Man pages for WMBEdmands/MetMSLine
an automated and fully integrated pipeline for rapid processing of high-resolution LC-MS metabolomic datasets.

batchAdjlinear model adjustment for batch
blankSubsubstract blanks (i.e. negative controls/ background) from...
coVarTypeStatautomatic covariate (y-variable) type based univariate...
cvCalccalculate the analytical coefficient of variation from a set...
cytoScapeMapGenerate cytoscape map files from peakTable
example_Exp_MS1featuresexample experimental MS1 feature table (retention time subset...
hotEllipseHotellings T2 statistic and ellipse calculation function...
lmResDifflinear model residual differences by subtraction and...
loessFitKfoldCVloess with n - fold CV function
loessSmoothpooled quality control based signal drift/ attenuation...
loessWrapperModadapted from 'bisoreg' package
logTranslog transform peak table
manhattanPlotmanhattan plot function
pcaClustIdIdentify clusters in a PCA plot from a list of co-variates...
pcaOutIdIdentify outliers in a PCA plot based on expansion of...
pcaResOutexpand hotellings ellipse from a pcaRes object 'pcaRes' and...
plotPcsExplot PCA with expanded Hotelling's ellipse adapted from...
preProcpreProc - combined pre-processing steps of the MetMSLine...
ramClustMod'ramclustR' - modified for MetMSLine
signNormNormalize mass spectral data peak table
tableCheckReadpeak/ co-variate table error handling and/ or read from...
targMS2csvGenerate target list (.csv) file from subset peak table
volcanoPlotVolcano plot slightly modified from 'VolcanoPlot' from the...
zeroFillzero fill peak table
WMBEdmands/MetMSLine documentation built on May 9, 2019, 10:03 p.m.