
stock.CN <- function(stock.code){

# add module to check if the code is valid --------------------------------

  if(nchar(stock.code) != 6){
    stop("The stock code entered is invalid. The code should be like \"601898\" or \"000034\"")
  if(is.na(as.integer(stock.code)) == TRUE){
    stop("The stock code entered is invalid. The code should be like \"601898\" or \"000034\"")
  if((substr(stock.code, 1, 1) %in% c("0", "6")) == FALSE){
    stop("The stock code entered is invalid. The code should be like \"601898\" or \"000034\"")

# check the exchange altermatically, Shanghai or Shenzhen -----------------

  exchange <- switch (substr(stock.code, 1, 1),
    "6" = "sh",
    "0" = "sz"

  query <- paste("http://hq.sinajs.cn/list=",

  raw_content <- scan(query,
                      what = "raw", encoding = "UTF-8", quiet = TRUE)

  content <- strsplit(raw_content[2], split = ",")[[1]]

  content <- content[-c(7,8)]  # remove duplicated elements
  result <- as.list(content[-length(content)])  # remove the last element which is meaningless

  names(result) <- c("code", "open", "prev.close", "current", "high", "low",
                     "volume", "amount",
                     "bid.volume.1", "bid.price.1","bid.volume.2", "bid.price.2",
                     "bid.volume.3", "bid.price.3","bid.volume.4", "bid.price.4","bid.volume.5", "bid.price.5",
                     "ask.volume.1", "ask.price.1","ask.volume.2", "ask.price.2",
                     "ask.volume.3", "ask.price.3","ask.volume.4", "ask.price.4","ask.volume.5", "ask.price.5",
                     "date", "time")

  result$code <- stock.code

XD-DENG/StockChina documentation built on May 9, 2019, 11:04 p.m.