Man pages for ZWang-Lab/LSKAT
SNP-set (Sequence) Kernel Association Test for longitudinal data.

longskat_est_modelNULL model estimation
longskat_gene_plinkLSKAT test for plink data set.
longskat_gene_simulateSimulation for LSKAT test
longskat_gene_testAssoictaion test using LSKAT
longskat_get_geneGet SNP matrix of gene.
longskat_plink_loadLoading plink data set.
longskat_snp_plinkSingle SNP associaion test using LSKAT for PLINK data set.
plot.LSKAT.gen.plinkPlot Manhattan figure.
plot.LSKAT.snp.plinkPlot Manhattan figure using SNP association test
summary.LSKAT.gen.plinkSummarizing the LSKAT results for all genes
summary.LSKAT.snp.plinkSummarizing the LSKAT results for all SNPs
ZWang-Lab/LSKAT documentation built on May 10, 2019, 1:55 a.m.