.POSIXct(begin.date) & Samples$SAMPLE_START_DT <= as.POSIXct(end.date),]
    if(nrow(Samples) == 0) {
      print("No samples exist in your local NWIS database for the date range specified, check data criteria")
      stop("No samples exist in your local NWIS database for the date range specified, check data criteria")
  } else {} 
    Samples <- Samples[Samples$PROJECT_CD %in% projectCd,]
    if(nrow(Samples) == 0) {
      print("No samples exist in your local NWIS database for the project code specified, check data criteria")
      stop("No samples exist in your local NWIS database for the project code specified, check data criteria")
  #get the QWResult file using the record numbers
  ##SQL is limited to 1000 entries in querry
  ##Get the number of 1000 bins in querry
  breaks <- ceiling(length(Samples$RECORD_NO)/1000)
  ##Run SQL queries
  for(i in 1:breaks)
    j <- i-1
    ###Get the 1st 1000
    if(i == 1)
      ####Get the results
      records.list <- paste("'", Samples$RECORD_NO[1:1000], "'", sep="", collapse=",")
      Query <- paste("select * from ", DSN, ".QW_RESULT_",env.db," where record_no IN (", records.list, ")", sep="")
      Results <- RODBC::sqlQuery(Chan1, Query, as.is=T)
      ####Get result level commments
      Query <- paste("select * from ", DSN, ".QW_RESULT_CM_",env.db," where record_no IN (", records.list, ")", sep="")
      resultComments <- RODBC::sqlQuery(Chan1, Query, as.is=T)
      ####Get sample level comments
      Query <- paste("select * from ", DSN, ".QW_SAMPLE_CM_",env.db," where record_no IN (", records.list, ")", sep="")
      sampleComments <- RODBC::sqlQuery(Chan1, Query, as.is=T)
      ####Get qualifier codes
      Query <- paste("select * from ", DSN, ".QW_VAL_QUAL_",env.db," where record_no IN (", records.list, ")", sep="")
      resultQualifiers <- RODBC::sqlQuery(Chan1, Query, as.is=T)
    } else if(i > 1 & (j*1000+1000) < length(Samples$RECORD_NO))
      ###Get the middle ones
      j <- j * 1000+1
      records.list <- paste("'", Samples$RECORD_NO[j:(j+999)], "'", sep="", collapse=",")
      Query <- paste("select * from ", DSN, ".QW_RESULT_",env.db," where record_no IN (", records.list, ")", sep="")
      Results <- rbind(Results,RODBC::sqlQuery(Chan1, Query, as.is=T))
      Query <- paste("select * from ", DSN, ".QW_RESULT_CM_",env.db," where record_no IN (", records.list, ")", sep="")
      resultComments <- rbind(resultComments,RODBC::sqlQuery(Chan1, Query, as.is=T))
      Query <- paste("select * from ", DSN, ".QW_SAMPLE_CM_",env.db," where record_no IN (", records.list, ")", sep="")
      sampleComments <- rbind(sampleComments,RODBC::sqlQuery(Chan1, Query, as.is=T))
      Query <- paste("select * from ", DSN, ".QW_VAL_QUAL_",env.db," where record_no IN (", records.list, ")", sep="")
      resultQualifiers <- rbind(resultQualifiers,RODBC::sqlQuery(Chan1, Query, as.is=T))
    } else if (i > 1 && (j*1000+1000) > length(Samples$RECORD_NO))
      ###Get the last ones
      j <- j * 1000+1
      records.list <- paste("'", Samples$RECORD_NO[j:length(Samples$RECORD_NO)], "'", sep="", collapse=",")
      Query <- paste("select * from ", DSN, ".QW_RESULT_",env.db," where record_no IN (", records.list, ")", sep="")
      Results <- rbind(Results,RODBC::sqlQuery(Chan1, Query, as.is=T))
      Query <- paste("select * from ", DSN, ".QW_RESULT_CM_",env.db," where record_no IN (", records.list, ")", sep="")
      resultComments <- rbind(resultComments,RODBC::sqlQuery(Chan1, Query, as.is=T))
