Man pages for Wedge-lab/battenberg
Battenberg subclonal copy number caller

allele_ratio_plotPlot allele ratios from raw segmented data
battenbergRun the Battenberg pipeline
calc_rho_psi_refitCalculate rho and psi values from a refit suggestion
callChrXsubclonesFit ChrX subclonal copy number (male only)
call_multisample_MSAIGenerates haplotype blocks, MSAI results, and plots from...
callSubclonesFit subclonal copy number
cel2baf.logrTransform cel files into BAF and LogR
check.imputeinfofileCheck impute info file consistency
cnfit_to_refit_suggestionsCreate refit suggestions for a fit copy number profile
combine.baf.filesCombines all separate BAF files per chromosome into a single...
combine.impute.outputConcatenate the impute output generated for each of the... impute input to a beagle input
coverage_plotPlot relative coverage of tumour and normal
fit.copy.numberFit copy number
gc.correctCorrect the LogR estimates for GC content
gc.correct.wgsFunction to correct LogR for waivyness that correlates with...
generate.impute.input.snp6Prepares data for impute
generate.impute.input.wgsPrepare data for impute
getAlleleCountsObtain allele counts for 1000 Genomes loci through external...
getBAFsAndLogRsObtain BAF and LogR from the allele counts
get.chrom.namesReturns the chromosome names that are supported
GetChromosomeBAFsMorphs phased SNPs from WGS input into haplotype blocks
GetChromosomeBAFs_SNP6Morphs phased SNPs from SNP6 input into haplotype blocks
get_multisample_phasingGenerates phased haplotypes from multisample Battenberg runs
infer_gender_birdseedInfer the gender using the birdseed report file
input_known_haplotypesCombine imputation results with external haplotype blocks
make_posthoc_plotsFunction to make additional figures
mask_high_cn_segmentsMask segments that have a too high CN state
parse.imputeinfofileRead in the imputeinfofile.
plot.haplotype.dataPlot haplotyped SNPs
prepare_snp6Prepare SNP6 data for haplotype construction
prepare_wgsPrepare WGS data for haplotype construction
read_alleleFrequenciesParser for allele frequencies data
read_bafParser for BAF data
read_bafsegmentedParser for BAFsegmented data
read_beagle_outputParser for beagle5 output data
read_gccontentParser for GC content reference data
read_imputed_outputParser for imputed genotype data
read_impute_inputParser for impute input data
read_logrParser for logR data
read_replicationParser for replication timing reference data
read_table_genericGeneric reading function using the readr R package, tailored...
run.beagle5Command to run beagle5
run_haplotypingConstruct haplotypes for a chromosome
run.imputeRun impute on the specified inputfile
segment.baf.phasedSegment BAF, with the possible inclusion of structural...
segment.baf.phased.legacySegment the haplotyped and phased data using fastPCF. This is...
segment.baf.phased.multisampleSegment BAF, with the possible inclusion of structural...
segment.baf.phased.svSegment BAF with the inclusion of structural variant...
split_input_haplotypesSplit a single vcf into separate vcfs for each chromosome
squaresplotPlot Battenberg copy number solutions for a segment
suggest_refitCalculate refit values from a refit suggestion
totalcn_chrom_plotPlot total copy number split per chromosome
write_battenberg_phasingWrites the imputation and copy number phased haplotypes to a... output of beagle as output from impute (interface...
writevcf.beagleWrites input file for beagle5
Wedge-lab/battenberg documentation built on July 31, 2023, 1:32 p.m.