
Defines functions ggplot2.CFA CFASE test.lige Diff.lige lige test.CFA cfa2 getCoef.CFA getResDiff.CFA getRes.CFA CFA.OBJ cfa cfa.inner compute.cfa2

Documented in cfa cfa2 cfa.inner CFA.OBJ CFASE compute.cfa2 Diff.lige getCoef.CFA getRes.CFA getResDiff.CFA ggplot2.CFA lige test.CFA test.lige

#' @title compute.cfa2
#' @description an update of compute.cfa that allows one to use other
#'  other estimators such as quantile regression or nonparametric methods
#'  (not yet implemented) as the first step estimator of the conditional
#'  distribution
#' @inheritParams cfa
#' @param condDist optional pre-estimated conditional distribution function
#' @return CFA.OBJ
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
compute.cfa2 <- function(tvals, yvals, data, yname, tname, xnames=NULL,  method="dr", link="logit", tau=seq(.1,.99,.01), condDistobj=NULL) {
    obj <- condDistobj
    xmat <- data[,xnames]
    if (is.null(obj)) {
        formla <- as.formula(paste0(yname,"~",tname))
        formla <- addCovToFormla(xnames, formla)
        if (method == "dr") {
            obj <- distreg::distreg(formla, data, yvals, link)
        } else if (method == "qr") {
            obj <- rq(formla, tau=tau, data)
        } else if (method == "ll") {
            formla <- as.formula(paste0(yname,"~",tname))
            xformla <- as.formula("y ~ xxxx")
            xformla <- addCovToFormla(xnames, xformla)
            xformla <- dropCovFromFormla("xxxx", xformla)
            formula.tools::lhs(xformla) <- NULL
            print("computing local linear distribution regression")
            obj <- distreg::lldistreg(formla, xformla, data, yvals, tvals)
        } else {
            stop("method not yet implemented")

    coef <- NULL
    ##coef <- t(sapply(drobj$glmlist, coef))
    out <- list()
    ##for (i in 1:length(tvals)) {

    out <- lapply(1:length(tvals), function(i) { 
        xmat1 <- data[,c(tname,xnames)]
        xmat1 <- cbind.data.frame(1, xmat1)
        xmat1[,tname] <- tvals[i]
        thisdist <- distreg::Fycondx(obj, yvals, xmat1)
        combineDfs(yvals, thisdist)
    } )

    return(CFA.OBJ(tvals, out, coef=coef))


#' @title cfa.inner
#' @description calls function to compute counterfactuals
#' @param yname the name of the outcome (y) variable
#' @param tname the name of the treatment (t) variable
#' @param xnames the names of additional control variables to include
#' @inheritParams cfa
#' @return CFA object
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
cfa.inner <- function(tvals, yvals, data, yname, tname, xnames=NULL,
                      method="dr", link="logit", tau=seq(.01,.99,.01),
                      se=TRUE, iters=100, cl=1) {

    cfa.res <- compute.cfa2(tvals, yvals, data, yname, tname, xnames,
                            method, link, tau, condDistobj)

    bootiterlist <- list()
    tvallist <- list()
    if (se) {
        cat("boostrapping standard errors...\n")
        n <- nrow(data)
        ##pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(total=iters)
        ##for (i in 1:iters) {
        ##    pb$tick()
        bstrap <- pbapply::pblapply(1:iters, function(z) {
            b <- sample(1:n, n, replace=TRUE)
            bdta <- data[b,]
            list(bootiter=compute.cfa2(tvals, yvals, bdta, yname,
                                      tname, xnames, method,
                                      link, tau),##$distcondt,
        }, cl=cl)
        bootiterlist <- lapply(bstrap, function(x){ x$bootiter })
        tvallist <- lapply(bstrap, function(x) { x$tvals })

    out <- CFA.OBJ(tvals, cfa.res$distcondt, bootiterlist, tvallist, coef=cfa.res$coef)

