
Defines functions change.misc.graph.par

Documented in change.misc.graph.par

#' @describeIn change_graphical_parameters sets basic graphics parameters,
#' including plot type, point type and size, colour, line type, and line width.
#' @export
change.misc.graph.par  <- function(object, classic = FALSE)
  data <- object
  cat("These are the current general plot settings:\n\n")
  cat(paste("Type:",data@Prefs@Graph.prefs$type,sep=" "),"\n")
  cat(paste("Plotting character:", data@Prefs@Graph.prefs$pch,sep=" "),"\n")
  cat(paste("Point size:",data@Prefs@Graph.prefs$cex,sep=" "),"\n")
  cat(paste("Color:",data@Prefs@Graph.prefs$col,sep=" "),"\n")
  cat(paste("Line type:", data@Prefs@Graph.prefs$lty,sep=" "),"\n")
  cat(paste("Line width:",data@Prefs@Graph.prefs$lwd,sep=" "),"\n")
  cat(paste("Grid:",data@Prefs@Graph.prefs$grid,sep=" "),"\n")
  cat(paste("Aspect:",data@Prefs@Graph.prefs$aspect,sep=" "),"\n")

  # gr.stngs <- xp.gr.stngs

  cat("Specify a new plot type or leave blank to keep unchanged.\n\n")
  cat("(1-character string giving the type of plot desired.  The\n")
  cat("following values are possible, for details, see \'plot\': \'\"p\"\'\n")
  cat("for points, \'\"l\"\' for lines, \'\"b\"\' for both.): \n\n")
  ans <- readline()
  if(ans!="") {
    data@Prefs@Graph.prefs$type <- ans

  cat("\nSpecify a new plotting character or leave blank to keep unchanged.\n\n")
  cat("(Specified as an integer. See R help on \'points\'. The default is\n")
  cat("1, an open circle.): \n\n")
  ans <- readline()
  if(ans!="") {
    data@Prefs@Graph.prefs$pch <- as.numeric(ans)

  cat("\nSpecify a new point scale or leave blank to keep unchanged.\n\n")
  cat("(The amount by which plotting text and symbols should be scaled\n")
  cat("relative to the default. 'NULL' and 'NA' are equivalent to '1.0'.): \n\n")
  ans <- readline()
  if(ans!="") {
    data@Prefs@Graph.prefs$cex <- as.numeric(ans)
  cat("\nSpecify a new line color or leave blank to keep unchanged.\n\n")
  cat("(Specified as an integer or a text string. A full list is obtained \n")
  cat("by the R command 'colours()'. The default is blue (col=4).): \n\n")
  ans <- readline()
  if ((ans!="") && (!is.na(as.numeric(ans)))) {
    data@Prefs@Graph.prefs$col <- as.numeric(ans)
  } else {
    data@Prefs@Graph.prefs$col <- ans

  cat("\nSpecify a new line type or leave blank to keep unchanged.\n\n")
  cat("(Line types are specified as an integer (0=blank, 1=solid, \n")
  cat("2=dashed, 3=dotted, 4=dotdash, 5=longdash, 6=twodash).) \n\n")
  ans <- readline()
  if(ans!="") {
    data@Prefs@Graph.prefs$lty <- as.numeric(ans)

  cat("\nSpecify a new line width or leave blank to keep unchanged.\n\n")
  cat("(A positive real number): \n\n")
  ans <- readline()
  if(ans!="") {
    data@Prefs@Graph.prefs$lwd <- as.numeric(ans)

  if (classic==TRUE) {
    c1<-call("assign",paste("xpdb", object@Runno, sep = ""), data, immediate=T, envir = .GlobalEnv)
    c2<-call("assign",pos = 1, ".cur.db", eval(as.name(paste("xpdb", object@Runno, sep = ""))))
  } else {

UUPharmacometrics/xpose4 documentation built on Feb. 22, 2024, 5:02 p.m.