
#' Parse a fucntion call into it's constituent parts
#' Parse a function call/assignment into text pieces - function name, argument
#' names and variable name as well as the environment it has been called in
#' @importFrom rlang quo_get_env
#' @importFrom rlang quo_get_expr
#' @importFrom rlang expr_text
#' @param q function call/assignment of the form f <- g()
#' @return List of: enviroment the call was made and (all as text) the call
#' itself, name of the variable being assigned to, name of the function, name
#' of the arguments the function takes
parse_call <- function(q){

  # get the enviroment
  env <- rlang::quo_get_env(q)

  # get the expression and convert to text
  expr <- rlang::quo_get_expr(q)
  text <- rlang::expr_text(expr)

  # break the call up into it's different elements
  call_elements <- parse_text(text)

  # return the elements and the environment
  out <- c(env = env, call_elements)

#' Parse the text of the function call/assignment into it's constituent parts
#' Parses the text of a function call, breaking it into the constituent parts
#' needed to test whether the call has changed
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect
#' @importFrom stringr str_sub
#' @importFrom stringr str_length
#' @param text the text of the function call/assignment
#' @return A list of (all as text) the whole call, the function name, the
#' variable name, the names of the arguments to the function
parse_text <- function(text){

  # check the expr is of a valid form
  if (!stringr::str_detect(text, "<-")) {
    stop("Call must be of the form bar <- foo().",
          "Assignment with = is currently not supported")

  # split into variable and function call
  split_expr <- str_split_trim(text, "<-")
  var <- split_expr[[1]]
  f_call <- split_expr[[2]]

  # split the function into name and arguments
  split_f <- str_split_trim(f_call, "\\(", n = 2)
  f_name <- split_f[[1]]
  # remove the last bracket to clean the arguements
  f_args <- stringr::str_sub(split_f[[2]], 1, stringr::str_length(split_f[[2]])-1)

  # break into individual arguments - seperating on ,

  f_args <- parse_args(f_args)
  # if the argument is of the form arg=var split it and keep var
  for (i in 1:length(f_args)){
    if (stringr::str_detect(f_args[[i]], "=")){
      f_args[[i]] <- str_split_trim(f_args[[i]], "=", n = 2)[[2]]
  out <- list(call = text, v_name = var, f_name = f_name, f_args = f_args)


offby1 <- function(nums){
  len <- 2 * length(nums)
  out <- numeric(len)
  out[seq(1, len, by = 2)] <- nums - 1
  out[seq(2, len, by = 2)] <- nums + 1

# Splits a string up as required
parse_args <- function(string){
  chars <- stringr::str_split(string, "")[[1]]
  depth <- 0
  split_pos <- numeric(0)
  for (i in 1:length(chars)){
    char <- chars[[i]]
    if (char == "(")
      depth <- depth + 1
    if (char == ")")
      depth <- depth - 1
    if (char == "," & depth == 0)
      split_pos <- c(split_pos, i)

  pos <- c(1, offby1(split_pos), length(chars))

  out <- character(0)
  for (i in seq(1, length(pos), by = 2)){
    j <- i - (i - 1)/2
    out[[j]] <- paste0(chars[pos[i]:(pos[i+1])], collapse = "")

  out <- stringr::str_trim(out)

Voltemand/cacheR documentation built on May 4, 2019, 6:30 a.m.