#' @title cfa
#' @description compute counterfactuals using distribution regression
#'  with a continuous treatment
#' @param formla a formula y ~ treatment
#' @param xformla one sided formula for x variables to include, e.g. ~x1 + x2
#' @param tvals the values of the "treatment" to compute parameters of
#'  interest for
#' @param yvals the values to compute the counterfactual distribution for
#' @param data the data.frame where y, t, and x are
#' @param method either "dr" or "qr" for distribution regression or quantile regression
#' @param link if using distribution regression, any link function that works with the binomial family (e.g. logit (the default), probit, cloglog)
#' @param tau if using quantile regression, which values of tau to estimate
#'  the conditional quantiles
#' @param condDistobj optional conditional distribution  object that has
#'  been previously  computed
#' @param se whether or not to compute standard errors using the bootstrap
#' @param iters how many bootstrap iterations to use
#' @param cl how many clusters to use for parallel computation of standard
#'  errors
#' @return CFA object
#' @examples
#' data(igm)
#' tvals <- seq(10,12,length.out=8)
#' yvals <- seq(quantile(igm$lcfincome, .05), quantile(igm$lcfincome, .95), length.out=50)
#' ## This line doesn't adjust for any covariates
#' cfa(lcfincome ~ lfincome, tvals=tvals, yvals=yvals, data=igm,
#'  se=FALSE)
#' ## This line adjusts for differences in education
#' cfa(lcfincome ~ lfincome, ~HEDUC, tvals=tvals, yvals=yvals, data=igm,
#'  se=FALSE)
#' @export
cfa <- function(formla, xformla=NULL, tvals, yvals, data,
                method="dr", link="logit", tau=seq(.01,.99,.01),
                se=TRUE, iters=100, cl=1) {

    formla <- as.formula(formla)
    dta <- model.frame(terms(formla,data=data),data=data) #or model.matrix
    yname <- colnames(dta)[1]
    tname <- colnames(dta)[2]
    xnames <- NULL
    ##set up the x variables
    if (!(is.null(xformla))) {
        xformla <- as.formula(xformla)
        xformla <- addCovToFormla("0", xformla)
        xdta <- model.matrix(xformla, data=data)
        dta <- cbind.data.frame(dta, xdta)
        xnames <- colnames(xdta)[-1]

    cfa.inner(tvals, yvals, dta, yname, tname, xnames, method, link, tau,
              condDistobj, se, iters, cl)

#' @title CFA.OBJ
#' @description CFA objects
#' @inheritParams cfa
#' @param distcondt an ecdf object for a particular value of the treatment
#' @param bootiterlist a list of bootstrapped CFA objects that can be used
#'  for computing standard errors
#' @param tvallist the values of the treatment used in each bootstrap iteration
#' @param coef the coefficients from a distribution regression
#' @return CFA object
#' @export
CFA.OBJ <- function(tvals, distcondt, bootiterlist=NULL, tvallist=NULL, coef=NULL) {
    out <- list(tvals=tvals, distcondt=distcondt, bootiterlist=bootiterlist, tvallist=tvallist, coef=coef)
    class(out) <- "CFA"

