
## Methods for filter classes.

#' @description Extract the field/column name from an AnnotationFilter and
#'     ensure that it matches the correct database column name. Depending on
#'     whether argument \code{db} is present, the column names are also
#'     prefixed with the name of the corresponding table.
#' @param object An \code{AnnotationFilter} object.
#' @param db An \code{EnsDb} object.
#' @param with.tables \code{character} specifying the tables that should be
#'     considered when prefixing the column name.
#' @noRd
setMethod("ensDbColumn", "AnnotationFilter",
          function(object, db, with.tables = character()) {
              clmn <- .fieldInEnsDb(object@field)
              if (missing(db))
              if (length(with.tables) == 0)
                  with.tables <- names(listTables(db))
              unlist(prefixColumns(db, clmn, with.tables = with.tables),
                     use.names = FALSE)

setMethod("ensDbColumn", "AnnotationFilterList",
          function(object, db, with.tables = character()) {
              if (length(object) == 0)
              unique(unlist(lapply(object, ensDbColumn, db,
                                   with.tables = with.tables)))

#' @description Build the \emph{where} query for an \code{AnnotationFilter} or
#'     \code{AnnotationFilterList}.
#' @noRd
setMethod("ensDbQuery", "AnnotationFilter",
          function(object, db, with.tables = character()) {
              .queryForEnsDbWithTables(object, db, with.tables)

setMethod("ensDbQuery", "AnnotationFilterList",
          function(object, db, with.tables = character()) {
              wq <- NULL
              if (length(object)) {
                  wq <- ensDbQuery(object[[1]], db, with.tables = with.tables)
                  if (length(object) > 1) {
                      for (i in 2:length(object)) {
                          wq <- paste(wq, .logOp2SQL(object@logOp[(i -1)]),
                                      ensDbQuery(object[[i]], db,
                                                 with.tables = with.tables))
                  ## Encapsule all inside brackets.
                  wq <- paste0("(", wq, ")")

#' Need an ensDbQuery for SeqNameFilter to support different chromosome naming
#' styles
#' @noRd
setMethod("ensDbQuery", "SeqNameFilter",
          function(object, db, with.tables = character()) {
              ## val <- sQuote(value(object, db))
              ## Doing all the stuff in here:
              vals <- value(object)
              clmn <- .fieldInEnsDb(field(object))
              if (!missing(db)) {
                  ## o Eventually rename the seqname based on the seqlevelsStyle.
                  vals <- formatSeqnamesForQuery(db, vals)
                  if (length(with.tables) == 0)
                      with.tables <- names(listTables(db))
                  clmn <- unlist(prefixColumns(db, clmn,
                                               with.tables = with.tables))
              ## o Quote the values.
              vals <- sQuote(vals)
              ## o Concatenate values.
              if (length(vals) > 1)
                  vals <- paste0("(", paste0(vals, collapse = ","), ")")
              paste(clmn, .conditionForEnsDb(object), vals)

setMethod("ensDbQuery", "SeqStrandFilter",
          function(object, db, with.tables = character()) {
              ## We have to ensure that value is converted to +1, -1.
              val <- strand2num(value(object))
              clmn <- .fieldInEnsDb(field(object))
              if (!missing(db)) {
                  if (length(with.tables) == 0)
                      with.tables <- names(listTables(db))
                  clmn <- unlist(prefixColumns(db, clmn,
                                               with.tables = with.tables))
              paste(clmn, .conditionForEnsDb(object), val)

setMethod("start", signature(x="GRangesFilter"),
          function(x, ...){

setMethod("end", signature(x="GRangesFilter"),
          function(x, ...){

setMethod("strand", signature(x="GRangesFilter"),
          function(x, ...){

#' @description \code{seqnames}: accessor for the sequence names of the
#' \code{GRanges} object within a \code{GRangesFilter}
#' @param x For \code{seqnames}, \code{seqlevels}: a \code{GRangesFilter} object.
#' @rdname Filter-classes
setMethod("seqnames", signature(x="GRangesFilter"),

#' @description \code{seqnames}: accessor for the \code{seqlevels} of the
#' \code{GRanges} object within a \code{GRangesFilter}
#' @rdname Filter-classes
setMethod("seqlevels", signature(x="GRangesFilter"),

setMethod("ensDbColumn", "GRangesFilter",
          function(object, db, with.tables = character(), ...){
              feature <- object@feature
              feature <- match.arg(feature, c("gene", "transcript", "exon",
              if(object@feature == "transcript")
                  feature <- "tx"
              cols <- c(start = paste0(feature, "_seq_start"),
                        end = paste0(feature, "_seq_end"),
                        seqname = "seq_name",
                        strand = "seq_strand")

              if (!missing(db)) {
                  if (length(with.tables) == 0)
                      with.tables <- names(listTables(db))
                  cols <- unlist(prefixColumns(db, cols,
                                               with.tables = with.tables),
                                 use.names = FALSE)
                  ## We have to give the vector the required names!
                  names(cols) <- 1:length(cols)
                  names(cols)[grep(cols, pattern = "seq_name")] <- "seqname"
                  names(cols)[grep(cols, pattern = "seq_strand")] <- "strand"
                  names(cols)[grep(cols, pattern = "seq_start")] <- "start"
                  names(cols)[grep(cols, pattern = "seq_end")] <- "end"
              cols[c("start", "end", "seqname", "strand")]

