# visualization
#' clusterPlot
#' clustering and visualization
#' @param g ...
#' @param parameters: visualization.method, tSNE.perplexity, clustering.method, cluster.centers, pValue.k, pValue.threshold, rsnps.read, saveAddress, randomSeed, UMAP.n_neighbors, genotypeWeight, betweenWeight, phenotypeWeight
#' @export
clusterPlot = function(model, pValue = NULL, names = TRUE){
data = merge(model$cluster, model$embedding, by.x = "name", by.y = "name")
data = data[order(data$cluster, decreasing = FALSE),]
data[, size := 3 - genotype]
data[, plot.name := name]
data[genotype == TRUE, plot.name := description]
parameters = model$parameters
if(is.null(pValue)){print("no p-values")}
if(pValue == "metabolites"){
pValue = data.matrix(read.table("./data/metabolitesPValue.txt"))
} else if(pValue == "biobank"){
pValue = data.matrix(read.table("./data/biobankPValue.txt"))
if(parameters$clustering.method == "spectral"){
kernMatrix = as.matrix(igraph::get.adjacency(model$graph, type=c("both"), attr= "weight", names=TRUE)); diag(kernMatrix) = max(kernMatrix) # 1/r ???
heatmap(kernMatrix[data$name, data$name], Colv = NA, Rowv = NA, symm = TRUE, add.expr = abline(h=c(0.5,0.5+cumsum(sort(table(data$cluster), decreasing = FALSE))), v=c(0.5,0.5+cumsum(sort(table(data$cluster), decreasing = FALSE))), lty = 2, lwd = 1), ColSideColors = c("black", "red")[1+data$genotype], RowSideColors = c("black", "red")[1+data$genotype])
# pValueBicluster = pValue[data$name[data$genotype], data$name[!data$genotype]]
# pValueBicluster[pValueBicluster == 0] = 1e-16 # 1e-16???
# rownames(pValueBicluster) = data$plot.name[data$genotype]
# heatmap(-log(pValueBicluster), Colv = NA, Rowv = NA, symm = FALSE, add.expr = abline(h=c(0.5,0.5+cumsum(pmax(0.4,aggregate(data$genotype, by = list(data$cluster), sum)$x))), v=c(0.5,0.5+cumsum(pmax(0.4, aggregate(1-data$genotype, by = list(data$cluster), sum)$x))), lty = 2, lwd = 1)) # duplicated columns/rows
if(parameters$clustering.method %in% c("UMAP", "tSNE")){
data[, plot.name := name]
data[genotype == TRUE, plot.name := paste0("italic('", description, "')")]
# form edges between phenotypes and genotypes
edge = reshape2::melt(pValue <= sort(pValue, decreasing = FALSE)[parameters$pValue.k])
if(is.null(parameters$pValue.threshold)){parameters$pValue.threshold = 0.05/dim(pValue)[2]}
edge2 = reshape2::melt(pValue <= pmin(parameters$pValue.threshold, apply(pValue, 1, min)))
edge$value = (pmax(edge$value, edge2$value) >= 1)
edge$pValue = reshape2::melt(pValue)$value
edge = subset(edge, value)
names(edge)[1:2] = c("genotype", "phenotype")
edge = merge(edge, data[, c("name", "x", "y")], by.x = "genotype", by.y = "name")
names(edge)[5:6] = c("genotype.x", "genotype.y")
edge = merge(edge, data[, c("name", "x", "y")], by.x = "phenotype", by.y = "name")
names(edge)[7:8] = c("phenotype.x", "phenotype.y")
# plot
if(parameters$data %in% c("metabolites")){
pl = ggplot2::ggplot(data) + ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y) + ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(size = size, shape = genotype, color = cluster)) + ggrepel::geom_text_repel(parse = TRUE, alpha = 0.7, max.overlaps = 20, ggplot2::aes(size = size, label = plot.name))
} else if (parameters$data %in% c("biobank")){
data$size = data$size - 0.5
