
#' Performance of predicting a multinomial outcome
#' @description Predictive performance for predicted or fitted values. Requires the predicted
#' (or fitted) probability matrix \code{p}, and one of the following: \code{labels},
#' \code{indices} or \code{indicator.matrix}. Preferably one of the former.
#' @template param_perf
#' @template param_narm
#' @template ref_Nagelkerke
#' @template ref_Brier
#' @template ref_Hand
#' @template return_mPerformance
#' @export

mPerformance <- function(p, labels, indices, indicator.matrix, names = colnames(p), na.rm = T)
  labels           <- getLabels(         p = p, labels = labels, indices = indices,
                                         indicator.matrix = indicator.matrix, names = names)
  indices          <- getIndices(        p = p, labels = labels, indices = indices,
                                         indicator.matrix = indicator.matrix, names = names)
  indicator.matrix <- getIndicatorMatrix(p = p, labels = labels, indices = indices,
                                         indicator.matrix = indicator.matrix, names = names)

  out <- list()
  out$brier <- brier(p = p, indicator.matrix = indicator.matrix, na.rm = na.rm)
  out$mPairwiseC <- mPairwiseC(p = p, indices = indices, names = names)
  out$mIndex <- mIndex(pairwiseC = out$mPairwiseC, names = names)
  out$rsquare <- mr2(p = p, indices = indices, na.rm = na.rm)
  out$LL.null <- mllnull(p = p, indices = indices, na.rm = na.rm)
  out$LL.model <- c("Multinomial log-likelihood model" =  mll(p = p, indices = indices, na.rm = na.rm)[[1]])
  out$class.table <- table(labels)

  class(out) <- "mPerformance"

getFitData <- function(fit, ...)
  if (any(class(fit) == "mlogit"))
    p <- fit$probabilities
    indicator.matrix <- fit$residuals + fit$fitted.values
    return(list(p = p, indicator.matrix = indicator.matrix))

  if (any(class(fit) == "mnlogit"))
    p <- fit$probabilities
    indicator.matrix <- round(fit$residuals + fit$fitted.values, digits = 14)
    if (any(!(indicator.matrix == 0 | indicator.matrix == 1) ))
      stop("Outcome could not be extracted from mnlogit. Try mPerformance() instead.")
    return(list(p = p, indicator.matrix = indicator.matrix))

  stop("class of fit object not recognized. Try mPerformance() instead.")

#' Performance of a multinomial prediction model
#' @description Apparent (= within sample) predictive performance of a multinomial prediction model.
#' Works with the \code{mlogit} and \code{mnlogit} packages.
#' @param fit A model fit object.
#' @param ... ...
#' @template ref_Nagelkerke
#' @template ref_Brier
#' @template ref_Hand
#' @template return_mPerformance
#' @export

mModelPerformance <- function(fit, ...)
  if (is.list(fit) && !is.data.frame(fit))
    x <- getFitData(fit, ...)
    p <- x$p
    ## not necessary yet:
    # labels           <- getLabels(         p, labels = x$labels, indices = x$indices,
    #                                        indicator.matrix = indicator.matrix)
    indices          <- getIndices(        p = p, labels = x$labels, indices = x$indices,
                                           indicator.matrix = x$indicator.matrix)
    indicator.matrix <- getIndicatorMatrix(p = p, labels = x$labels, indices = x$indices,
                                           indicator.matrix = x$indicator.matrix)

    mPerformance(p = p, labels = labels, indices = indices, indicator.matrix = indicator.matrix)
    stop("mModelPerformance requires a model fit object. Try mPerformance() instead.")
VMTdeJong/mPerformance documentation built on May 14, 2019, 7:42 a.m.