
#-----------------GET LIST OF TABLES------------

#' get the information
#' Read the excel tables and edit them.
#' @param path_to_excel String. Path to the excel table.
#' @param remove_empty Boolean. If \code{TRUE} remove the empty table in the list.
#' @return list of data.table with the edited excel tables.
#' @examples 
#' get_shoting_list(path_to_excel = "Desktop/excel/")
#' @import data.table
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @importFrom tidyr separate
#' @export
get_shooting_list <- function(path_to_excel,
                              remove_empty = T, ...){
  LIST_OF_TABLE <- get_the_one_list(path_to_excel = path_to_excel,
                                    lists_of_excel = NAMES_EXCEL_TABLE,
                                    remove_empty = T)
  LIST_OF_TABLE$Shots <- LIST_OF_TABLE$Shots %>% 
    clean_shots() %>% 
    convert_integer() %>% 
    remove_rows() %>% 
  # devtools::use_data(LIST_OF_TABLE, overwrite = TRUE)

# ------------------READ TABLES--------------

#' Read one excel table.
#' For given path, read the excel table with name \code{name_excel_table}.
#' @param name_excel_table String. Name of the excel table.
#' @param path_to_excel String. Path to the excel table.
#' @param format String. Ending of the filename.
#' @return data.table
lese_excel <- function(name_excel_table, path_to_excel, format = ".xlsx", ...){
  paste0(path_to_excel, name_excel_table, format) %>% # get the right name
    read_xlsx() %>%             # read the table
    as.data.table()              # convert into data.table

#' Save excel-tables in one list .
#' @param path_to_excel String. Path to the folder of the tables
#' @param list_of_excel Character Vector. Names of the excel-tables.
#' @param remove_empty Boolean. If \code{TRUE} remove the empty table in the list.
#' @return list.
get_the_one_list <- function(path_to_excel,
                             lists_of_excel = LIST_OF_TABLE_FROM_EXCEL,
                             remove_empty = T,...){
  list_of_table <- list()
  for(i in lists_of_excel){
    table <- lese_excel(name_excel_table = i,
                        path_to_excel = path_to_excel)
    if(remove_empty){ # Check if you want to delete empty table
      if(nrow(table) > 0){  # Only save not-emtpy tables
        list_of_table[[i]] <- table
      list_of_table[[i]] <- table

#------------EDIT TABLES------------

#' Edit character of Shots
#' Separate the one column in Shots into multiple columns
#' and then separate the relevant information.
#' @param x String. of the form "\"information\"text".
#' @return String. with just the information.
delete_character <- function(x, ...){
  y <- sub("\"", "", x)
  z <- sub("\".*", "", y)

#' Filter only the information
#' @param table_shots data.table. Shots table
#' @return data.table. with separated columns.
clean_shots <- function(table_shots, ...){
  # Separate into multiple columns
  table_sep <- table_shots %>% 
    separate(shotdata, into = SHOTS_COLUMNS, sep = "=")
  # Remove the character around the information
  table_clean <- table_sep[, ':='(first = NULL,
                                  shootingrange = lapply(shootingrange, delete_character),
                                  shootersid    = lapply(shootersid, delete_character),
                                  shot          = lapply(shot, delete_character),
                                  shotcount     = lapply(shotcount, delete_character),
                                  run           = lapply(run, delete_character),
                                  isvalid       = lapply(isvalid, delete_character),
                                  ishot         = lapply(ishot, delete_character),
                                  iswarm        = lapply(iswarm, delete_character),
                                  x_co          = lapply(x_co, delete_character),
                                  y_co          = lapply(y_co, delete_character),
                                  teiler        = lapply(teiler, delete_character),
                                  winkel        = lapply(winkel, delete_character),
                                  disktype      = lapply(disktype, delete_character),
                                  dummy         = lapply(dummy, delete_character),
                                  shotTime      = lapply(shotTime, delete_character),
                                  menuid        = lapply(menuid, delete_character),
                                  datetime      = lapply(datetime, delete_character),
                                  isinnerten    = lapply(isinnerten, delete_character),
                                  commentvalid  = lapply(commentvalid, delete_character),
                                  valuation     = lapply(valuation, delete_character),
                                  innerten      = lapply(innerten, delete_character),
                                  full          = lapply(full, delete_character),
                                  dec           = sub(",", ".", lapply(dec, delete_character))

#' Convert elements in table into integer
#' @param table_shots data.table 
#' @return data.table
convert_integer <- function(table_shots){
  table_converted <- table_shots[,':='(
    x_co = as.numeric(x_co),
    y_co = as.numeric(y_co),
    teiler = as.numeric(teiler),
    winkel = as.numeric(winkel),
    dec = as.numeric(dec),
    full = as.integer(full),
    shot = as.integer(shot),
    disktype = as.character(disktype)
WeissenbergerSven/ShotAnalysis documentation built on May 21, 2019, 9:19 a.m.