Man pages for ZhenxingGuo0015/TRESS
Toolbox for mRNA epigenetics sequencing analysis

BasalBin-level and region-level data from basal mouse brain...
CallCandidatesCall candidate m6A regions or candidate differential m6A...
CallDMRs.paramEstiModel fitting and parameter estimation by TRESS for each...
CallPeaks.multiRepm6A peak calling with multiple replicates.
CallPeaks.oneRepm6A peak calling with only one replicate.
CallPeaks.paramEstiParameter estimation in m6A peak calling with multiple...
CoefNameObtain the name of each coefficient in design matrix.
DivideBinsObtain genomic bins and bin-level read counts from BAM files.
DMRInferP-value calculation given Wald statistics.
DMR_M3vsWTTranscriptome location and read counts of 200 candidate DMRs,...
DMR_SixWeekvsTwoWeekTranscriptome location and read counts of 200 candidate DMRs.
filterRegionsPre-filtering of candidate DMRs.
findBumpsBump-finding from transcriptome bins.
meRatioObserved m6A methylation ratio.
ShowOnePeakVisulization of a single peak along the genome.
TRESS_DMRfitDifferential m6A methylation analysis for MeRIP-seq data...
TRESS_DMRtestHypothesis testing on candidate DMRs.
TRESS_peakDetecting m6A methylation regions from Methylated RNA...
ZhenxingGuo0015/TRESS documentation built on April 14, 2023, 4:21 p.m.