      Query <- paste("select * from ", DSN, ".QW_SAMPLE_CM_",env.db," where record_no IN (", records.list, ")", sep="")
      sampleComments <- rbind(sampleComments,RODBC::sqlQuery(Chan1, Query, as.is=T))
      Query <- paste("select * from ", DSN, ".QW_VAL_QUAL_",env.db," where record_no IN (", records.list, ")", sep="")
      resultQualifiers <- rbind(resultQualifiers,RODBC::sqlQuery(Chan1, Query, as.is=T))
    } else{}
  ###Join comments to results
  Results <- dplyr::left_join(Results,sampleComments,by="RECORD_NO")
  Results <- dplyr::left_join(Results,resultComments,by=c("RECORD_NO","PARM_CD"))
  Results <- dplyr::left_join(Results,resultQualifiers,by=c("RECORD_NO","PARM_CD"))
  Results$Val_qual <- paste(Results$RESULT_VA,Results$REMARK_CD, sep = " ")
  Results$Val_qual <- gsub("NA","",Results$Val_qual)
  #Get list of parm names
  #SQL is limited to 1000 entries in querry
  ##Get the number of 1000 bins in querry
  breaks <- ceiling(length(unique(Results$PARM_CD))/1000)
  ##Run SQL queries
  for(i in 1:breaks)
    j <- i-1
    ###Get the 1st 1000
    if(i == 1)
      parms.list <- paste("'", unique(Results$PARM_CD)[1:1000], "'", sep="", collapse=",")
      Query <- paste("select * from ", DSN, ".PARM where PARM_CD IN (", parms.list, ")", sep="")
      parms <- RODBC::sqlQuery(Chan1, Query, as.is=T)
    } else if(i > 1 && (j*1000+1000) < length(unique(Results$PARM_CD)))
      ###Get the middle ones
      j <- j * 1000+1
      parms.list <- paste("'", unique(Results$PARM_CD)[j:(j+999)], "'", sep="", collapse=",")
      Query <- paste("select * from ", DSN, ".PARM where PARM_CD IN (", parms.list, ")", sep="")
      parms <- rbind(parms,RODBC::sqlQuery(Chan1, Query, as.is=T))
    } else if (i > 1 && (j*1000+1000) > length(unique(Results$PARM_CD)))
      ###Get the last ones
      j <- j * 1000+1
      parms.list <- paste("'", unique(Results$PARM_CD)[j:length(unique(Results$PARM_CD))], "'", sep="", collapse=",")
      Query <- paste("select * from ", DSN, ".PARM where PARM_CD IN (", parms.list, ")", sep="")
      parms <- rbind(parms,RODBC::sqlQuery(Chan1, Query, as.is=T))
    } else{}
  parms <- parms[c("PARM_CD","PARM_SEQ_GRP_CD","PARM_DS","PARM_NM","PARM_SEQ_NU")]
  #station names and dates
  name_num <- SiteFile[c("SITE_NO","STATION_NM","DEC_LAT_VA","DEC_LONG_VA","HUC_CD")]
  Sample_meta <- dplyr::left_join(Samples, name_num,by="SITE_NO")
  Sample_meta$RECORD_NO <- paste(Sample_meta$RECORD_NO,env.db,sep="_")
  ###Reorder sampel meta columns
  #join tables so parm names are together
  Results<- dplyr::left_join(Results,parms,by="PARM_CD")
  #Paste database number ot record number to make unique
  Results$RECORD_NO <- paste(Results$RECORD_NO, env.db,sep="_")
  #Subset results to selected parmeters
  if (parm.group.check == TRUE) 
    if(!("All" %in% dl.parms))
      Results <- Results[Results$PARM_SEQ_GRP_CD %in% dl.parms,]
    } else{} 
  } else {Results <- Results[Results$PARM_CD %in% dl.parms,]
  if(nrow(Results) == 0) {
    print("No valid parameter codes specified. Check input criteria")
    stop("No valid parameter codes specified. Check input criteria")
  longTable1 <- dplyr::left_join(Results,Sample_meta,by="RECORD_NO")
  #######Change this back to longTable1 if need DB02
  longTable1 <- dplyr::left_join(longTable1,siteType, by = "SITE_NO")
  ###QA Database####
  # First get the site info--need column SITE_ID
  Query <- paste("select * from ", DSN, ".SITEFILE_",qa.db," where site_no IN (", STAID.list, ")", sep="")
  QASiteFile <- RODBC::sqlQuery(Chan1, Query, as.is=T)