pl = ggplot2::ggplot(data) + ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y) + ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(size = size, shape = genotype, color = cluster)) + ggrepel::geom_text_repel(parse = TRUE, alpha = 0.7, max.overlaps = 30, ggplot2::aes(size = size, label = plot.name))
} else {
if(parameters$data %in% c("metabolites")){
pl = ggplot2::ggplot(data) + ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y) + ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(size = size, shape = genotype, color = cluster))
} else if (parameters$data %in% c("biobank")){
data$size = data$size - 0.5
pl = ggplot2::ggplot(data) + ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y) + ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(size = size, shape = genotype, color = cluster))
pl$layers = c(ggplot2::geom_segment(ggplot2::aes(x = genotype.x, y = genotype.y, xend = phenotype.x, yend = phenotype.y), size = 0.5-0.5*log(edge$pValue)/max(-log(edge$pValue)), data = edge, color = "gray", alpha = 0.3-0.5 * log(edge$pValue)/max(-log(edge$pValue))), pl$layers)
pl = pl + ggplot2::theme_void() + ggplot2::scale_size_identity() + ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none")
# clusterPlot = function(model, maximalSimilarity = 1, parameters = list(), names = TRUE){
# preprocess
# if(is.null(parameters$randomSeed)){parameters$randomSeed = 100}
# if(is.null(parameters$visualization.method)){parameters$visualization.method = "tSNE"}
# if(is.null(parameters$clustering.method)){parameters$clustering.method = "kmeans"}
# if(parameters$clustering.method == "cmeans"){stop("cmeans clustering is currently not available")}
# if(is.null(parameters$n.stability)){parameters$n.stability = 1} # ???
# weightMatrix = as.matrix(igraph::get.adjacency(g, type=c("both"), attr= "weight", names=TRUE)); diag(weightMatrix) = 0
# distanceMatrix = maximalSimilarity - weightMatrix; diag(distanceMatrix) = 0
# # if(parameters$n.stability > 1){
# # # pairwise consistency
# # # hammingDist = rep(0, floor(parameters$n.stability/2))
# # # hammingDistRef = rep(0, floor(parameters$n.stability/2))
# # similarityMatrix = array(0, dim = c(parameters$n.stability, dim(weightMatrix)[1], dim(weightMatrix)[1]))
# # similarityMatrixRef = array(0, dim = c(parameters$n.stability, dim(weightMatrix)[1], dim(weightMatrix)[1]))
# # weightMatrixRef = weightMatrix * 0 + sum(weightMatrix)/(dim(weightMatrix)[1]*(dim(weightMatrix)[1]-1)); diag(weightMatrixRef) = 0; rownames(weightMatrixRef) = colnames(weightMatrix); rownames(weightMatrixRef) = colnames(weightMatrix)
# # distanceMatrixRef = maximalSimilarity - weightMatrixRef; diag(distanceMatrixRef) = 0
# # }
# if(is.null(colnames(distanceMatrix))){stop("please input names of genotypes and phenotypes")}
# if(parameters$clustering.method == "spectral"){
# kernMatrix = weightMatrix
# if(parameters$data %in% c("metabolites", "biobankSub")){
# diag(kernMatrix) = 0.2
# } else if(parameters$data %in% c("biobank")){
# diag(kernMatrix) = 0.1
# }
# set.seed(parameters$randomSeed)
# if(parameters$n.stability > 1) {
# kernMatrixRef = weightMatrixRef; diag(kernMatrixRef) = diag(kernMatrix)
# permutationFunc = as.function(permutations::rperm(1000, max(parameters$number.center)))
# for(l in seq(1, parameters$n.stability)){
# clusteringMembership = myClustering(kernMatrix = kernMatrix, weightMatrix = weightMatrix, method = "spectral", parameters = parameters)$membership