setMethod("ensDbQuery", "GRangesFilter",
          function(object, db, with.tables = character()) {
              cols <- ensDbColumn(object, db, with.tables)
              if (missing(db))
                  db <- NULL
              buildWhereForGRanges(object, cols, db = db)

setMethod("ensDbColumn", signature(object = "OnlyCodingTxFilter"),
          function(object, db, ...) {

setMethod("ensDbQuery", "OnlyCodingTxFilter",
          function(object, db, with.tables = character()) {
              "tx.tx_cds_seq_start is not null"

setMethod("ensDbColumn", "ProteinIdFilter",
          function(object, db, with.tables = character(), ...) {
              if (missing(db)) {
              if (!hasProteinData(db))
                  stop("The 'EnsDb' database used does not provide",
                       " protein annotations! A 'ProteinIdFilter' can not",
                       " be used.")

setMethod("ensDbQuery", "ProteinIdFilter",
          function(object, db, with.tables = character()) {
              if (missing(db))
              if (!hasProteinData(db))
                  stop("The 'EnsDb' database used does not provide",
                       " protein annotations! A 'ProteinIdFilter' can not",
                       " be used.")
              .queryForEnsDbWithTables(object, db, with.tables)

setMethod("ensDbColumn", "UniprotFilter",
          function(object, db, with.tables = character(), ...) {
              if (missing(db))
              if (!hasProteinData(db))
                  stop("The 'EnsDb' database used does not provide",
                       " protein annotations! A 'UniprotFilter' can not",
                       " be used.")

setMethod("ensDbQuery", "UniprotFilter",
          function(object, db, with.tables = character()) {
              if (missing(db))
              if (!hasProteinData(db))
                  stop("The 'EnsDb' database used does not provide",
                       " protein annotations! A 'UniprotFilter' can not",
                       " be used.")
              .queryForEnsDbWithTables(object, db, with.tables)

setMethod("ensDbColumn", "ProtDomIdFilter",
          function(object, db, with.tables = character(), ...) {
              if (missing(db))
              if (!hasProteinData(db))
                  stop("The 'EnsDb' database used does not provide",
                       " protein annotations! A 'ProtDomIdFilter' can not",
                       " be used.")

setMethod("ensDbQuery", "ProtDomIdFilter",
          function(object, db, with.tables = character()) {
              if (missing(db))
              if (!hasProteinData(db))
                  stop("The 'EnsDb' database used does not provide",
                       " protein annotations! A 'ProtDomIdFilter' can not",
                       " be used.")
              .queryForEnsDbWithTables(object, db, with.tables)

setMethod("ensDbColumn", "UniprotDbFilter",
          function(object, db, with.tables = character(), ...) {
              if (missing(db))
              if (!hasProteinData(db))
                  stop("The 'EnsDb' database used does not provide",
                       " protein annotations! A 'UniprotDbFilter' can not",
                       " be used.")

setMethod("ensDbQuery", "UniprotDbFilter",
          function(object, db, with.tables = character()) {
              if (missing(db))
              if (!hasProteinData(db))
                  stop("The 'EnsDb' database used does not provide",
                       " protein annotations! A 'ProteinIdFilter' can not",
                       " be used.")
              .queryForEnsDbWithTables(object, db, with.tables)

setMethod("ensDbColumn", "UniprotMappingTypeFilter",
          function(object, db, with.tables = character(), ...) {
              if (missing(db))
              if (!hasProteinData(db))
                  stop("The 'EnsDb' database used does not provide",
                       " protein annotations! A 'UniprotMappingTypeFilter' ",
                       "can not be used.")

setMethod("ensDbQuery", "UniprotMappingTypeFilter",
          function(object, db, with.tables = character()) {
              if (missing(db))
              if (!hasProteinData(db))
                  stop("The 'EnsDb' database used does not provide",
                       " protein annotations! A 'UniprotMappingTypeFilter' can not",
                       " be used.")
              .queryForEnsDbWithTables(object, db, with.tables)

setMethod("ensDbColumn", "TxSupportLevelFilter",
          function(object, db, with.tables = character(), ...) {
              if (missing(db))
              if (!any(listColumns(db) %in% "tx_support_level"))
                  stop("The 'EnsDb' database used does not provide",
                       " transcript support levels! A 'TxSupportLevelFilter' ",
                       "can not be used.")

setMethod("ensDbQuery", "TxSupportLevelFilter",
          function(object, db, with.tables = character()) {
              if (missing(db))
              if (!any(listColumns(db) %in% "tx_support_level"))
                  stop("The 'EnsDb' database used does not provide",
                       " transcript support levels! A 'TxSupportLevelFilter' ",
                       "can not be used.")
              .queryForEnsDbWithTables(object, db, with.tables)
YTLogos/ensembldb documentation built on May 3, 2019, 9:03 p.m.