
Defines functions Conv1D Conv2D SeparableConv2D Conv2DTranspose Conv3D Cropping1D Cropping2D Cropping3D UpSampling1D UpSampling2D UpSampling3D ZeroPadding1D ZeroPadding2D ZeroPadding3D

Documented in Conv1D Conv2D Conv2DTranspose Conv3D Cropping1D Cropping2D Cropping3D SeparableConv2D UpSampling1D UpSampling2D UpSampling3D ZeroPadding1D ZeroPadding2D ZeroPadding3D

#' Convolution layers
#' @param filters            Integer, the dimensionality of the output space
#'                           (i.e. the number output of filters in the
#'                           convolution).
#' @param kernel_size        A pair of integers specifying the dimensions of
#'                           the 2D convolution window.
#' @param strides            A pair of integers specifying the stride length
#'                           of the convolution.
#' @param padding            One of "valid", "causal" or "same"
#'                           (case-insensitive).
#' @param data_format        A string, one of channels_last (default) or
#'                           channels_first.
#'                           The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs.
#' @param depth_multiplier   The number of depthwise convolution output
#'                           channels for each input channel. The total
#'                           number of depthwise convolution output channels
#'                            will be equal to filterss_in * depth_multiplier.
#' @param dilation_rate      A pair of integers specifying the dilation rate
#'                           to use for dilated convolution
#' @param activation         Activation function to use
#' @param use_bias           Boolean, whether the layer uses a bias vector.
#' @param kernel_initializer Initializer for the kernel weights matrix
#' @param bias_initializer   Initializer for the bias vector
#' @param kernel_regularizer Regularizer function applied to the kernel
#'                           weights matrix
#' @param bias_regularizer   Regularizer function applied to the bias vector
#' @param activity_regularizer  Regularizer function applied to the output
#'                           of the layer (its "activation").
#' @param kernel_constraint  Constraint function applied to the kernel
#'                           matrix
#' @param bias_constraint    Constraint function applied to the bias vector
#' @param input_shape        only need when first layer of a model; sets the
#'                           input shape of the data
#' @example inst/examples/convolutional.R
#' @template boilerplate
#' @name Conv

#' @rdname Conv
#' @export
#' @family layers
Conv1D <- function(filters,
                   strides = 1,
                   padding = 'valid',
                   dilation_rate = 1,
                   activation = NULL,
                   use_bias = TRUE,
                   kernel_initializer = 'glorot_uniform',
                   bias_initializer = 'zeros',
                   kernel_regularizer = NULL,
                   bias_regularizer = NULL,
                   activity_regularizer = NULL,
                   kernel_constraint = NULL,
                   bias_constraint = NULL,
                   input_shape = NULL) {

  # Need special logic for input_shape because it is passed
  # via kwargs and needs to be manually adjusted
  if (is.null(input_shape)) {
    res <- modules$keras.layers.convolutional$Conv1D(
                   filters = int32(filters),
                   kernel_size = int32(kernel_size),
                   strides = int32(strides),
                   padding = padding,
                   dilation_rate = int32(dilation_rate),
                   activation = activation,
                   use_bias = use_bias,
                   kernel_initializer = kernel_initializer,
                   bias_initializer = bias_initializer,
                   kernel_regularizer = kernel_regularizer,
                   bias_regularizer = bias_regularizer,
                   activity_regularizer = activity_regularizer,
                   kernel_constraint = kernel_constraint,
                   bias_constraint = bias_constraint)
  } else {

    input_shape <- as.list(input_shape)
    input_shape <- modules$builtin$tuple(int32(input_shape))

    res <- modules$keras.layers.convolutional$Conv1D(
                   filters = int32(filters),
                   kernel_size = int32(kernel_size),
                   strides = int32(strides),
                   padding = padding,
                   dilation_rate = int32(dilation_rate),
                   activation = activation,
                   use_bias = use_bias,
                   kernel_initializer = kernel_initializer,
                   bias_initializer = bias_initializer,
                   kernel_regularizer = kernel_regularizer,
                   bias_regularizer = bias_regularizer,
                   activity_regularizer = activity_regularizer,
                   kernel_constraint = kernel_constraint,
                   bias_constraint = bias_constraint,
                   input_shape = input_shape)