#' @title getRes.CFA
#' @description get a particular parameter of interest from a cfa object
#' @param cfaobj a CFA object
#' @param fun a function to apply for every value of the treatment in the
#'  cfaobj.  The ccfa package provides several built-in functions:
#'  E (for expected value as a function of the treatment variable),
#'  Var (for the variance as a function of the treatment variable),
#'  IQR (the interquantile range as a function of the treatment variable),
#'  pov (the fraction of observations with outcomes below some threshold,
#'   as a function of the treatment variable),
#'  rich (the fraction of observations with outcomes above some threshold,
#'   as a function of the treatment variable),
#' but other user-defined functions can be written.  The requirement is that
#'  they need to take in an ecdf object and output a scalar result.
#' @param se whether or not to compute standard errors
#' @param ... can pass additional arguments to fun using this argument
#' @return CFASE object
#' @examples
#' data(igm)
#' tvals <- seq(10,12,length.out=8)
#' yvals <- seq(quantile(igm$lcfincome, .05), quantile(igm$lcfincome, .95),
#'   length.out=50)
#' ## obtain counterfactual results
#' cfaresults <- cfa(lcfincome ~ lfincome, tvals=tvals, yvals=yvals, data=igm,
#'  se=FALSE)
#' ## get the average outcome (lfincome) as a function of the treatment
#' ## variable (lfincome)
#' getRes.CFA(cfaresults, E, se=FALSE)
#' ## get the variance of the outcomes as a function of the treatment
#' ## variable
#' getRes.CFA(cfaresults, Var, se=FALSE)
#' ## get the inter-quantile range of outcomes as a function of the
#' ## treatment variable
#' getRes.CFA(cfaresults, IQR, se=FALSE, t1=0.9, t2=0.1)
#' @export
getRes.CFA <- function(cfaobj, fun, se=T,  ...) {
    tvals <- cfaobj$tvals
    discondt <- cfaobj$distcondt
    bootiterlist <- lapply(cfaobj$bootiterlist, function(x) { x$distcondt })

    out <- t(simplify2array(lapply(discondt, fun, ...)))
    out <- if (nrow(out)==1) as.numeric(out) else out

    ses <- NULL
    c <- NULL
    if (se) {
        bootout <- list()
        for (i in 1:length(bootiterlist)) {
            bootout[[i]] <- t(simplify2array(lapply(bootiterlist[[i]], fun, ...)))
        ses <- apply(simplify2array(bootout), c(1,2), sd)
        ses <- if (nrow(ses)==1) as.numeric(ses) else ses
        cb <- unlist(lapply(bootout, function(x) { max(abs((x-out)/ses)) } ))
        c <- quantile(cb, .95, type=1)
    return(CFASE(tvals=tvals,est=out, se=ses, c=c))

#' @title getResDiff.CFA
#' @description Get the difference between two CFA objects
#' @param cfaobj1 the first CFA object
#' @param cfaobj2 the second CFA object
#' @param fun a function to apply for every value of the treatment in the
#'  cfaobj
#' @param se whether or not to compute standard errors
#' @param ... can pass additional arguments to fun using this argument
#' @return CFASE object
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(igm)
#' tvals <- seq(10,12,length.out=8)
#' yvals <- seq(quantile(igm$lcfincome, .05), quantile(igm$lcfincome, .95), length.out=50)
#' ## obtain counterfactual results
#' out <- cfa2(lcfincome ~ lfincome, tvals, yvals, igm, method1="qr",
#' xformla2=~HEDUC, method2="qr", iters=10, tau1=seq(.05,.95,.05),
#' tau2=seq(.05,.95,.05))
#' ## get the difference between the average that adjusts for covariates and
#' ## the one that does not
#' getResDiff.CFA(out$cfa1, out$cfa2, E)
#' }
#' @export
getResDiff.CFA <- function(cfaobj1, cfaobj2, fun, se=T, ...) {
    tvals <- cfaobj1$tvals
    distcondt1 <- cfaobj1$distcondt
    bootiterlist1 <- lapply(cfaobj1$bootiterlist, function(x) { x$distcondt } )
    distcondt2 <- cfaobj2$distcondt
    bootiterlist2 <- lapply(cfaobj2$bootiterlist, function(x) { x$distcondt } )

    out <- t(simplify2array(lapply(distcondt1, fun, ...))) - t(simplify2array(lapply(distcondt2, fun, ...)))
    out <- if (nrow(out)==1) as.numeric(out) else out

    ses <- NULL
    c <- NULL
    if (se) {
        bootout <- list()
        for (i in 1:length(bootiterlist1)) {
            bootout[[i]] <- t(simplify2array(lapply(bootiterlist1[[i]], fun, ...))) - t(simplify2array(lapply(bootiterlist2[[i]], fun, ...)))
        ses <- apply(simplify2array(bootout), c(1,2), sd)
        ses <- if (nrow(ses)==1) as.numeric(ses) else ses
        cb <- unlist(lapply(bootout, function(x) { max(abs((x-out)/ses)) } ))
        c <- quantile(cb, .95, type=1)
    return(CFASE(tvals=tvals,est=out, se=ses, c=c))

