
Defines functions format_mvmr

Documented in format_mvmr

#' format_mvmr
#' Reads in summary data. Checks and organises columns for use in calculating multivariable Mendelian Randomization analyses. Where variant IDs are not provided, a vector is generated for variant identification.
#' @param BXGs A matrix containing beta-coefficient values for genetic associations with the each exposure. Columns should indicate exposure number, with rows representing estimates for a given genetic variant.
#' @param BYG A numeric vector of beta-coefficient values for genetic associations with the outcome.
#' @param seBXGs A matrix containing standard errors corresponding to the matrix of beta-coefficients \code{BXGs}.
#' @param seBYG A numeric vector of standard errors corresponding to the beta-coefficients \code{BYG}.
#' @param RSID A vector of names for genetic variants included in the analysis. If variant IDs are not provided (\code{RSID="NULL"}), a vector of ID numbers will be generated.
#' @return A formatted data frame of class `mvmr_format`.
#' @author Wes Spiller; Eleanor Sanderson; Jack Bowden.
#' @references Sanderson, E., et al., An examination of multivariable Mendelian randomization in the single-sample and two-sample summary data settings. International Journal of Epidemiology, 2019, 48, 3, 713-727. \doi{10.1093/ije/dyy262}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' r_input <- format_mvmr(
#'     BXGs = rawdat_mvmr[,c("LDL_beta","HDL_beta")],
#'     BYG = rawdat_mvmr$SBP_beta,
#'     seBXGs = rawdat_mvmr[,c("LDL_se","HDL_se")],
#'     seBYG = rawdat_mvmr$SBP_se,
#'     RSID = rawdat_mvmr$SNP)
#' names(r_input)
#' class(r_input)

#Function for formatting MVMR data frame

#Define formating function: This takes as inputs a matrix of instrument-exposure
#associations, a vector of instrument-outcome associations, a matrix of
#corresponding instrument-exposure standard errors, and a vector of identification
#numbers for the instruments.


  #If no instrument-identification vector is provided, a set of placeholder values
  #is produced. A warning is also given to indicate no values were provided

  if(missing(RSID)) {
    warning("Missing SNP IDs; Generating placeholders")

  #This loop names each column of instrument-exposure associations in the order
  #they appear in the provided matrix, labeling each exposure with an X and
  #subsequent index number. The first exposure provided is labelled betaX1.


  for(i in seq_len(ncol(BXGs))){

  #This loop names each column of instrument-exposure standard errors in the order
  #they appear in the provided matrix, labeling each exposure with an X and
  #subsequent index number. The standard error for the first exposure provided
  #is labelled sebetaX1.

  for(i in seq_len(ncol(seBXGs))){

  # A dataframe containing all the necessary information for performing
  #multivariable MR is created, placing the variables in a specific order.


  # The columns of the dataframe are renamed so as to be interpretable in
  #subsequent functions.

  for(i in seq_len(ncol(dat))){




  names(dat) <- c("SNP", "betaYG", "sebetaYG",
                  names(BXGs), names(seBXGs))

  class(dat) <- append(class(dat), "mvmr_format")

  # The function returns the formatted dataframe

WSpiller/MVMR documentation built on Aug. 30, 2024, 10:15 a.m.