setSplom: Scatter Plot Matrix

View source: R/setSplom.R

setSplomR Documentation

Scatter Plot Matrix


Set up a scatter plot matrix.


setSplom(size = NULL, num.variables, show.all = FALSE,
  touching = TRUE, explanation = NULL, ymargin = 3.5)



the width and height of the entire graph area, exclusive of explanation. If NULL, then use minimum of figure width and height.


the number of variables to plot.


logical, if TRUE, then show the full grid. Otherwise only the lower triangular graphs.


logical, if TRUE, then individual graphs touch. Otherwise a small gap separates individual graphs.


a description of where to place the explanation if needed. See Details.


the left-margin for the plot area for the left column of graphs.


If an explanation is needed, then explanation is used to indicate where the explanation is to be placed. The explanation can be placed either to the right of the grid of graphs, at the bottom of the grid, or in one of the grid cells.

To place an explanation to the right of the graphs, explantion should be set to list(right=ewid), where ewid is the width of the explanation. In this case, the total of width and ewid must be less than the total available for the page.

To place an explanation at the bottom of the graphs, explantion should be set to list(bottom=ehei), where ehei is the height of the explanation. In this case, the total pf height and ehei must be less than the total available for the page.

To place an explanation within a cell of the grid, explantion should be set to list(grid=enum), where enum is the cell number in the grid. Cell numbers are sequential starting in the upper left and increasing by column. In this case num.graphs must be set to some number less than num.cols times num.rows.


a list like setLayout with three additional components: show.all, touching, and num.variables from the call to setSplom.

See Also



## Not run: 
# A simple example
setGD() #  set up a simple graphics page
AA.lo <- with(IonBalance, setSplom(num.variables=3, touching=FALSE))
with(IonBalance, splomPlot(cbind(Ca, Mg, Na), Panel=list(line="slr"), layout=AA.lo))
# See for another example of setSplom:
vignette(topic="LineScatter", package="smwrGraphs")

## End(Not run)

USGS-R/smwrGraphs documentation built on Oct. 11, 2022, 6:11 a.m.