# similarityMatrix[l,,] = (matrix(rep(clusteringMembership, length(clusteringMembership)), nrow = length(clusteringMembership)) == t(matrix(rep(clusteringMembership, length(clusteringMembership)), nrow = length(clusteringMembership))))
# diag(similarityMatrix[l,,]) = 0
# clusteringMembershipRef = sample(myClustering(kernMatrix = kernMatrixRef, weightMatrix = weightMatrixRef, method = "spectral", parameters = parameters)$membership)
# names(clusteringMembershipRef) = colnames(kernMatrixRef)
# similarityMatrixRef[l,,] = (matrix(rep(clusteringMembershipRef, length(clusteringMembershipRef)), nrow = length(clusteringMembershipRef)) == t(matrix(rep(clusteringMembershipRef, length(clusteringMembershipRef)), nrow = length(clusteringMembershipRef))))
# diag(similarityMatrixRef[l,,]) = 0
# # clustering error
# # clusteringMembership = myClustering(kernMatrix = kernMatrix, weightMatrix = weightMatrix, method = "spectral", parameters = parameters)$membership
# # clusteringMembership2 = myClustering(kernMatrix = kernMatrix, weightMatrix = weightMatrix, method = "spectral", parameters = parameters)$membership
# # hammingDist[l] = min(apply((t(permutationFunc(clusteringMembership)) != clusteringMembership2), 2, mean))
# # clusteringMembershipRef = sample(myClustering(kernMatrix = kernMatrixRef, weightMatrix = weightMatrixRef, method = "spectral", parameters = parameters)$membership)
# # names(clusteringMembershipRef) = colnames(kernMatrixRef)
# # clusteringMembershipRef2 = sample(myClustering(kernMatrix = kernMatrixRef, weightMatrix = weightMatrixRef, method = "spectral", parameters = parameters)$membership)
# # names(clusteringMembershipRef2) = colnames(kernMatrixRef)
# # hammingDistRef[l] = min(apply((t(permutationFunc(clusteringMembershipRef)) != clusteringMembershipRef2), 2, mean))
# }
# } else {
# clusteringMembership = myClustering(kernMatrix = kernMatrix, weightMatrix = weightMatrix, method = "spectral", parameters = parameters)$membership
# spectral.embedding = eigen(kernMatrix)$vectors
# data <- data.frame(tsne.x = spectral.embedding[, 1],
# tsne.y = spectral.embedding[, 2],
# group = as.factor(clusteringMembership),
# name = colnames(kernMatrix))
# }
# } else if (parameters$clustering.method == "hierarchical"){
# stop("hierarchical clustering can not be visualized")
# clusteringMembership = myClustering(distMatrix = distanceMatrix, weightMatrix = weightMatrix, method = "hierarchical", parameters = parameters)$membership
# } else if(parameters$visualization.method == "tSNE"){
# if(is.null(parameters$tSNE.perplexity)){
# parameters$tSNE.perplexity = floor(min(max(5, sqrt(dim(distanceMatrix)[1])), (dim(distanceMatrix)[1]-1)/3))
# }
# set.seed(parameters$randomSeed)
# if(parameters$n.stability > 1){
# for(l in seq(1, parameters$n.stability/2)){
# tsne = Rtsne::Rtsne(X = distanceMatrix, is_distance = TRUE, perplexity = parameters$tSNE.perplexity)
# rownames(tsne$Y) = rownames(distanceMatrix)
# if(parameters$clustering.method %in% c("kmeans", "cmeans")){
# clusteringMembership = myClustering(X = tsne$Y, weightMatrix = weightMatrix, method = parameters$clustering.method, parameters = parameters)$membership
# }
# similarityMatrix[l,,] = (matrix(rep(clusteringMembership, length(clusteringMembership)), nrow = length(clusteringMembership)) == t(matrix(rep(clusteringMembership, length(clusteringMembership)), nrow = length(clusteringMembership))))
