
context("check util functions")

test_that("test upper_gather", {
  mat <- matrix(seq(20),nrow=5, ncol=4)
  # use col03 to break sorted state
  colnames(mat) <- c("col1","col2","col03", "col4")
  result <- upper_gather(mat)
  expect_equal( typeof(result[[2]]), "character")
  expect_equal(result[[1]], sort(result[[1]]))
  expect_equal(result[result[[1]]==3 & result[[2]]=="col4", 3][[1]], 18)
  expect_equal(result[result[[1]]==2 & result[[2]]=="col03", 3][[1]], 12)
  expect_equal(nrow(result), 6)

test_that("test upper_gather with vector", {
  mat <- seq(6)
  names <- paste("entity", seq(4))
  result <- upper_gather(mat,names)
  expect_equal(result$Var1, sort(result$Var1))
  expect_equal(result[result[,1]=="entity 1" & result[,2]=="entity 3",3], 2)
  expect_equal(result[result[,1]=="entity 1" & result[,2]=="entity 4",3], 3)
  expect_equal(result[result[,1]=="entity 2" & result[,2]=="entity 3",3], 4)
  expect_equal(result[result[,1]=="entity 2" & result[,2]=="entity 4",3], 5)
  expect_equal(result[result[,1]=="entity 3" & result[,2]=="entity 4",3], 6)
  expect_equal(nrow(result), 6)

test_that("test upper_gather with vector diag true", {
  mat <- seq(6)
  names <- paste("entity", seq(4))
  result <- upper_gather(mat,names, diag=1)
  expect_equal(nrow(result), 10)

test_that("test group_exclude", {
  test_df <- data.frame(
    col1=rep(paste("col1", seq(2)), 5),
    col2=rep(paste("col2", seq(2)), each=5),
    col3=paste("col3", seq(10))
  test_df$list <- as.list(paste("list", seq(10)))
  ret <- group_exclude(test_df, col1, col2)
  expect_equal(colnames(attr(ret, "label")), "col3")

test_that("sparse_cast", {
  test_df <- data.frame(
    row = rep(paste("row", 6-seq(5)), each=4),
    col = rep(paste("col", seq(4)), 5),
    val = rep(c(NA,1,0,0), 5)
  mat <- sparse_cast(test_df, "row", "col", "val")

  expect_equal(dim(mat), c(5, 4))
  expect_equal(dimnames(mat), list(paste("row", seq(5)), paste("col", seq(4))))

  mat <- sparse_cast(test_df, "row", "col")
  expect_equal(dim(mat), c(5, 4))

test_that("test group_exclude one col", {
  test_df <- data.frame(
    col1=rep(paste("col1", seq(2)), 5)
  ret <- group_exclude(test_df, col1)
  expect_equal(attr(ret, "label"), NULL)

test_that("test avoid_conflict", {
  origin <- c("name1", "name1.new", "name2")
  new <- c("name1", "name2")
  ret <- avoid_conflict(origin, new)
  expect_equal(ret, c("name1.new.new", "name2.new"))

test_that("test grouped_by", {
  test_df <- data.frame(
    col1=rep(paste("col1", seq(2)), 5),
    col2=rep(paste("col2", seq(2)), each=5),
    col3=paste("col3", seq(10))
  df <- dplyr::group_by(test_df, col1, col2)
  ret <- grouped_by(df)
  expect_equal(ret, c("col1", "col2"))

test_that("test simple_cast colnames are sorted", {
  test_df <- data.frame(
    rowname = rep(c("row1", "row02", "row3", "row004"), each=3),
    colname = rep(c("col1", "col2", "col03"), 4),
    val = seq(12),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  mat <- simple_cast(test_df, "rowname", "colname", "val")
  expect_equal(test_df[test_df$rowname=="row3" & test_df$colname=="col03",3][[1]], mat["row3", "col03"])

test_that("test simple_cast colnames, rownames with na", {
  test_df <- data.frame(
    rowname = rep(c("row1", "row02", NA, "row004"), each=3),
    colname = rep(c("col1", NA, "col03"), 4),
    val = seq(12),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  mat <- simple_cast(test_df, "rowname", "colname", "val")
  expect_equal(dim(mat), c(3, 2))
  expect_equal(test_df[test_df$rowname=="row02" & test_df$colname=="col1",3][[1]], mat["row02", "col1"])

test_that("test simple_cast larger than max int (2^31)", {
  test_df <- data.frame(
    rval = seq(2^16),
    cval = seq(2^16),
    val = rep(0, 2^16),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  expect_error(simple_cast(test_df, "rval", "cval", "val"), "Data is too large to make a matrix for calculation.")