#' @rdname Conv
#' @export
Conv2D <- function(filters,
                   strides = c(1, 1),
                   padding = 'valid',
                   data_format = NULL,
                   dilation_rate = c(1, 1),
                   activation = NULL,
                   use_bias = TRUE,
                   kernel_initializer = 'glorot_uniform',
                   bias_initializer = 'zeros',
                   kernel_regularizer = NULL,
                   bias_regularizer = NULL,
                   activity_regularizer = NULL,
                   kernel_constraint = NULL,
                   bias_constraint = NULL,
                   input_shape = NULL) {

  # Need special logic for input_shape because it is passed
  # via kwargs and needs to be manually adjusted
  if (is.null(input_shape)) {
    res <- modules$keras.layers.convolutional$Conv2D(
                   filters = int32(filters),
                   kernel_size = int32(kernel_size),
                   strides = int32(strides),
                   padding = padding,
                   data_format = data_format,
                   dilation_rate = int32(dilation_rate),
                   activation = activation,
                   use_bias = use_bias,
                   kernel_initializer = kernel_initializer,
                   bias_initializer = bias_initializer,
                   kernel_regularizer = kernel_regularizer,
                   bias_regularizer = bias_regularizer,
                   activity_regularizer = activity_regularizer,
                   kernel_constraint = kernel_constraint,
                   bias_constraint = bias_constraint)
  } else {

    input_shape <- as.list(input_shape)
    input_shape <- modules$builtin$tuple(int32(input_shape))

    res <- modules$keras.layers.convolutional$Conv2D(
                   filters = int32(filters),
                   kernel_size = int32(kernel_size),
                   strides = int32(strides),
                   padding = padding,
                   data_format = data_format,
                   dilation_rate = int32(dilation_rate),
                   activation = activation,
                   use_bias = use_bias,
                   kernel_initializer = kernel_initializer,
                   bias_initializer = bias_initializer,
                   kernel_regularizer = kernel_regularizer,
                   bias_regularizer = bias_regularizer,
                   activity_regularizer = activity_regularizer,
                   kernel_constraint = kernel_constraint,
                   bias_constraint = bias_constraint,
                   input_shape = input_shape)



#' @rdname Conv
#' @export
SeparableConv2D <- function(filters,
                   strides = c(1, 1),
                   padding = 'valid',
                   data_format = NULL,
                   depth_multiplier = 1,
                   dilation_rate = c(1, 1),
                   activation = NULL,
                   use_bias = TRUE,
                   kernel_initializer = 'glorot_uniform',
                   bias_initializer = 'zeros',
                   kernel_regularizer = NULL,
                   bias_regularizer = NULL,
                   activity_regularizer = NULL,
                   kernel_constraint = NULL,
                   bias_constraint = NULL,
                   input_shape = NULL) {


  # Need special logic for input_shape because it is passed
  # via kwargs and needs to be manually adjusted
  if (is.null(input_shape)) {
    res <- modules$keras.layers.convolutional$SeparableConv2D(
                   filters = int32(filters),
                   kernel_size = int32(kernel_size),
                   strides = int32(strides),
                   padding = padding,
                   data_format = data_format,
                   depth_multiplier = int32(depth_multiplier),
                   dilation_rate = int32(dilation_rate),
                   activation = activation,
                   use_bias = use_bias,
                   kernel_initializer = kernel_initializer,
                   bias_initializer = bias_initializer,
                   kernel_regularizer = kernel_regularizer,
                   bias_regularizer = bias_regularizer,
                   activity_regularizer = activity_regularizer,
                   kernel_constraint = kernel_constraint,
                   bias_constraint = bias_constraint)
  } else {

    input_shape <- as.list(input_shape)
    input_shape <- modules$builtin$tuple(int32(input_shape))

