
Defines functions make_level_continuous_ new_transform_numeric transform.transform_numeric check_inputs.transform_numeric collapse.transform_numeric expand.transform_numeric

##---- Numeric Transform

make_level_continuous_ <- function(start, stop) {
  list(label=sprintf("(%f - %f]", start, stop), right=stop)

#' @export
new_transform_numeric <- function(cuts, exceptions=numeric()) {
  tf <- new_transform()
  cuts <- unique(c(-Inf, cuts, Inf))

  ## stagger the numeric mapping levels tp create labels
  tf$mapping <- mapply(make_level_continuous_,
                       head(cuts, -1), tail(cuts, -1), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  tf$exceptions <- exceptions
  class(tf) <- c("transform_numeric", class(tf))

#' @export
transform.transform_numeric <- function(tf, x) {
  cuts <- unique(c(-Inf, sapply(tf$mapping, "[[", "right")))
  lbls <- sapply(tf$mapping, "[[", "label")
  res <- cut(x, cuts, labels = lbls, right = TRUE)
  levels(res) <- c(levels(res), tf$exceptions)
  res[x %in% tf$exceptions] <- as.character(tf$exceptions)
  NextMethod("transform", tf=tf, x=res)

check_inputs.transform_numeric <- function(x, i) {
  ## return a transform with modified levels
  if (!all(abs(diff(i)) == 1))
    stop("Must specify adjacent range")
  if (min(i) < 1 | max(i) > length(x$mapping))
    stop("Must specify values within current range")

#' @export
collapse.transform_numeric <- function(x, i) {
  check_inputs(x, i)

  ## otherwise collapse the mapping
  cuts <- sapply(x$mapping, "[[", "right")
  res <- new_transform_numeric(cuts[-i])
  x$mapping <- res$mapping
  x$weights <- NULL

#' @export
expand.transform_numeric <- function(x, i, data, w, qs=seq(0.20, 0.8, 0.2)) {
  check_inputs(x, i)

  fac <- transform(x, data)
  f <- fac == levels(fac)[i]
  ## get new cuts
  q <- Hmisc::wtd.quantile(data[f], weights = w[f], qs)

  cuts <- sapply(x$mapping, "[[", "right")
  new_cuts <- append(cuts[-i], unique(q), i-1)
  res <- new_transform_numeric(new_cuts)
  x$mapping <- res$mapping
  x$weights <- NULL
Zelazny7/onyx2 documentation built on May 24, 2019, 8:47 p.m.