# diag(similarityMatrix[l,,]) = 0
# tsneRef = Rtsne::Rtsne(X = distanceMatrixRef, is_distance = TRUE, perplexity = parameters$tSNE.perplexity)
# rownames(tsneRef$Y) = rownames(distanceMatrixRef)
# if(parameters$clustering.method %in% c("kmeans", "cmeans")){
# clusteringMembershipRef = sample(myClustering(X = tsneRef$Y, weightMatrix = weightMatrixRef, method = parameters$clustering.method, parameters = parameters)$membership)
# }
# names(clusteringMembershipRef) = colnames(weightMatrixRef)
# similarityMatrixRef[l,,] = (matrix(rep(clusteringMembershipRef, length(clusteringMembershipRef)), nrow = length(clusteringMembershipRef)) == t(matrix(rep(clusteringMembershipRef, length(clusteringMembershipRef)), nrow = length(clusteringMembershipRef))))
# diag(similarityMatrixRef[l,,]) = 0
# # clustering error
# # tsne = Rtsne::Rtsne(X = distanceMatrix, is_distance = TRUE, perplexity = parameters$tSNE.perplexity)
# # rownames(tsne$Y) = rownames(distanceMatrix)
# # if(parameters$clustering.method %in% c("kmeans", "cmeans")){
# # clusteringMembership = myClustering(X = tsne$Y, weightMatrix = weightMatrix, method = parameters$clustering.method, parameters = parameters)$membership
# # }
# # tsne2 = Rtsne::Rtsne(X = distanceMatrix, is_distance = TRUE, perplexity = parameters$tSNE.perplexity)
# # rownames(tsne2$Y) = rownames(distanceMatrix)
# # if(parameters$clustering.method %in% c("kmeans", "cmeans")){
# # clusteringMembership2 = myClustering(X = tsne2$Y, weightMatrix = weightMatrix, method = parameters$clustering.method, parameters = parameters)$membership
# # }
# # tsneRef = Rtsne::Rtsne(X = distanceMatrixRef, is_distance = TRUE, perplexity = parameters$tSNE.perplexity)
# # rownames(tsneRef$Y) = rownames(distanceMatrixRef)
# # if(parameters$clustering.method %in% c("kmeans", "cmeans")){
# # clusteringMembershipRef = sample(myClustering(X = tsneRef$Y, weightMatrix = weightMatrixRef, method = parameters$clustering.method, parameters = parameters)$membership)
# # }
# # names(clusteringMembershipRef) = colnames(weightMatrixRef)
# # tsneRef2 = Rtsne::Rtsne(X = distanceMatrixRef, is_distance = TRUE, perplexity = parameters$tSNE.perplexity)
# # rownames(tsneRef2$Y) = rownames(distanceMatrixRef)
# # if(parameters$clustering.method %in% c("kmeans", "cmeans")){
# # clusteringMembershipRef2 = sample(myClustering(X = tsneRef2$Y, weightMatrix = weightMatrixRef, method = parameters$clustering.method, parameters = parameters)$membership)
# # }
# # names(clusteringMembershipRef2) = colnames(weightMatrixRef)
# # hammingDistRef[l] = min(apply((t(permutationFunc(clusteringMembershipRef)) != clusteringMembershipRef2), 2, mean))
# }
# } else {
# tsne = Rtsne::Rtsne(X = distanceMatrix, is_distance = TRUE, perplexity = parameters$tSNE.perplexity)
# rownames(tsne$Y) = rownames(distanceMatrix)
# if(parameters$clustering.method %in% c("kmeans", "cmeans")){
# clusteringMembership = myClustering(X = tsne$Y, weightMatrix = weightMatrix, method = parameters$clustering.method, parameters = parameters)$membership
# }
# data <- data.frame(tsne.x = tsne$Y[, 1],
# tsne.y = tsne$Y[, 2],
# group = as.factor(clusteringMembership),
# name = colnames(distanceMatrix))
# }
# } else if(parameters$visualization.method == "UMAP"){
# umap.parameters = umap::umap.defaults
# umap.parameters$n_components = 2; umap.parameters$input = "dist"
# if(!is.null(parameters$UMAP.n_neighbors)){