test_that("test sparse_cast", {
  test_df <- data.frame(
    rowname = rep(c("row1", "row02", "row3"), each=3),
    colname = c("col1", "col02", "col5", "col02", "col3", "col1", "col02", "col4", "col5"),
    val = seq(9),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  mat <- sparse_cast(test_df, "rowname", "colname", "val")

  for(rindex in seq(9)){
    row <- test_df[rindex, "rowname"]
    col <- test_df[rindex, "colname"]
    val <- test_df[rindex, "val"]
    expect_equal(mat[row, col], val)

test_that("test sparse_cast with na label", {
  test_df <- data.frame(
    rowname = rep(c("row1", "row02", NA), each=3),
    colname = c("col1", "col02", NA, "col02", "col3", "col1", "col02", "col4", "col5"),
    val = seq(9),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  mat <- sparse_cast(test_df, "rowname", "colname", "val")
  expect_equal(dim(mat), c(2, 3))

test_that("test simple_cast with undefined column names", {
  test_df <- data.frame(
    rowname = rep(c("row1", "row02", NA), each=3),
    colname = c("col1", "col02", NA, "col02", "col3", "col1", "col02", "col4", "col5"),
    val = seq(9),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    simple_cast(test_df, "row", "colname", "val")
  }, "row is not in column names")
    simple_cast(test_df, "rowname", "col", "val")
  }, "col is not in column names")
    simple_cast(test_df, "rowname", "colname", "valname")
  }, "valname is not in column names")

test_that("test sparse_cast with undefined column names", {
  test_df <- data.frame(
    rowname = rep(c("row1", "row02", NA), each=3),
    colname = c("col1", "col02", NA, "col02", "col3", "col1", "col02", "col4", "col5"),
    val = seq(9),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    sparse_cast(test_df, "row", "colname", "val")
  }, "row is not in column names")
    sparse_cast(test_df, "rowname", "col", "val")
  }, "col is not in column names")
    sparse_cast(test_df, "rowname", "colname", "valname")
  }, "valname is not in column names")

test_that("test sparse_cast without val", {
  test_df <- data.frame(
    rowname = rep(c("row1", "row02", "row3"), each=3),
    colname = c("col1", "col02", "col5", "col02", "col3", "col1", "col02", "col4", "col5"),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  mat <- sparse_cast(test_df, "rowname", "colname")

  for(rindex in seq(9)){
    row <- test_df[rindex, "rowname"]
    col <- test_df[rindex, "colname"]
    expect_equal(mat[row, col], TRUE)

test_that("test sparse_cast with fun.aggregate", {
  test_df <- data.frame(
    rowname = rep(c("row1", "row02", "row3"), each=3),
    colname = c("col1", "col1", "col5", "col02", "col3", "col1", "col02", "col4", "col5"),
    val = seq(9),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  mat <- sparse_cast(test_df, "rowname", "colname", "val", fun.aggregate=mean)

  expect_equal(mat["row1", "col1"], 1.5)

test_that("test mat_to_df", {
  nc <- 4
  nr <- 5
  mat <- matrix(seq(nc*nr), ncol=nc, nrow=nr)
  colnames(mat) <- paste("cname", seq(nc))
  rownames(mat) <- paste("rname", seq(nr))
  ret <- mat_to_df(mat, c("aa", "bb", "value"))

test_that("test %nin%", {
  ret <- c(1,3,NA,2) %nin% c(3, NA)
  expect_equal(ret, c(T,F,F,T))

test_that("list_extract", {
  test_list <- list(seq(1), seq(2), seq(3))
  def_ret <- list_extract(test_list)
  expect_equal(def_ret, c(1, 1, 1))

