
Defines functions interpLine

Documented in interpLine

#' Interpolation
#' Creates a vector of interpolated points along a line drawn by one of the
#' \code{smwrGraphs} functions.
#' Exactly one of \code{xfromy} or \code{yfromx} must be specified in the call.
#' @param object an object created by one of the \code{smwrGraphs} functions.
#' @param xfromy the y-axis coordinate values to use to create matching
#' x-coordinate values. Missing values are permitted but result in missing
#' values in the output.
#' @param yfromx the x-axis coordinate values to use to create matching
#' y-coordinate values. Missing values are permitted but result in missing
#' values in the output.
#' @param warn logical, if \code{TRUE}, then supress the warning message from
#' probability or transformed axes plots.
#' @param \dots any future additional arguments.
#' @return A vector of numeric values corresponding to those values in either
#' \code{xfromy} or \code{yfromx}.
#' @note The back-transformation information is not included in the output from
#' the graphics functions. This primarily affects the \code{transPlot}
#' function.
#' @seealso \code{\link{transPlot}}
#' @keywords dplot
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # See for examples of interpLine:
#' demo(topic="FlowDur-Measurements", package="smwrGraphs")
#' }
#' @export interpLine
interpLine <- function(object, # output from call to plotXXX
                       xfromy, yfromx, warn=TRUE, ...) { # convert from to
	# Coding History:
	#    2012Sep14 DLLorenz Original coding.
	#    2014Jun26 DLLorenz Converted to roxygen
  ## Notes:
  ##  For any plot function that does transform the x- or y-axis
  ##  data, like probPlot, an argument x-axis.trans or yaxis.trans must
  ##  be included to indicate suppression of the transform.
  if(!missing(xfromy) && missing(yfromx)) {
    y <- numericData(xfromy, lev=object$yaxis.lev)
      y <- transData(y, object$yaxis.log, object$yaxis.rev,
                     object$ytrans, object$ytarg)
      y <- transData(y, FALSE, object$yaxis.rev)
    retval <- approx(object$y, object$x, xout=y)$y
    if(is.na(object$xaxis.log)) {
      ## Warning only needed if transformation is needed
      if(warn && !is.null(object$xaxis.trans))
        warning("Cannot back-transform x data from arbitrary transform,\n",
                "user responsible for completing back-transformation")
    else if(object$xaxis.log)
      retval <- 10^retval
  if(!missing(yfromx) && missing(xfromy)) {
    x <- numericData(yfromx, lev=object$xaxis.lev) # Convert to consistent numeric
      x <- transData(x, object$xaxis.log, FALSE,
                     object$xtrans, object$xtarg)
    else # Supress transform
      x <- transData(x, FALSE, FALSE)
    retval <- approx(object$x, object$y, xout=x)$y
    if(is.na(object$yaxis.log)) {
      ## Warning only needed if transformation is needed
      if(warn && !is.null(object$yaxis.trans))
        warning("Cannot back-transform y data from arbitrary transform,\n",
                "user responsible for completing back-transformation")
    else if(object$yaxis.log)
      retval <- 10^retval
  stop("Exactly one of xfromy or yfromx must be specified in the call")
USGS-R/smwrGraphs documentation built on Oct. 11, 2022, 6:11 a.m.