#' @title getCoef.CFA
#' @description get a particular parameter of interest from a cfa object
#' @param cfaobj a CFA object
#' @param yvals the y values that the cfa object is computed for
#' @param se whether or not to compute standard errors
#' @param ... can pass additional arguments to fun using this argument
#' @return CFASE object
#' @export
getCoef.CFA <- function(cfaobj, yvals, se=T,  ...) {
    coef <- cfaobj$coef
    bootiterlist <- cfaobj$bootiterlist

    ses <- NULL
    c <- NULL
    if (se) {
        bootout <- list()
        ##for (i in 1:length(bootiterlist)) {
        ##    bootout[[i]] <- t(sapply(bootiterlist[[i]], function(x) { x$coef }))
        bootout <- lapply(bootiterlist, function(x) { x$coef })

        ses <- apply(simplify2array(bootout), c(1,2), sd)
        ses <- if (nrow(ses)==1) as.numeric(ses) else ses
        ##cb <- unlist(lapply(boot, function(x) { max(abs((x-coef)/ses)) } ))
        ##c <- quantile(cb, .95, type=1)
    outlist <- lapply((1:ncol(coef)), function(i) {
        CFASE(tvals=yvals, est=coef[,i], se=ses[,i]) })

#' @title cfa2
#' @description the same as cfa method except it computes two results at the
#'  same time which allows one to conduct inference on their difference
#' @inheritParams cfa
#' @param xformla1 an optional formula for the first set of x variables
#' @param method1 the first method for estimating the conditional distribution
#'  it can be "dr" for distribution regression or "qr" for quantile regression
#' @param link1 if using distribution regression, set the link variable.  It
#'  can be any link function accepted by glm, e.g. logit, probit, cloglog
#' @param tau1 if using quantile regression, the values of tau to use, the
#'  default is seq(.01,.99,.01)
#' @param condDistobj1 if have already calculated a conditional distribution
#'  object outside of the model, can set it here
#' @param xformla2 an optional formula for the second set of x variables
#' @param method2 the second method for estimating the conditional distribution
#'  it can be "dr" for distribution regression or "qr" for quantile regression
#' @param link2 if using distribution regression, set the link variable.  It
#'  can be any link function accepted by glm, e.g. logit, probit, cloglog
#' @param tau2 if using quantile regression, the values of tau to use, the
#'  default is seq(.01,.99,.01)
#' @param condDistobj2 if have already calculated a conditional distribution
#'  object outside of the model, can set it here
#' @return list of two CFA objects
#' @examples
#' #' data(igm)
#' tvals <- seq(10,12,length.out=5)
#' yvals <- seq(quantile(igm$lcfincome, .05), quantile(igm$lcfincome, .95), length.out=50)
#' ## obtain counterfactual results using quantile regression with
#' ## no covariates and adjusting for education
#' cfa2(lcfincome ~ lfincome, tvals, yvals, igm, method1="qr", xformla2=~HEDUC,
#' method2="qr", se=FALSE, tau1=seq(.1,.9,.1), tau2=seq(.1,.9,.1))
#' @export
cfa2 <- function(formla, tvals, yvals, data, 
                 xformla1=NULL, method1="dr", link1="logit",
                 tau1=seq(.01,.99,.01), condDistobj1=NULL,
                 xformla2=NULL, method2="dr", link2="logit",
                 tau2=seq(.01,.99,.01), condDistobj2=NULL,
                 se=TRUE, iters=100, cl=1) {

