
Defines functions tstr_to_sec sec_to_tstr sec_of_day addTradeTime addTradeTime.modelStrategy getTradeTime getTradeTime.modelStrategy clearTradeTime clearTradeTime.modelStrategy printTradeTime printTradeTime.modelStrategy

Documented in addTradeTime addTradeTime.modelStrategy clearTradeTime clearTradeTime.modelStrategy getTradeTime getTradeTime.modelStrategy printTradeTime printTradeTime.modelStrategy

tstr_to_sec <- function(t_str) {
  #"09:00:00" to sec of day
  as.numeric(as.POSIXct(paste("1970-01-01", t_str), "UTC")) %% 86400L

sec_to_tstr <- function(sec){
  hours <- sec %/% (60*60)
  if(hours == 0){
    hours <- '00'
  mins <- (sec%%(60*60)) %/% 60
  if(mins < 10 ){
    mins <- paste0(0,mins)
  secs <- sec %% 60
  if(secs  < 10){
    secs <- paste0(0,secs)

sec_of_day = function(x){
  lt = as.POSIXlt(index(x), tz = indexTZ(x))
  lt$hour *60*60 + lt$min*60 + lt$sec

#' Adds time when trading is permitted
#' @param this model
#' @param type character, one of enter, open, exit, close
#' @param l list, each element is a string that represents time
#' @export
#' @rdname addTradeTime
addTradeTime <- function(this, type, l){
  UseMethod('addTradeTime', this)

#' @export
#' @example
#' \dontrun{
#' addTradeTime(this, 'open', list('10:00:00','12:00:00'))
#' }
#' @rdname addTradeTime
#' @method addTradeTime modelStrategy
addTradeTime.modelStrategy <- function(this, type, l){
  #type can be open or close
  #l is time of start and end
         enter =,
         open ={
           ind <- 'open'
         exit =,
         close = {
           ind <- 'close'
  this$thisEnv$tradeTime[[ind]][[length(this$thisEnv$tradeTime[[ind]]) + 1]] <- lapply(l,tstr_to_sec)

#' Gets tarding time of strategy
#' @param this model
#' @param type character, one of  c('all', 'enter', 'open', 'exit', 'close')
#' @export
#' @rdname getTradeTime
getTradeTime <- function(this, type = 'all'){
  UseMethod('getTradeTime', this)

#' @export
#' @rdname getTradeTime
#' @method getTradeTime modelStrategy
getTradeTime.modelStrategy <- function(this, type = 'all'){
         all = {
         enter =,
         open = {
         close = {

#' Remove trading time by type
#' @param this model
#' @param type character, one of c('all', 'enter', 'open', 'exit', 'close')
#' @export
#' @rdname clearTradeTime
clearTradeTime <- function(this, type = 'all'){
  UseMethod('clearTradeTime', this)

#' @export
#' @rdname clearTradeTime
#' @method clearTradeTime modelStrategy
clearTradeTime.modelStrategy <- function(this, type = 'all'){
         all = {
           this$thisEnv$tradeTime <- list(open = list(), close = list())
         enter =,
         open = {
           this$thisEnv$tradeTime[['open']] <- list()
         exit =,
         close = {
           this$thisEnv$tradeTime[['close']] <- list()

#' Prints trading time in format of time
#' @param this model
#' @param type character, one of c('all', 'enter', 'open', 'exit', 'close')
#' @export
#' @rdname printTradeTime
printTradeTime <- function(this, type = 'all'){
  UseMethod('printTradeTime', this)

#' @export
#' @rdname printTradeTime
#' @method printTradeTime modelStrategy
printTradeTime.modelStrategy <- function(this, type = 'all'){
         all = {
           ind <- c('open', 'close')
         enter =,
         open = {
         exit =,
         close = {
  x <- lapply(ind, function(x){
    print(paste0(x,' trade time:'))
    x <- lapply(this$thisEnv$tradeTime[[x]],function(l){
      print(paste0('start : ',sec_to_tstr(l[[1]]),', end : ',sec_to_tstr(l[[2]])))
Vitalic57/stratbuilder2pub documentation built on Dec. 18, 2019, 2:56 a.m.