  if(length(grep("table or view does not exist",QASiteFile)) > 0)
    stop("Incorrect database number entered for qa.db")

  ##Make unique AgencyCd/sitefile key
  QASiteFile$agencySTAID <- gsub(" ","",paste0(SiteFile$AGENCY_CD,SiteFile$SITE_NO))

  ##Subset SiteFile to unique agency code site ID pair
  QASiteFile <- SiteFile[SiteFile$agencySTAID %in% gsub(" ","",uniqueSTAIDS),]
  QAsiteType <- QASiteFile[c("SITE_NO","SITE_TP_CD")]

  #get the record numbers
  Query <- paste("select * from ", DSN, ".QW_SAMPLE_",qa.db," where site_no IN (", STAID.list, ")", sep="")
  QASamples <- RODBC::sqlQuery(Chan1, Query, as.is=T)

  ##Make unique AgencyCd/sitefile key
  Samples$agencySTAID <- gsub(" ","",paste0(Samples$AGENCY_CD,Samples$SITE_NO))

  ##Subset Samples to unique agency code site ID pair
  Samples <- Samples[Samples$agencySTAID %in% gsub(" ","",uniqueSTAIDS),]

  if(nrow(SiteFile) == 0 & nrow(QASiteFile) == 0){
    print("Site does not exist in sitefile, check site number input")
    stop("Site does not exist in environmantal or QA database sitefile, check site number input")

  ##Check if samples were pulled and quit if no
  if(nrow(Samples) == 0 & nrow(QASamples) == 0) {
    #print("No samples exist in your local NWIS database for site number specified, check data criteria")
    stop("No samples exist in your local environmantal or QA NWIS database for site number specified, check data criteria")

  ###Rename to SiteFile and Samples variable names, QA distinction was coded in later and this
  ###Makes it so I do not have to change the code below

  SiteFile <- QASiteFile
  Samples <- QASamples

  if(nrow(SiteFile) > 0 & nrow(Samples) > 0)
    #Subset records to date range, times are in GMT, which is the universal NWIS time so that you can have a consistant date-range accross timezones.
    #Time is corrected to local sample timezone before plotting
    Samples$SAMPLE_START_DT <- as.POSIXct(Samples$SAMPLE_START_DT, tz="GMT")
    if(!is.na(begin.date) && !is.na(end.date)) {
      Samples <- Samples[Samples$SAMPLE_START_DT >= begin.date & Samples$SAMPLE_START_DT <= end.date,]

    #   if(nrow(Samples) == 0) {
    #     print("No samples exist in your local NWIS database for the date range specified, check data criteria")
    #     stop("No samples exist in your local NWIS database for the date range specified, check data criteria")
    #   }
    }else {}

      Samples <- Samples[Samples$PROJECT_CD %in% projectCd,]
      if(nrow(Samples) == 0) {
        print("No samples exist in your local NWIS database for the project code specified, check data criteria")
        stop("No samples exist in your local NWIS database for the project code specified, check data criteria")
    } else{}

    ###Check for samples. If no samples then skip QA database
    if(nrow(Samples) > 0)

      #get the QWResult file using the record numbers
      ##SQL is limited to 1000 entries in querry
      ##Get the number of 1000 bins in querry
      breaks <- ceiling(length(Samples$RECORD_NO)/1000)