    formla <- as.formula(formla)
    dta <- model.frame(terms(formla,data=data),data=data) #or model.matrix
    yname <- colnames(dta)[1]
    tname <- colnames(dta)[2]
    xnames1 <- NULL
    dta1 <- dta
    ##set up the x variables
    if (!(is.null(xformla1))) {
        xformla1 <- as.formula(xformla1)
        xformla1 <- addCovToFormla("0", xformla1)
        xdta1 <- model.matrix(xformla1, data=data)
        dta1 <- cbind.data.frame(dta, xdta1)
        xnames1 <- colnames(xdta1)[-1]
    dta2 <- dta
    xnames2 <- NULL
    ##set up the x variables
    if (!(is.null(xformla2))) {
        xformla2 <- as.formula(xformla2)
        xformla2 <- addCovToFormla("0", xformla2)
        xdta2 <- model.matrix(xformla2, data=data)
        dta2 <- cbind.data.frame(dta, xdta2)
        xnames2 <- colnames(xdta2)[-1]

    cfa1 <- compute.cfa2(tvals, yvals, dta1, yname, tname, xnames1,
                        method1, link1, tau1, condDistobj1)
    cfa2 <- compute.cfa2(tvals, yvals, dta2, yname, tname, xnames2,
                        method2, link2, tau2, condDistobj2)

    bootiterlist1 <- list()
    bootiterlist2 <- list()
    tvallist <- list()
    if (se) {
        cat("boostrapping standard errors...\n")
        n <- nrow(data)
        ##pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(total=iters)
        ##for (i in 1:iters) {
        ##    pb$tick()
        bstrap <- pbapply::pblapply(1:iters, function(z) {
            b <- sample(1:n, n, replace=TRUE)
            bdta1 <- dta1[b,]
            bdta2 <- dta2[b,]
            list(bootiter1=compute.cfa2(tvals, yvals, bdta1, yname,
                                       tname, xnames1,
                                       method1, link1, tau1),##$distcondt,
                 bootiter2=compute.cfa2(tvals, yvals, bdta2, yname,
                                       tname, xnames2,
                                       method2, link2, tau2),
        }, cl=cl)
        bootiterlist1 <- lapply(bstrap, function(x){ x$bootiter1 })
        bootiterlist2 <- lapply(bstrap, function(x){ x$bootiter2 })
        tvallist <- lapply(bstrap, function(x) { x$tvals })

    out <- list(cfa1=CFA.OBJ(tvals, cfa1$distcondt, bootiterlist1, tvallist, coef=cfa1$coef),
                cfa2=CFA.OBJ(tvals, cfa2$distcondt, bootiterlist2, tvallist, coef=cfa2$coef))

#' @title test.CFA
#' @description test if a counterfactual distribution is equal to its average
#'  for all values of the treatment
#' @param cfaobj a CFA object
#' @param fun which function to use
#' @param allt all values of t in the dataset
#' @param se whether or not to compute standard errors
#' @param ... additional parameters for the function fun
#' @return CFASE object
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(igm)
#' tvals <- seq(10,12,length.out=8)
#' yvals <- seq(quantile(igm$lcfincome, .05), quantile(igm$lcfincome, .95), length.out=50)
#' ## obtain counterfactual results
#' out <- cfa2(lcfincome ~ lfincome, tvals, yvals, igm, method1="qr",
#' xformla2=~HEDUC, method2="qr", iters=10, tau1=seq(.05,.95,.05),
#' tau2=seq(.05,.95,.05))
#' test.CFA(out$cfa1, Var, igm$lfincome)
#' }
#' @export
test.CFA <- function(cfaobj, fun, allt, se=T,  ...) {
    tvals <- cfaobj$tvals
    discondt <- cfaobj$distcondt
    bootiterlist <- lapply(cfaobj$bootiterlist, function(x) { x$distcondt } )
    tvallist <- cfaobj$tvallist

    out <- t(simplify2array(lapply(discondt, fun, ...)))
    fcondt <- approxfun(tvals, out)
    out <- out - mean(fcondt(allt), na.rm=TRUE) ## this drops some observations in the extreme tails
    out <- if (nrow(out)==1) as.numeric(out) else out

