Man pages for YosefLab/MPRAnalyze
Statistical Analysis of MPRA data

analyzeComparativeRun a comparative analysis between conditions
analyzeQuantificationPerform quantitative analysis on the MPRA data. This analysis...
ChrEpiSample MPRA data
estimateDepthFactorsestimate library size correction factors
extractModelParametersextract the DNA model parameters
getAlphareturn the fitted value for the transcription rate.
getDistrParamGet model distribution parameters from an MpraObject of a...
getFits_DNAGet DNA model-based estimates from an MpraObject (the...
getFits_RNAGet RNA model-based estimates from an MpraObject (the...
setDepthFactorsManually set library depth correction factors
setModelSet the distributional model used. Default is gamma.pois, and...
simulateMPRASimulate an MPRA dataset
testCoefficientCalculate the significance of a factor in the regression...
testEmpiricaltest for significant activity (quantitative analysis) using...
testLrtCalculate likelihood ratio test for the specific nested model
YosefLab/MPRAnalyze documentation built on Nov. 14, 2020, 2:35 a.m.