setPlot: Plot Parameters

View source: R/setPlot.R

setPlotR Documentation

Plot Parameters


Sets the plot control list (support function).


setPlot(current, name = "", what = "lines", type = "solid",
  width = "standard", symbol = "circle", filled = TRUE,
  size = 0.09, color = "black", area.color = NA, area.border = NA)



list containing the current plot information or those requested by the user.


the name of the object plotted; used in the explanation. Expressions can be used, but if used, then name must be and expression for all calls that update the current plot information.


what to plot, see Details.


the line type, if drawn, must be one of "solid," "dashed," or "dotted."


the width of the line, if drawn, must be one of "standard;" "color," a little wider than "standard;" "bold," substantially wider than "standard;" or "hairline," used for ticks and borders.


the symbol to plot, if drawn, see Details.


logical, if TRUE and a symbol is drawn, then fill with solid color.


the size of the symbol, in inches, if drawn.


the color of the symbol or line.


the color of a shaded area, required for completeness.


the boundary color of a shaded area, required for completeness.


The value for what must be one of:


symbols only,


lines only,


lines connecting symbols with a small gap,


lines connecting symbols,


horizontal line to next x value with a vertical line to the y value,


vertical lines from y equal 0 only.


draw nothing

The value for symbol must be one of:


an open or filled circle, depending on filled,


an open or filled up pointing triangle, depending on filled,


a plus sign (never filled),


an x (never filled),


an open or filled diamond shape, depending on filled,


an open or filled down pointing triangle, depending on filled,


an open or filled square, depending on filled,


a very small dot (never filled),


a plus sign (never filled),


no symbol or line.


A list like current, but with the defaults supplied for any missing component.


Vertical lines drawn by setting what to "vertical" are drawn from y equal 0 to each y value. The user will have more control over vertical lines by using the addBars function and setting the bar width to 0.

See Also

xyPlot, timePlot, qqPlot, piperPlot, probPlot, colorPlot, addBars

USGS-R/smwrGraphs documentation built on Oct. 11, 2022, 6:11 a.m.