      ##Run SQL queries
      for(i in 1:breaks)
        j <- i-1
        ###Get the 1st 1000
        if(i == 1)
          ####Get the results
          records.list <- paste("'", Samples$RECORD_NO[1:1000], "'", sep="", collapse=",")
          Query <- paste("select * from ", DSN, ".QW_RESULT_",qa.db," where record_no IN (", records.list, ")", sep="")
          Results <- RODBC::sqlQuery(Chan1, Query, as.is=T)
          ####Get result level commments
          Query <- paste("select * from ", DSN, ".QW_RESULT_CM_",qa.db," where record_no IN (", records.list, ")", sep="")
          resultComments <- RODBC::sqlQuery(Chan1, Query, as.is=T)
          ####Get sample level comments
          Query <- paste("select * from ", DSN, ".QW_SAMPLE_CM_",qa.db," where record_no IN (", records.list, ")", sep="")
          sampleComments <- RODBC::sqlQuery(Chan1, Query, as.is=T)
          ####Get qualifier codes
          Query <- paste("select * from ", DSN, ".QW_VAL_QUAL_",qa.db," where record_no IN (", records.list, ")", sep="")
          resultQualifiers <- RODBC::sqlQuery(Chan1, Query, as.is=T)
        } else if(i > 1 & (j*1000+1000) < length(Samples$RECORD_NO))
          ###Get the middle ones
          j <- j * 1000+1
          records.list <- paste("'", Samples$RECORD_NO[j:(j+999)], "'", sep="", collapse=",")
          Query <- paste("select * from ", DSN, ".QW_RESULT_",qa.db," where record_no IN (", records.list, ")", sep="")
          Results <- rbind(Results,RODBC::sqlQuery(Chan1, Query, as.is=T))
          Query <- paste("select * from ", DSN, ".QW_RESULT_CM_",qa.db," where record_no IN (", records.list, ")", sep="")
          resultComments <- rbind(resultComments,RODBC::sqlQuery(Chan1, Query, as.is=T))
          Query <- paste("select * from ", DSN, ".QW_SAMPLE_CM_",qa.db," where record_no IN (", records.list, ")", sep="")
          sampleComments <- rbind(sampleComments,RODBC::sqlQuery(Chan1, Query, as.is=T))
          Query <- paste("select * from ", DSN, ".QW_VAL_QUAL_",qa.db," where record_no IN (", records.list, ")", sep="")
          resultQualifiers <- rbind(resultQualifiers,RODBC::sqlQuery(Chan1, Query, as.is=T))
        } else if (i > 1 && (j*1000+1000) > length(Samples$RECORD_NO))
          ###Get the last ones
          j <- j * 1000+1
          records.list <- paste("'", Samples$RECORD_NO[j:length(Samples$RECORD_NO)], "'", sep="", collapse=",")
          Query <- paste("select * from ", DSN, ".QW_RESULT_",qa.db," where record_no IN (", records.list, ")", sep="")
          Results <- rbind(Results,RODBC::sqlQuery(Chan1, Query, as.is=T))
          Query <- paste("select * from ", DSN, ".QW_RESULT_CM_",qa.db," where record_no IN (", records.list, ")", sep="")
          resultComments <- rbind(resultComments,RODBC::sqlQuery(Chan1, Query, as.is=T))
          Query <- paste("select * from ", DSN, ".QW_SAMPLE_CM_",qa.db," where record_no IN (", records.list, ")", sep="")
          sampleComments <- rbind(sampleComments,RODBC::sqlQuery(Chan1, Query, as.is=T))
          Query <- paste("select * from ", DSN, ".QW_VAL_QUAL_",qa.db," where record_no IN (", records.list, ")", sep="")
          resultQualifiers <- rbind(resultQualifiers,RODBC::sqlQuery(Chan1, Query, as.is=T))
        } else{}
      ###Join comments to results
      Results <- dplyr::left_join(Results,sampleComments,by="RECORD_NO")
      Results <- dplyr::left_join(Results,resultComments,by=c("RECORD_NO","PARM_CD"))
      Results <- dplyr::left_join(Results,resultQualifiers,by=c("RECORD_NO","PARM_CD"))

      Results$Val_qual <- paste(Results$RESULT_VA,Results$REMARK_CD, sep = " ")
      Results$Val_qual <- gsub("NA","",Results$Val_qual)

      #Get list of parm names
      #SQL is limited to 1000 entries in querry
      ##Get the number of 1000 bins in querry
      breaks <- ceiling(length(unique(Results$PARM_CD))/1000)

