seriesPlot: Series Plot

View source: R/seriesPlot.R

seriesPlotR Documentation

Series Plot


Creates a plot of a regular series on a seasonal cycle; the annual values for each season are plotted.


seriesPlot(x, SeasonLine = list(name = "", what = "vertical", color =
  "black"), SeasonPoint = list(name = "", what = "points", symbol =
  "circle", filled = TRUE, size = 0.09, color = "black"),
  yaxis.log = FALSE, yaxis.range = c(NA, NA), ylabels = 7, xlabels,
  xtitle = "", ytitle = "", caption = "", margin = c(NA, NA, NA,
  NA), ...)

## Default S3 method:
seriesPlot(x, SeasonLine = list(name = "", what =
  "vertical", color = "black"), SeasonPoint = list(name = "", what =
  "points", symbol = "circle", filled = TRUE, size = 0.09, color =
  "black"), yaxis.log = FALSE, yaxis.range = c(NA, NA), ylabels = 7,
  xlabels = frequency(x), xtitle = "",
  ytitle = deparse(substitute(x)), caption = "", margin = c(NA, NA,
  NA, NA), ...)



data that can be treated as a regularly-spaced time series. Missing values are permitted, but result in missing seasons.


control parameters of the lines in the plot. See Details.


control parameters of the points in the plot. See Details.


logical, if TRUE, then log-transform the y axis.


set the range of the y axis. See Details.


set the y-axis labels. See linearPretty for details.


set the x-axis labels and number of seasons when x is a simple numeric vector, may be a single numeric value indicating the number of seasons in x or a vector of the names of the seasons. See namePretty for details. If X is a time-series object, then the labels are set to the frequency characteristic of x.


the x-axis title (also called x-axis caption).


the y-axis title (also called y-axis caption).


the figure caption.


set the plot area margins, in units of lines of text. Generally all NA or the output from setGraph if appropriate.


any additional arguments required for specific methods.


The argument what for SeasonLine must be either "lines" or "vertical." See monthplot for more information.

The argument what for SeasonPoint can be set to "none" to suppress drawing of symbols or "points" to draw symbols at the ends of the line segments described by SeasonLine.

For linear axes, the range can be set to virtually any pair of values. For log axes, the choice of range is more resticted—for less than one log-cycle, powers of whole numbers can be used; from 1 to about 3 log cycles, the choces should be powers of 3 or 10; and for more than 3 log cycles, the range sould be expressed only in powers of 10.


Information about the graph.


A call should be made to setPage to set up the graphics environment before calling seriesPlot.

See Also

setPage, seasonPlot, monthplot


## Not run: 
X <- rnorm(32)
seriesPlot(X, xlabels=c("A", "B", "C", "D"))
# For more details of  seriesPlot see
vignette(topic="LineScatter", package="smwrGraphs")

## End(Not run)

USGS-R/smwrGraphs documentation built on Oct. 11, 2022, 6:11 a.m.