    res <- modules$keras.layers.convolutional$SeparableConv2D(
                   filters = int32(filters),
                   kernel_size = int32(kernel_size),
                   strides = int32(strides),
                   padding = padding,
                   data_format = data_format,
                   depth_multiplier = int32(depth_multiplier),
                   dilation_rate = int32(dilation_rate),
                   activation = activation,
                   use_bias = use_bias,
                   kernel_initializer = kernel_initializer,
                   bias_initializer = bias_initializer,
                   kernel_regularizer = kernel_regularizer,
                   bias_regularizer = bias_regularizer,
                   activity_regularizer = activity_regularizer,
                   kernel_constraint = kernel_constraint,
                   bias_constraint = bias_constraint,
                   input_shape = input_shape)



#' @rdname Conv
#' @export
Conv2DTranspose <- function(filters,
                   strides = c(1, 1),
                   padding = 'valid',
                   data_format = NULL,
                   dilation_rate = c(1, 1),
                   activation = NULL,
                   use_bias = TRUE,
                   kernel_initializer = 'glorot_uniform',
                   bias_initializer = 'zeros',
                   kernel_regularizer = NULL,
                   bias_regularizer = NULL,
                   activity_regularizer = NULL,
                   kernel_constraint = NULL,
                   bias_constraint = NULL,
                   input_shape = NULL) {


  # Need special logic for input_shape because it is passed
  # via kwargs and needs to be manually adjusted
  if (is.null(input_shape)) {
    res <- modules$keras.layers.convolutional$Conv2DTranspose(
                   filters = int32(filters),
                   kernel_size = int32(kernel_size),
                   strides = int32(strides),
                   padding = padding,
                   data_format = data_format,
                   dilation_rate = int32(dilation_rate),
                   activation = activation,
                   use_bias = use_bias,
                   kernel_initializer = kernel_initializer,
                   bias_initializer = bias_initializer,
                   kernel_regularizer = kernel_regularizer,
                   bias_regularizer = bias_regularizer,
                   activity_regularizer = activity_regularizer,
                   kernel_constraint = kernel_constraint,
                   bias_constraint = bias_constraint)
  } else {

    input_shape <- as.list(input_shape)
    input_shape <- modules$builtin$tuple(int32(input_shape))

    res <- modules$keras.layers.convolutional$Conv2DTranspose(
                   filters = int32(filters),
                   kernel_size = int32(kernel_size),
                   strides = int32(strides),
                   padding = padding,
                   data_format = data_format,
                   dilation_rate = int32(dilation_rate),
                   activation = activation,
                   use_bias = use_bias,
                   kernel_initializer = kernel_initializer,
                   bias_initializer = bias_initializer,
                   kernel_regularizer = kernel_regularizer,
                   bias_regularizer = bias_regularizer,
                   activity_regularizer = activity_regularizer,
                   kernel_constraint = kernel_constraint,
                   bias_constraint = bias_constraint,
                   input_shape = input_shape)



#' @rdname Conv
#' @export
Conv3D <- function(filters,
                   strides = c(1, 1, 1),
                   padding = 'valid',
                   data_format = NULL,
                   dilation_rate = c(1, 1, 1),
                   activation = NULL,
                   use_bias = TRUE,
                   kernel_initializer = 'glorot_uniform',
                   bias_initializer = 'zeros',
                   kernel_regularizer = NULL,
                   bias_regularizer = NULL,
                   activity_regularizer = NULL,
                   kernel_constraint = NULL,
                   bias_constraint = NULL,
                   input_shape = NULL) {


  # Need special logic for input_shape because it is passed
  # via kwargs and needs to be manually adjusted
  if (is.null(input_shape)) {
    res <- modules$keras.layers.convolutional$Conv3D(
                   filters = int32(filters),
                   kernel_size = int32(kernel_size),
                   strides = int32(strides),
                   padding = padding,
                   data_format = data_format,
                   dilation_rate = int32(dilation_rate),
                   activation = activation,
                   use_bias = use_bias,
                   kernel_initializer = kernel_initializer,
                   bias_initializer = bias_initializer,
                   kernel_regularizer = kernel_regularizer,
                   bias_regularizer = bias_regularizer,
                   activity_regularizer = activity_regularizer,
                   kernel_constraint = kernel_constraint,
                   bias_constraint = bias_constraint)
  } else {

