setMultiPlot: Plot Parameters

View source: R/setMultiPlot.R

setMultiPlotR Documentation

Plot Parameters


Sets plot control list for individuals in data (support function).


setMultiPlot(current, Nobs = 1, name = "", what = "points",
  type = "solid", width = "standard", symbol = "circle",
  filled = TRUE, size = 0.09, color = "black", order = "as is")



the plot parameters specified in the call to the high-level graphing function.


the number of observations.


the name associated with the observation. See Details.


what kind of plot. Must be one of "points," symbols only; "lines," line segments connecting points only; "both," line segments connecting isolated symbols; "overlaid," line segments connecting points with symbols; "stairstep," stairstep line segments; or "vertical," vertical lines from the y-axis origin to the y value at each x value.


the type of line, if drawn. Must be one of "solid," "dashed," "dotted."


the width of the line, if drawn. Must be one of "standard," resulting in a line width of about 0.7 points; "color," resulting in a line width of about 0.8 points; "bold," resulting in a line width of about 1 point; or "hairline" resulting in a line width of about 0.5 points. Note these values are doubled if the font argument to setPage is "PPT."


type symbol, if drawn. Must be one of "circle;" "uptri," upward pointing triangle; "plus;" "x;" "diamond;" "downtri," downward pointing triangle; "square;" or "dot."


logical, if TRUE, then fill the symbol. Valid only for symbol equal to "circle," "uptri," "diamond," "downtri," or "square."


the size of the symol in inches, if drawn.


the color of the plotted values. Can be a named color, such as "black" or "gray50" or an RGB color like "#4056FF."


specify the order of the symbols in the explanation. Can be "as is'–do nothing to order in explanation, "sort" or "increasing"—put into sorted order, "decreasing"— put in reverse order; or a vector theat specifies the exact order.


Each of the arguments from name through color must have one entry for each observation. If a single value is given, then it is replicated for each observation. In general, it is convenient to set up a data frame with columns for group names with common values for the line or symbol. It is required that each group have common values for the line or symbol.


A list having two components:


a list like current with the defaults set


a list for creating an explanation

See Also

colors for a list of color names, setExplan, for details about the list required for an explanation.

USGS-R/smwrGraphs documentation built on Oct. 11, 2022, 6:11 a.m.