  # index over
  over_ret <- list_extract(test_list, 3)
  expect_equal(over_ret, c(NA, NA, 3))

  # index minus
  minus_ret <- list_extract(test_list, -2)
  expect_equal(minus_ret, c(NA, 1, 2))

  # index minus over
  minus_ret <- list_extract(test_list, -5)
  expect_equal(minus_ret, c(NA, NA, NA))

  test_df_list <- list(data.frame(1), data.frame(1, second=2), data.frame(1, 2, 3))
  def_ret <- list_extract(test_df_list)
  expect_equal(def_ret, c(1, 1, 1))

  # index over
  over_ret <- list_extract(test_df_list, 3)
  expect_equal(over_ret, c(NA, NA, 3))

  # index minus
  minus_ret <- list_extract(test_df_list, -2)
  expect_equal(minus_ret, c(NA, 1, 2))

  # index minus over
  minus_ret <- list_extract(test_df_list, -5)
  expect_equal(minus_ret, c(NA, NA, NA))

  # index text
  minus_ret <- list_extract(test_df_list, "second")
  expect_equal(minus_ret, c(NA, 2, NA))

test_that("as_numeric_matrix", {
  test_df <- data.frame(
    date1 = lubridate::ymd("1990:10:11") + seq(10),
    date2 = lubridate::ymd("1991:08:11") - seq(10)
    ret <- as_numeric_matrix_(test_df, columns = c("date1", "date2"))

test_that("as_numeric_matrix", {
  test_df <- data.frame(
    char1 = as.character(seq(10)),
    char2 = as.character(0 - seq(10))
  ret <- as_numeric_matrix_(test_df, columns = c("char1", "char2"))

test_that("as_numeric_matrix to group", {
  test_df <- data.frame(
    date1 = as.character(seq(20)),
    date2 = as.character(0 - seq(20)),
    group = paste(rep(c(1, 2), each = 10))
  ret <- test_df %>%
    dplyr::group_by(group) %>%
    as_numeric_matrix_(columns = c("date1", "date2"))
  expect_equal(dim(ret), c(20, 2))

test_that("evaluate_select", {
  test_df <- data.frame(
    col1 = as.character(seq(10)),
    col2 = as.character(0 - seq(10))
  ret <- evaluate_select(test_df, c("dplyr::starts_with('col')"))
  expect_equal(ret, c("col1", "col2"))

test_that("evaluate_select negative test", {
  test_df <- data.frame(
    col1 = as.character(seq(10)),
    col2 = as.character(0 - seq(10))
    evaluate_select(test_df, c("co1"))
  }, "undefined columns selected")
    evaluate_select(test_df, c("dplyr::starts_with('something')"))
  }, "no column selected")

test_that("list_to_text should return NA", {
  test_df <- data.frame(
    col1 = as.character(seq(10))

  test_list <- replicate(10, list(replicate(5, letters[2])))
  test_list[[1]] <- NA
  test_list[[2]] <- character(0)
  test_list[[3]] <- c(NA, "b")

  test_df[["test_list"]] <- test_list
  ret <- dplyr::mutate(test_df, text = list_to_text(test_list) )

  expect_equal(ret[["text"]], c(rep(NA, 3), rep("b, b, b, b, b", 7)))

test_that("list_concat", {
  list1 <- list(
    c(3, 5)

  ret <- list_concat(list1, collapse = TRUE)
  expect_equal(length(ret), 1)
  expect_equal(ret[[1]], c(NA, NA, "3", "5"))

test_that("list_concat with multiple list", {
  list1 <- list(
    c(3, 5)

  list2 <- list(
    c("a", "c"),

  list3 <- list(
    c(1, 3),
    c("a", "c"),

  ret1 <- list_concat(list1, list2, list3, collapse = FALSE)
  expect_equal(ret1[[1]], c(NA, NA, NA))
  expect_equal(ret1[[2]], c(NA, "a", "c", "1", "3"))
  expect_equal(ret1[[3]], c("a", "c"))
  expect_equal(ret1[[4]], c(3, 5, 6, 6))

  ret1_collapse <- list_concat(list1, list2, list3, collapse = TRUE)

  expect_equal(length(ret1_collapse), 1)
  expect_equal(ret1_collapse[[1]], c(NA, NA, NA, NA, "a", "c", "1", "3", "a", "c", "3", "5", "6", "6"))