    input_shape <- as.list(input_shape)
    input_shape <- modules$builtin$tuple(int32(input_shape))

    res <- modules$keras.layers.convolutional$Conv3D(
                   filters = int32(filters),
                   kernel_size = int32(kernel_size),
                   strides = int32(strides),
                   padding = padding,
                   data_format = data_format,
                   dilation_rate = int32(dilation_rate),
                   activation = activation,
                   use_bias = use_bias,
                   kernel_initializer = kernel_initializer,
                   bias_initializer = bias_initializer,
                   kernel_regularizer = kernel_regularizer,
                   bias_regularizer = bias_regularizer,
                   activity_regularizer = activity_regularizer,
                   kernel_constraint = kernel_constraint,
                   bias_constraint = bias_constraint,
                   input_shape = input_shape)



#' Cropping layers for 1D input (e.g. temporal sequence).
#' It crops along the time dimension (axis 1).
#' @param cropping   integer or pair of integers. How many units
#'                   should be trimmed off at the beginning and end
#'                   of the cropping dimension (axis 1). If a single value
#'                   is provided, the same value will be used for both.
#' @param data_format  A string, one of channels_last (default) or
#'                     channels_first.
#' @param input_shape  only need when first layer of a model; sets the
#'                     input shape of the data
#' @template boilerplate
#' @name Cropping

#' @rdname Cropping
#' @export
Cropping1D <- function(cropping = c(1,1), input_shape = NULL) {


  # Need special logic for input_shape because it is passed
  # via kwargs and needs to be manually adjusted
  if (is.null(input_shape)) {
    res <- modules$keras.layers.convolutional$Cropping1D(
                          cropping = int32(cropping))
  } else {

    input_shape <- as.list(input_shape)
    input_shape <- modules$builtin$tuple(int32(input_shape))

    res <- modules$keras.layers.convolutional$Cropping1D(
                              cropping = int32(cropping),
                              input_shape = input_shape)



#' @rdname Cropping
#' @export
Cropping2D <- function(cropping = 0, data_format = NULL,
                       input_shape = NULL) {


  # Need special logic for input_shape because it is passed
  # via kwargs and needs to be manually adjusted
  if (is.null(input_shape)) {
    res <- modules$keras.layers.convolutional$Cropping2D(
                  cropping = int32(cropping),
                  data_format = data_format)
  } else {

    input_shape <- as.list(input_shape)
    input_shape <- modules$builtin$tuple(int32(input_shape))

    res <- modules$keras.layers.convolutional$Cropping2D(
                                                cropping = int32(cropping),
                                                data_format = data_format,
                                                input_shape = input_shape)



#' @rdname Cropping
#' @export
Cropping3D <- function(cropping = 0, data_format = NULL,
                       input_shape = NULL) {


  # Need special logic for input_shape because it is passed
  # via kwargs and needs to be manually adjusted
  if (is.null(input_shape)) {
    res <- modules$keras.layers.convolutional$Cropping3D(
                                          cropping = int32(cropping),
                                          data_format = data_format)
  } else {

    input_shape <- as.list(input_shape)
    input_shape <- modules$builtin$tuple(int32(input_shape))

    res <- modules$keras.layers.convolutional$Cropping3D(
                                            cropping = int32(cropping),
                                            data_format = data_format,
                                            input_shape = input_shape)



#' UpSampling layers.
#' Repeats each temporal step size a given number of times.
#' @param size                   integer. Upsampling factor.
#' @param data_format            A string, one of channels_last
#'                               (default) or channels_first.
#' @param input_shape            only need when first layer of a model;
#'                               sets the input shape of the data
#' @template boilerplate
#' @name UpSampling

#' @rdname UpSampling
#' @export
UpSampling1D <- function(size = 2, input_shape = NULL) {


