
Defines functions check_filters extract_node attribute_as_name

Documented in attribute_as_name check_filters extract_node

#' Attribute as name
#' This function is used to get the attribute as a character instead of an expression
#' (e.g. attribute = Length) or an extract to the node (e.g. attribute = node$Length).
#' It is used in a special context where we know the attribute will always be used to reference
#' a node (i.e. data masking).
#' @param attribute a quoted expression
#' @return The attribute as a character
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' attribute_as_name(rlang::expr(Length))
#' attribute_as_name(rlang::expr(node$Length))
#' attribute_as_name(rlang::expr("Length"))
#' test = "Length"
#' attribute_as_name(rlang::expr(test))
#' }
attribute_as_name = function(attribute){

    if(rlang::expr_text(attribute[2]) == "node()"){
      # Attribute given as a call (e.g. attribute = node$Length)
      attribute = gsub("\\(|\\)","",rlang::expr_text(attribute[3]))
      stop("attribute argument should be given as attribute name (e.g. Length) or node call (e.g. node$Length)")
    # Try to execute the object to see if it exists in the environments
    # to be able to do test = "Length" ; attribute_as_name(rlang::expr(test))
    attr_obj = try(eval(attribute),silent = TRUE)

    if(!inherits(attr_obj, "try-error")){

    # Attribute given as an expression or a character (e.g. attribute = Length, or attribute = "Length")
    attribute = rlang::as_string(attribute)


#' Extract a node from the MTG
#' @param mtg An mtg as from [read_mtg()]
#' @param name The name of the node, e.g. "node_1"
#' @return The node (with all its information, parent, children, attributes...)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' filepath= system.file("extdata", "tree1h.mtg", package = "XploRer")
#' MTG = read_mtg(filepath)
#' extract_node(MTG,"node_6")
extract_node = function(mtg,name){

#' Check filters
#' Check the consistency of the filters
#' @param node The node
#' @param symbol A character vector of `.symbol` to filter (should match the symbols given by the SYMBOL
#'  column from the MTG classes).
#' @param scale An integer vector of `.scale` to filter (should match the scales given by the SCALE
#'  column from the MTG classes).
#' @param link A character vector of `.link` to filter
#' @return Nothing. Return an error if anything went wrong.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' filepath= system.file("extdata", "simple_plant.mtg", package = "XploRer")
#' MTG = read_mtg(filepath)
#' check_filters(node = extract_node(MTG, "node_5"), scale = 1, symbol = "Individual",link = "/")
#' }
check_filters = function(node = NULL, scale = NULL, symbol = NULL,
                         link = NULL){

    if(!is.numeric(scale)) stop("The scale argument should be a numeric")

    if(!all(scale %in% node$root$.scales)){
      stop("The scale argument should be one of: ",
           paste(unique(node$root$.scales), collapse = ", "))

      stop("The symbol argument should be a character")

    if(!all(symbol %in% node$root$.symbols)){
      stop("The symbol argument should be one of: ",
           paste(unique(node$root$.symbols), collapse = ", "))

      stop("The link argument should be a character")
    if(!all(link %in% c("/","<","+"))){
      stop("The symbol argument should be one of: /, < or +")
VEZY/XploRer documentation built on Oct. 9, 2021, 10:05 p.m.