
Defines functions pres.cost

Documented in pres.cost

#' Examine the cost of lower level designs in forward assembly (deprecated).
#' \code{pres.cost} returns the cost of PM designs obtained in the process 
#'    of forward assembly. For example, the users may want to know the cost
#'    of the designs with fewer number of missing data patterns than the 
#'    one obtained using forward assembly.   
#' @inheritParams balance.miss.l
#' @import MplusAutomation
#' @import simsem
#' @import lavaan
#' @keywords internal
#' @export pres.cost
#' @examples

pres.cost <- function(opt.pattern,   # the obtained opt.pattern from the forward.opt command
                   costmx,        # should be exactly the same as
                   Time.complete) {
  if (pd==0) {
    if ((max.mk+1)==nrow(opt.pattern)) {
      usematrix <- opt.pattern
    } else {
    usematrix <- opt.pattern[-(nrow(opt.pattern)-(max.mk+1)), ]}
    ms.range <- c((Time.complete*k+1):(Time*k))

    cost <- sum(c(rep(n*(1-pc)/max.mk,max.mk),pc*n)*((1-usematrix[, ms.range]) %*% costmx))
    opt.probs <- c(rep(round((1-pc)/(nrow(usematrix)-1),6),max.mk), pc)
  if (pd!=0) {
    if ((max.mk+2)==nrow(opt.pattern)) {
      usematrix <- opt.pattern
    } else {
    usematrix <- opt.pattern[-(nrow(opt.pattern)-(max.mk+2)), ]}
    ms.range <- c((Time.complete*k+1):(Time*k))
    cost <- sum(c(rep(n*(1-pc-pd)/max.mk, max.mk), pc*n, pd*n)*((1-usematrix[, ms.range]) %*% costmx))
    opt.probs <- c(rep(round((1-pc-pd)/(nrow(usematrix)-2), 6), max.mk), pc, pd)
  obj <- list("design.matrix" = usematrix, "probs" = opt.probs, "cost" = cost)


## Example
# pres.cost(opt.pattern = test$opt.pattern,
#           costmx=rep(5,6),
#           max.mk=1,
#           pc=0.2,
#           pd=0.1,
#           n=200,
#           k=3,
#           Time=3,
#           Time.complete=1)

# get the simulation details of the design
# user may want to check on lower level options
# as all the output files have been saved in the working directory
# they can have a quick check by looking at the output file

### add wave missing simulation functions.
### to be done.

### user defined proportions
# seems difficult for users though if the possible number of missig is large...
# because for every level, they need to specify the prob vector

### potential issues with Mplus not being able to read lines longer than 90 characters
YiFengEDMS/simPM documentation built on July 25, 2020, 4:08 a.m.