  # Need special logic for input_shape because it is passed
  # via kwargs and needs to be manually adjusted
  if (is.null(input_shape)) {
    res <- modules$keras.layers.convolutional$UpSampling1D(size = int32(size))
  } else {

    input_shape <- as.list(input_shape)
    input_shape <- modules$builtin$tuple(int32(input_shape))

    res <- modules$keras.layers.convolutional$UpSampling1D(size = int32(size),
                                                input_shape = input_shape)



#' @rdname UpSampling
#' @export
UpSampling2D <- function(size = c(2, 2), data_format = NULL,
                         input_shape = NULL) {


  # Need special logic for input_shape because it is passed
  # via kwargs and needs to be manually adjusted
  if (is.null(input_shape)) {
    res <- modules$keras.layers.convolutional$UpSampling2D(size = int32(size))
  } else {

    input_shape <- as.list(input_shape)
    input_shape <- modules$builtin$tuple(int32(input_shape))

    res <- modules$keras.layers.convolutional$UpSampling2D(size = int32(size),
                                                input_shape = input_shape)



#' @rdname UpSampling
#' @export
UpSampling3D <- function(size = c(2, 2, 2), data_format = NULL,
                          input_shape = NULL) {


  # Need special logic for input_shape because it is passed
  # via kwargs and needs to be manually adjusted
  if (is.null(input_shape)) {
    res <- modules$keras.layers.convolutional$UpSampling3D(size = int32(size))
  } else {

    input_shape <- as.list(input_shape)
    input_shape <- modules$builtin$tuple(int32(input_shape))

    res <- modules$keras.layers.convolutional$UpSampling3D(size = int32(size),
                                                input_shape = input_shape)



#' Zero-padding layers
#' @param padding     if one integer, the same symmetric padding is applied
#'                    to width and height. If two, how many to add
#'                    for height and width.
#' @param data_format   A string, one of channels_last (default) or
#'                      channels_first.
#' @param input_shape   only need when first layer of a model; sets the
#'                      input shape of the data
#' @template boilerplate
#' @name ZeroPadding

#' @rdname ZeroPadding
#' @export
ZeroPadding1D <- function(padding = 1, input_shape = NULL) {


  # Need special logic for input_shape because it is passed
  # via kwargs and needs to be manually adjusted
  if (is.null(input_shape)) {
    res <- modules$keras.layers.convolutional$ZeroPadding1D(
                              padding = int32(padding))
  } else {

    input_shape <- as.list(input_shape)
    input_shape <- modules$builtin$tuple(int32(input_shape))

    res <- modules$keras.layers.convolutional$ZeroPadding1D(
                              padding = int32(padding),
                              input_shape = input_shape)



#' @rdname ZeroPadding
#' @export
ZeroPadding2D <- function(padding = 1, data_format = NULL,
                          input_shape = NULL) {


  # Need special logic for input_shape because it is passed
  # via kwargs and needs to be manually adjusted
  if (is.null(input_shape)) {
    res <- modules$keras.layers.convolutional$ZeroPadding2D(
                                padding = int32(padding),
                                data_format = data_format)
  } else {

    input_shape <- as.list(input_shape)
    input_shape <- modules$builtin$tuple(int32(input_shape))

    res <- modules$keras.layers.convolutional$ZeroPadding2D(
                                padding = int32(padding),
                                data_format = data_format,
                                input_shape = input_shape)



#' @rdname ZeroPadding
#' @export
ZeroPadding3D <- function(padding = 1, data_format = NULL,
                          input_shape = NULL) {


  # Need special logic for input_shape because it is passed
  # via kwargs and needs to be manually adjusted
  if (is.null(input_shape)) {
    res <- modules$keras.layers.convolutional$ZeroPadding3D(
                            padding = int32(padding),
                            data_format = data_format)
  } else {

    input_shape <- as.list(input_shape)
    input_shape <- modules$builtin$tuple(int32(input_shape))

    res <- modules$keras.layers.convolutional$ZeroPadding3D(
                                                padding = int32(padding),
                                                data_format = data_format,
                                                input_shape = input_shape)


YTLogos/kerasR documentation built on May 19, 2019, 4:04 p.m.