      ##Run SQL queries
      for(i in 1:breaks)
        j <- i-1
        ###Get the 1st 1000
        if(i == 1)
          parms.list <- paste("'", unique(Results$PARM_CD)[1:1000], "'", sep="", collapse=",")
          Query <- paste("select * from ", DSN, ".PARM where PARM_CD IN (", parms.list, ")", sep="")
          parms <- RODBC::sqlQuery(Chan1, Query, as.is=T)
        } else if(i > 1 && (j*1000+1000) < length(unique(Results$PARM_CD)))
          ###Get the middle ones
          j <- j * 1000+1
          parms.list <- paste("'", unique(Results$PARM_CD)[j:(j+999)], "'", sep="", collapse=",")
          Query <- paste("select * from ", DSN, ".PARM where PARM_CD IN (", parms.list, ")", sep="")
          parms <- rbind(parms,RODBC::sqlQuery(Chan1, Query, as.is=T))
        } else if (i > 1 && (j*1000+1000) > length(unique(Results$PARM_CD)))
          ###Get the last ones
          j <- j * 1000+1
          parms.list <- paste("'", unique(Results$PARM_CD)[j:length(unique(Results$PARM_CD))], "'", sep="", collapse=",")
          Query <- paste("select * from ", DSN, ".PARM where PARM_CD IN (", parms.list, ")", sep="")
          parms <- rbind(parms,RODBC::sqlQuery(Chan1, Query, as.is=T))
        } else{}
      parms <- parms[c("PARM_CD","PARM_SEQ_GRP_CD","PARM_DS","PARM_NM","PARM_SEQ_NU")]

      RODBC::odbcClose(Chan1)###End of ODBC connection

      #station names and dates
      name_num <- SiteFile[c("SITE_NO","STATION_NM")]
      Sample_meta <- dplyr::left_join(Samples, name_num,by="SITE_NO")
      Sample_meta$RECORD_NO <- paste(Sample_meta$RECORD_NO,qa.db,sep="_")

      Sample_meta <- Sample_meta[c("RECORD_NO","SITE_NO","STATION_NM","SAMPLE_START_DT","SAMPLE_END_DT","MEDIUM_CD",

      #join tables so parm names are together
      Results<- dplyr::left_join(Results,parms,by="PARM_CD")

      #Paste database number ot record number to make unique
      Results$RECORD_NO <- paste(Results$RECORD_NO, qa.db,sep="_")

      #Subset results to selected parmeters
      if (parm.group.check == TRUE)
        if(!("All" %in% dl.parms))
          Results <- Results[Results$PARM_SEQ_GRP_CD %in% dl.parms,]
        } else{}
      } else {Results <- Results[Results$PARM_CD %in% dl.parms,]}

      #Make dataframe as record number and pcode. MUST HAVE ALL UNIQUE PCODE NAMES
      if(nrow(Results) != 0)
        longTable2 <- dplyr::left_join(Results,Sample_meta,by="RECORD_NO")
        longTable2 <- dplyr::left_join(longTable2,QAsiteType,by="SITE_NO")