test_that("test expand_args", {
  func <- function(..., def = "defalut"){
    caller <- match.call()
    expand_args(caller, exclude = "def")

  ret <- func(aaa = "aa\"a",
              cc_list = list("c", "c"),
              fml = ~as.formula("~c()"),
              chars = c("chars", "chars2"),
              "no args",
              def = "not default")

  expect_equal(ret, "aaa = \"aa\"a\", cc_list = list(\"c\", \"c\"), fml = ~as.formula(\"~c()\"), chars = c(\"chars\", \"chars2\"), \"no args\"")

test_that("move_col", {
  test_data <- data.frame(
    a = seq(3),
    b = seq(3),
    c = seq(3),
    d = seq(3),
    e = seq(3),
    f = seq(3),
    g = seq(3)

  left_to_right <- move_col(test_data, "c", 6)
  expect_equal(colnames(left_to_right), c("a", "b", "d", "e", "f", "c", "g"))

  right_to_left <- move_col(test_data, "f", 2)
  expect_equal(colnames(right_to_left), c("a", "f", "b", "c", "d", "e", "g"))


test_that("unixtime_to_datetime", {
  data <- c(300, 900, NA)

  unix_ret <- unixtime_to_datetime(data)
  unix_ans <- as.POSIXct(data, origin="1970-01-01", tz = "GMT")
  expect_equal(unix_ret, unix_ans)


test_that("append_colnames", {
  test_df <- data.frame(col1 = seq(3), col2 = seq(3))

  ret <- append_colnames(test_df, "a.", ".b")

  expect_equal(colnames(ret), c("a.col1.b", "a.col2.b"))

test_that("test pivot", {
  test_df <- data.frame(
    group = c(rep(letters[1:2], each = 50),"a"),
    cat1 = c(letters[round(runif(100)*5)+1], NA),
    cat2 = c(letters[round(runif(100)*3)+1], "a"),
    cat3 = c(letters[round(runif(100)*3)+1], "a"),
    num3 = c(NA, seq(100))

  pivoted <- pivot(test_df, cat1+cat3 ~ cat2)
  expect_true("cat1_cat3" %in% colnames(pivoted))

  pivoted_with_val <- pivot(test_df, cat1 ~ cat2 + cat3, value = num3, fun.aggregate=mean, fill = 0)

  pivoted_with_na <- pivot(test_df, cat1 ~ cat2 + cat3, value = num3, fun.aggregate=mean, na.rm = FALSE)


test_that("test pivot with group_by and dirty colum names", {
  test_df <- data.frame(
    group = c(rep(letters[1:2], each = 50),"a"),
    cat1 = c(letters[round(runif(100)*5)+1], NA),
    cat2 = c(letters[round(runif(100)*3)+1], "a"),
    cat3 = c(letters[round(runif(100)*3)+1], "a"),
    num3 = c(NA, seq(100))
  colnames(test_df) <- c("group", "cat 1", "cat-2", "cat 3", "Num 3")

  grouped_pivoted <- test_df %>%
    dplyr::group_by(group) %>%
    pivot(`cat 1`+ `cat-2` ~ `cat 3`)
  expect_true("group" %in% colnames(grouped_pivoted))
  expect_equal("group", grouped_by(grouped_pivoted))

test_that("test same_type for factor", {
  original <- factor(c("bb", "bb", "aa"), levels = c("bb", "aa"))

  to_replace <- c("aa", "aa", "bb")
  ret <- same_type(to_replace, original)
  expect_equal(ret, factor(c("aa", "aa", "bb"), levels = c("bb", "aa")))

  to_replace <- factor(c("aa", "aa", "bb"), levels = c("aa", "bb"))
  ret <- same_type(to_replace, original)
  expect_equal(ret, factor(c("aa", "aa", "bb"), levels = c("bb", "aa")))

test_that("test fill_mat_NA", {
  test_mat <- matrix(seq(10), nrow = 2)
  indice <- c(2, 5)
  ret <- fill_mat_NA(indice, test_mat)
YTLogos/exploratory documentation built on May 9, 2019, 11:07 p.m.