
Defines functions getPPPList getPPPList_unit

Documented in getPPPList getPPPList_unit

#' get PPP list from a single page
#' @param page The page number
#' @param proxy if you wnat to use a proxy to avoid blocking, you can input a proxy, otherwise leave
#' it blank.
#' @return A table of PPP projects collected from your input page
#' @importFrom httr POST use_proxy timeout content
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON

getPPPList_unit <- function(page, proxy = NULL){

  url <- "http://www.cpppc.org:8082/efmisweb/ppp/projectLibrary/getPPPList.do?tokenid=null"
  res <- POST(url,
                        stageArr=""), use_proxy(proxy[1, 1], proxy[1, 2]), timeout(15))
  resC <- content(res, as = 'text', encoding = 'utf-8')
  # But RJSONIO only gives list not dataframe
  # jsonlite will have encoding problems here, need to change sys encoding

  info <- fromJSON(resC, flatten = TRUE)$list

#' get PPP list from an official website
#' @param endPage On which page you want to stop scrapping
#' @param startPage on Which page you want to start, default is 1
#' @param proxy whether proxy will be used, default is FALSE
#' @details
#' Get PPP list from the Ministry of Finance of China (http://www.cpppc.org:8082/efmisweb/ppp/projectLibrary/toPPPList.do?projName=), to view the listed projects in the PPP library.
#' @return A table of PPP projects collected from your input page
#' @importFrom data.table rbindlist
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #scrape the first two pages
#' getPPPList(1,3)
#' }
#' @references
#' www.cpppc.org
#' @export

getPPPList <- function(startPage = 1, endPage, proxy = FALSE) {
  # get proxy from special website, and every time scrapes, it will have 300 proxies, so
  # the limit of the random number is 300. Need to check this every some time
  page <- startPage # set up initial value
  times <- 0

  # first generate proxy for scapring
  if (proxy == TRUE) {
    proxyPool <- getProxy()[,1:2]
    message('There might by error messages when you choose to use proxy, just ignore them.
          When it stayed for a long time, just click "stop", to start another round')
  } else if (proxy == FALSE) {
    proxyPool <- NULL
  } else {
    message("Wrong input, it's TRUE or FALSE")

  startTime <- Sys.time() # Get the start time, if it exceeds 1 hour, load proxy again.

  # Since for this case we got 301 proxies, so map the proxy table
  proxyIndex <- 1 #proxyIndex starts from1

  repeat {

    PPPList <- tryCatch({

      getPPPList_unit(page, proxy = proxyPool[proxyIndex,])

    },error = function(cond) {
      message(paste('\n', Sys.time(), " Proxy doestn't work or ...\n"))

    if (length(PPPList) == 1) {
      times <- 0
      proxyIndex <- proxyIndex + 1# if proxy does't work or 30 pages are scraped, change proxy

      if (proxyIndex == 301) {
        message('\nrefreshe proxy pool...')

        if (proxy == TRUE) {
          proxyPool <- getProxy()[,1:2]
        } else if (proxy == FALSE) {
          proxyPool <- NULL
        } else {
          message("Wrong input, it's TRUE or FALSE")

        proxyIndex <- 1

    } else {

      if (times == 0) {
        totalPPPList <- PPPList

      } else {
        # bind the new list to the total list
        totalPPPList <- rbindlist(list(totalPPPList, PPPList))

      times <- times + 1
      page <- page + 1
      # here one more control, when page reaches 499, change proxy
      # But if using proxy, usually no need to worry about the ip block
      if (times == 1000000) {
        # Just in case, usually it will not reach that many times
        stop("1000000 times, change proxy...\n")
        # randomNum <- round(runif(1, 1, 300))
      } else {
        message(paste("page", page - 1))
    if (page > endPage) break
    endTime <- Sys.time()
    if (is.integer((endTime - startTime)/5400)) {
      message("\nRefresh proxy pool...")
      if (proxy == TRUE) {
        proxyPool <- getProxy()[,1:2]
      } else if (proxy == FALSE) {
        proxyPool <- NULL
      } else {
        message("Wrong input, it's TRUE or FALSE")

Yuanchao-Xu/gfer documentation built on Feb. 7, 2022, 7:11 a.m.