    ses <- NULL
    c <- NULL
    if (se) {
        bootout <- list()
        for (i in 1:length(bootiterlist)) {
            bout <- t(simplify2array(lapply(bootiterlist[[i]], fun, ...)))
            bfcondt <- approxfun(tvals, bout)
            bout <- bout - mean(bfcondt(tvallist[[i]]), na.rm=T)
            bootout[[i]] <- bout
        ses <- apply(simplify2array(bootout), c(1,2), sd)
        ses <- if (nrow(ses)==1) as.numeric(ses) else ses
        cb <- unlist(lapply(bootout, function(x) { max(abs((x-out)/ses)) } ))
        c <- quantile(cb, .95, type=1)
    return(CFASE(tvals=tvals,est=out, se=ses, c=c))

#' @title lige
#' @description compute the local intergenerational elasticity
#' @param cfaobj a CFA object
#' @param h a bandwidth
#' @param se boolean whether or not to compute standard errors
#' @return a CFASE object
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(igm)
#' tvals <- seq(10,12,length.out=8)
#' yvals <- seq(quantile(igm$lcfincome, .05), quantile(igm$lcfincome, .95), length.out=50)
#' ## obtain counterfactual results
#' out <- cfa2(lcfincome ~ lfincome, tvals, yvals, igm, method1="qr",
#' xformla2=~HEDUC, method2="qr", iters=10, tau1=seq(.05,.95,.05),
#' tau2=seq(.05,.95,.05))
#' lige(out$cfa1, h=0.5)
#' }
#' @export
lige <- function(cfaobj, h, se=T) {
    tvals <- cfaobj$tvals
    bootiterlist <- cfaobj$bootiterlist
    e1res <- getRes.CFA(cfaobj, E, se=FALSE)
    fe1res <- approxfun(tvals, e1res$est)
    lige <- sapply(tvals, function(t) { (fe1res(t+h) - fe1res(t-h))/(2*h) })
    whichT <- which(!is.na(lige))
    lige <- lige[whichT]
    ses <- NULL
    c <- NULL
    if (se) {
        bootout <- list()
        for (i in 1:length(bootiterlist)) {
            e1resb <- getRes.CFA(bootiterlist[[i]], E, FALSE)
            fe1resb <- approxfun(tvals, e1resb$est)
            ligeb <- sapply(tvals[whichT], function(t) { (fe1resb(t+h) - fe1res(t-h))/(2*h) })
            ##ligeb <- sapply(2:length(theseT), function(i) { (e1resb$est[theseT[i]] - e1resb$est[theseT[i-1]])/(tvals[theseT[i]]-tvals[theseT[i-1]]) } )
            bootout[[i]] <- as.matrix(ligeb)
        ses <- apply(simplify2array(bootout), c(1,2), sd)
        ses <- if (nrow(ses)==1) as.numeric(ses) else ses
        cb <- unlist(lapply(bootout, function(x) { max(abs((x-lige)/ses)) } ))
        c <- quantile(cb, .95, type=1)
    return(CFASE(tvals=tvals[whichT],est=lige, se=ses, c=c))

#' @title Diff.lige
#' @description compute the difference between two estimates of the LIGE
#' @param cfaobj1 the first CFA object
#' @param cfaobj2 the second CFA object
#' @inheritParams lige
#' @return a CFASE object
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(igm)
#' tvals <- seq(10,12,length.out=8)
#' yvals <- seq(quantile(igm$lcfincome, .05), quantile(igm$lcfincome, .95), length.out=50)
#' ## obtain counterfactual results
#' out <- cfa2(lcfincome ~ lfincome, tvals, yvals, igm, method1="qr",
#' xformla2=~HEDUC, method2="qr", iters=10, tau1=seq(.05,.95,.05),
#' tau2=seq(.05,.95,.05))
#' Diff.lige(out$cfa1, out$cfa2, h=0.5)
#' }
#' @export
Diff.lige <- function(cfaobj1, cfaobj2, se=T, h) {
    tvals <- cfaobj1$tvals
    e1res <- getRes.CFA(cfaobj1, E, se=FALSE)
    fe1res <- approxfun(tvals, e1res$est)
    lige1 <- sapply(tvals, function(t) { (fe1res(t+h) - fe1res(t-h))/(2*h) })
    whichT <- which(!is.na(lige1))
    lige1 <- lige1[whichT]