  } else{}
  ###Check that data was pulled from Database 2
    longTable <- dplyr::bind_rows(longTable1,longTable2)
  } else{
    longTable <-longTable1
  remarkCodes <- c("<",">","A","E","M","N","R","S","U","V")
  ###Replace NAs with "Sample"
  #longTable$REMARK_CD[is.na(longTable$REMARK_CD)] <- "Sample"
  longTable$REMARK_CD[which(!(longTable$REMARK_CD %in% remarkCodes))] <- "Sample"
  if(resultAsText == FALSE)
    longTable$RESULT_VA <- as.numeric(longTable$RESULT_VA)
  ##Format date times to local sample collection timezone
  #copy UTC time to UTC time before converting to use for specific joins/situations
  longTable$SAMPLE_START_DT <- convertTime(datetime = longTable$SAMPLE_START_DT,
                                           timezone = longTable$SAMPLE_START_TZ_CD,
                                           daylight = longTable$SAMPLE_START_LOCAL_TM_FG)
  longTable$SAMPLE_END_DT <- convertTime(datetime = longTable$SAMPLE_END_DT,
                                         timezone = longTable$SAMPLE_START_TZ_CD,
                                         daylight = longTable$SAMPLE_START_LOCAL_TM_FG)
  ###Get month for seasonal plots and reorder factor levels to match water-year order
  longTable$SAMPLE_MONTH <-  factor(format(longTable$SAMPLE_START_DT,"%b"),levels=c("Oct","Nov","Dec","Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep"))
  ###Format columns to proper class
  longTable$PARM_SEQ_NU <- as.numeric(gsub(" ","",longTable$PARM_SEQ_NU))
  longTable$RECORD_NO <- as.character(longTable$RECORD_NO)
  longTable$RPT_LEV_VA <- as.character(longTable$RPT_LEV_VA)
  longTable$REMARK_CD <- as.character(longTable$REMARK_CD)
  ###Add in day of year to longTable
  longTable$DOY <- lubridate::yday(longTable$SAMPLE_START_DT)
  ###Add in water year to longTable
  longTable$WY <- sedReview::waterYear(longTable$SAMPLE_START_DT, numeric = TRUE)
  ###Remove trailing spaces on site IDs
  longTable$SITE_NO <- gsub(" ","",longTable$SITE_NO)
  ###Make a unique ID
  longTable$UID <- paste(longTable$SITE_NO,longTable$RECORD_NO,sep="_")
  ###Reorder columns
                           "PREP_DT","ANL_DT","LAB_NO","PREP_SET_NO","ANL_SET_NO","ANL_ENT_CD","LAB_STD_DEV_VA" ,"LAB_STD_DEV_SG",
                           "HUC_CD","SITE_TP_CD", "SAMPLE_START_DT_UTC","SAMPLE_MONTH","DOY", "WY")]
  ### Calculate SSL 80155 according to NWIS algorithm
  existingSSL <- longTable$UID[longTable$PARM_CD == '80155']
  SSC <- longTable[longTable$PARM_CD == '80154',]
  Q <- longTable[longTable$PARM_CD == '00061',]
  names(Q)[names(Q) == 'RESULT_VA'] <- 'Q_cfs'
  SSL <- dplyr::left_join(SSC,Q[,c('UID','Q_cfs')], by = 'UID')
  SSL <- SSL[!(SSL$UID %in% existingSSL),]
    SSL$RESULT_VA <- SSL$SSC_mgL * SSL$Q_cfs * 0.0027
    SSL <- SSL[!is.na(SSL$RESULT_VA),]
      SSL$RESULT_VA[SSL$RESULT_VA < 100] <- signif(SSL$RESULT_VA[SSL$RESULT_VA < 100], 2)
      SSL$RESULT_VA[SSL$RESULT_VA >= 100] <- signif(SSL$RESULT_VA[SSL$RESULT_VA >= 100], 3)
      SSL$PARM_CD <- '80155'
      SSL$PARM_NM <- 'Suspnd sedmnt disch'
      SSL$METH_CD <- 'ALGOR'
      SSL$PARM_DS <- 'Suspended sediment discharge, short tons per day'
      SSL$Val_qual <- paste(SSL$RESULT_VA,SSL$REMARK_CD, sep = " ")
      SSL$Val_qual <- gsub("Sample","",SSL$Val_qual)
                   "HUC_CD","SITE_TP_CD", "SAMPLE_START_DT_UTC","SAMPLE_MONTH","DOY", "WY")]
      longTable <- rbind(longTable, SSL)
  ### Subset to samples based on approval flag setting
  if(!(approval %in% c('All','Rejected','Non-rejected'))){
    warning("approval must be either 'All','Rejected', or 'Non-rejected'. Defaulting to 'All'. ")}
  if(approval == 'Rejected'){longTable <- longTable[longTable$DQI_CD %in% c("Q","X","U"),]}
  if(approval == 'Non-rejected'){longTable <- longTable[!(longTable$DQI_CD %in% c("Q","X","U")),]}
  ###Sort by site number and start date/time
  longTable <- longTable[order(longTable$SITE_NO, longTable$SAMPLE_START_DT),]
USGS-R/sedReview documentation built on Aug. 24, 2020, 9 p.m.