
Defines functions CARDref CARDfree

Documented in CARDfree CARDref

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#' SpatialDeconv function based on Conditional Autoregressive model
#' @param XinputIn The input of normalized spatial data
#' @param UIn The input of cell type specific basis matrix B
#' @param WIn The constructed W weight matrix from Gaussian kernel
#' @param phiIn The phi value
#' @param max_iterIn Maximum iterations
#' @param epsilonIn epsilon for convergence 
#' @param initV Initial matrix of cell type compositions V
#' @param initb Initial vector of cell type specific intercept
#' @param initSigma_e2 Initial value of residual variance
#' @param initLambda Initial vector of cell type sepcific scalar. 
#' @return A list
#' @export
CARDfree <- function(XinputIn, UIn, WIn, phiIn, max_iterIn, epsilonIn, initV, initb, initSigma_e2, initLambda) {
    .Call(`_CARD_CARDfree`, XinputIn, UIn, WIn, phiIn, max_iterIn, epsilonIn, initV, initb, initSigma_e2, initLambda)

#' SpatialDeconv function based on Conditional Autoregressive model
#' @param XinputIn The input of normalized spatial data
#' @param UIn The input of cell type specific basis matrix B
#' @param WIn The constructed W weight matrix from Gaussian kernel
#' @param phiIn The phi value
#' @param max_iterIn Maximum iterations
#' @param epsilonIn epsilon for convergence 
#' @param initV Initial matrix of cell type compositions V
#' @param initb Initial vector of cell type specific intercept
#' @param initSigma_e2 Initial value of residual variance
#' @param initLambda Initial vector of cell type sepcific scalar. 
#' @return A list
#' @export
CARDref <- function(XinputIn, UIn, WIn, phiIn, max_iterIn, epsilonIn, initV, initb, initSigma_e2, initLambda) {
    .Call(`_CARD_CARDref`, XinputIn, UIn, WIn, phiIn, max_iterIn, epsilonIn, initV, initb, initSigma_e2, initLambda)
YingMa1993/CARD documentation built on Feb. 14, 2024, 12:24 p.m.