    e2res <- getRes.CFA(cfaobj2, E, se=FALSE)
    fe2res <- approxfun(tvals, e2res$est)
    lige2 <- sapply(tvals, function(t) { (fe2res(t+h) - fe2res(t-h))/(2*h) })
    lige2 <- lige2[whichT]
    bootiterlist1 <- cfaobj1$bootiterlist
    bootiterlist2 <- cfaobj2$bootiterlist
    out <- lige1 - lige2
    ses <- NULL
    c <- NULL
    if (se) {
        bootout <- list()
        for (i in 1:length(bootiterlist1)) {
            e1resb <- getRes.CFA(bootiterlist1[[i]], E, FALSE)
            e2resb <- getRes.CFA(bootiterlist2[[i]], E, FALSE)
            fe1resb <- approxfun(tvals, e1resb$est)
            fe2resb <- approxfun(tvals, e2resb$est)
            lige1b <- sapply(tvals, function(t) { (fe1resb(t+h) - fe1resb(t-h))/(2*h) })
            lige2b <- sapply(tvals, function(t) { (fe2resb(t+h) - fe2resb(t-h))/(2*h) })
            lige1b <- lige1b[whichT]
            lige2b <- lige2b[whichT]
            bootout[[i]] <- as.matrix(lige1b - lige2b)
        ses <- apply(simplify2array(bootout), c(1,2), sd)
        ses <- if (nrow(ses)==1) as.numeric(ses) else ses
        cb <- unlist(lapply(bootout, function(x) { max(abs((x-out)/ses)) } ))
        c <- quantile(cb, .95, type=1)
    return(CFASE(tvals=tvals[whichT],est=out, se=ses, c=c))

#' @title test.lige
#' @description test if the local intergnerational elasticity is the same across
#'  all values of the treatment variable
#' @inheritParams lige
#' @param allt all the values of the treatment variable in the dataset
#' @return a CFASE object
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(igm)
#' tvals <- seq(10,12,length.out=8)
#' yvals <- seq(quantile(igm$lcfincome, .05), quantile(igm$lcfincome, .95), length.out=50)
#' ## obtain counterfactual results
#' out <- cfa2(lcfincome ~ lfincome, tvals, yvals, igm, method1="qr",
#' xformla2=~HEDUC, method2="qr", iters=10, tau1=seq(.05,.95,.05),
#' tau2=seq(.05,.95,.05))
#' test.lige(out$cfa1, allt=igm$lfincome, h=0.5)
#' }
#' @export
test.lige <- function(cfaobj, allt, se=T, h) {
    tvals <- cfaobj$tvals
    e1res <- getRes.CFA(cfaobj, E, se=FALSE)
    fe1res <- approxfun(tvals, e1res$est)
    lige <- sapply(tvals, function(t) { (fe1res(t+h) - fe1res(t-h))/(2*h) })
    whichT <- which(!is.na(lige))
    lige <- lige[whichT]
    bootiterlist <- cfaobj$bootiterlist##lapply(cfaobj$bootiterlist, function(x) { x$distcondt } )
    tvallist <- cfaobj$tvallist
    fcondt <- approxfun(tvals[whichT], lige)
    out <- lige - mean(fcondt(allt), na.rm=TRUE) ## this drops some observations in the extreme tails

    ses <- NULL
    c <- NULL
    if (se) {
        bootout <- list()
        for (i in 1:length(bootiterlist)) {
            e1resb <- getRes.CFA(bootiterlist[[i]], E, FALSE)
            fe1resb <- approxfun(tvals, e1resb$est)
            ligeb <- sapply(tvals, function(t) { (fe1resb(t+h) - fe1resb(t-h))/(2*h) })
            ligeb <- ligeb[whichT]
            bfcondt <- approxfun(tvals[whichT], ligeb)
            bout <- ligeb - mean(bfcondt(tvallist[[i]]), na.rm=T)
            bootout[[i]] <- as.matrix(bout)
        ses <- apply(simplify2array(bootout), c(1,2), sd)
        ses <- if (nrow(ses)==1) as.numeric(ses) else ses
        cb <- unlist(lapply(bootout, function(x) { max(abs((x-out)/ses)) } ))
        c <- quantile(cb, .95, type=1)
    return(CFASE(tvals=tvals[whichT],est=out, se=ses, c=c))

#' @title CFASE
#' @description creates object of class CFASE
#' @inheritParams cfa
#' @param est the estimate of the parameter at each value of t
#' @param c optional critical value for uniform inference
#' @return CFASE object
#' @export
CFASE <- function(tvals, est, se=NULL, c=NULL) {
    if (is.null(c)) {
        c <- 1.96
    out <- list(tvals=tvals, est=est, se=se, c=c)
    class(out) <- "CFASE"

#' @title ggplot2.CFA
#' @description function for plotting results from counterfactual analysis
#'  using ggplot2
#' @import ggplot2
#' @param cfaseobj a CFASE object to plot
#' @param setype whether to plot pointwise, uniform, or both standard errors
#' @param ylim optional y limits on the plot
#' @param xlabel optional x axis labels
#' @param ylabel optional y axis labels
#' @param legend boolean for whether or not to plot a legend (tends to look
#'  better with this option set to FALSE)
#' @return ggplot2 object
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(igm)
#' tvals <- seq(10,12,length.out=8)
#' yvals <- seq(quantile(igm$lcfincome, .05), quantile(igm$lcfincome, .95), length.out=50)
#' ## obtain counterfactual results
#' out <- cfa2(lcfincome ~ lfincome, tvals, yvals, igm, method1="qr",
#' xformla2=~HEDUC, method2="qr", iters=10, tau1=seq(.05,.95,.05),
#' tau2=seq(.05,.95,.05))
#' ## get the difference between the average that adjusts for covariates and
#' ## the one that does not
#' ggplot2.CFA(getResDiff.CFA(out$cfa1, out$cfa2, E), setype="uniform")
#' } 
#' @export
ggplot2.CFA <- function(cfaseobj, setype="pointwise", ylim=NULL,
                        xlabel=NULL, ylabel=NULL, legend=FALSE) {
    tvals <- cfaseobj$tvals
    est <- cfaseobj$est
    se <- cfaseobj$se
    c <- cfaseobj$c
    cmat1 <- cbind.data.frame(tvals, est)
    cmat1$which <- "est"
    if (!is.null(se)) {
        cmat2 <- cbind.data.frame(tvals, se)
        cmat2$which <- "se"
        colnames(cmat2) <- colnames(cmat1)
        cmat <- rbind.data.frame(cmat1, cmat2)
    } else {
        cmat <- cmat1

    cmat <- tidyr::gather(cmat, key=k, value=v, -tvals, -which)

    cmat <- tidyr::spread(cmat, which, v)

    p <- ggplot(cmat, aes(x=tvals, y=est, group=k)) +
    if (!is.null(se)) {
        if (setype == "both" | setype=="pointwise") {
            p <- p + geom_line(aes(y=est+1.96*se), lty=3) + geom_line(aes(y=est-1.96*se), lty=3)
        if (setype=="both" | setype=="uniform") {
            p <-  p + geom_line(aes(y=est+c*se), lty=2) + geom_line(aes(y=est-c*se), lty=2)
    p <- p + theme_bw()

    if (!is.null(ylim)) {
        p <- p + scale_y_continuous(limits=ylim)
    if (!is.null(xlab)) {
        p <- p + xlab(xlabel)
    if (!is.null(ylab)) {
        p <- p + ylab(ylabel)
    if (!legend) {
        p <- p + theme(legend.position="none")
WeigeHuangEcon/cfa documentation built on Dec. 20, 2020, 4:39 p.m.