# umap.parameters$n_neighbors = parameters$UMAP.n_neighbors
# } else {umap.parameters$n_neighbors = floor(min(max(3, sqrt(dim(distanceMatrix)[1])), 15))}
# set.seed(parameters$randomSeed)
# if(parameters$n.stability > 1){
# for(l in seq(1, parameters$n.stability)){
# umapEmbedding = umap::umap(d = distanceMatrix, config = umap.parameters, method = "naive")
# if(parameters$clustering.method %in% c("kmeans", "cmeans")){
# clusteringMembership = myClustering(X = umapEmbedding$layout, weightMatrix = weightMatrix, method = parameters$clustering.method, parameters = parameters)$membership
# }
# similarityMatrix[l,,] = (matrix(rep(clusteringMembership, length(clusteringMembership)), nrow = length(clusteringMembership)) == t(matrix(rep(clusteringMembership, length(clusteringMembership)), nrow = length(clusteringMembership))))
# diag(similarityMatrix[l,,]) = 0
# umapEmbeddingRef = umap::umap(d = distanceMatrixRef, config = umap.parameters, method = "naive")
# if(parameters$clustering.method %in% c("kmeans", "cmeans")){
# clusteringMembershipRef = sample(myClustering(X = umapEmbeddingRef$layout, weightMatrix = weightMatrixRef, method = parameters$clustering.method, parameters = parameters)$membership)
# names(clusteringMembershipRef) = colnames(weightMatrixRef)
# }
# similarityMatrixRef[l,,] = (matrix(rep(clusteringMembershipRef, length(clusteringMembershipRef)), nrow = length(clusteringMembershipRef)) == t(matrix(rep(clusteringMembershipRef, length(clusteringMembershipRef)), nrow = length(clusteringMembershipRef))))
# diag(similarityMatrixRef[l,,]) = 0
# # clustering error
# # umapEmbedding = umap::umap(d = distanceMatrix, config = umap.parameters, method = "naive")
# # if(parameters$clustering.method %in% c("kmeans", "cmeans")){
# # clusteringMembership = myClustering(X = umapEmbedding$layout, weightMatrix = weightMatrix, method = parameters$clustering.method, parameters = parameters)$membership
# # }
# # umapEmbedding = umap::umap(d = distanceMatrix, config = umap.parameters, method = "naive")
# # if(parameters$clustering.method %in% c("kmeans", "cmeans")){
# # clusteringMembership2 = myClustering(X = umapEmbedding$layout, weightMatrix = weightMatrix, method = parameters$clustering.method, parameters = parameters)$membership
# # }
# # hammingDist[l] = min(apply((t(permutationFunc(clusteringMembership)) != clusteringMembership2), 2, mean))
# # umapEmbeddingRef = umap::umap(d = distanceMatrixRef, config = umap.parameters, method = "naive")
# # if(parameters$clustering.method %in% c("kmeans", "cmeans")){
# # clusteringMembershipRef = sample(myClustering(X = umapEmbeddingRef$layout, weightMatrix = weightMatrixRef, method = parameters$clustering.method, parameters = parameters)$membership)
# # names(clusteringMembershipRef) = colnames(weightMatrixRef)
# # }
# # umapEmbeddingRef = umap::umap(d = distanceMatrixRef, config = umap.parameters, method = "naive")
# # if(parameters$clustering.method %in% c("kmeans", "cmeans")){
# # clusteringMembershipRef2 = sample(myClustering(X = umapEmbeddingRef$layout, weightMatrix = weightMatrixRef, method = parameters$clustering.method, parameters = parameters)$membership)
# # names(clusteringMembershipRef2) = colnames(weightMatrixRef)
# # }
# # hammingDistRef[l] = min(apply((t(permutationFunc(clusteringMembershipRef)) != clusteringMembershipRef2), 2, mean))
# }
# } else {
# umapEmbedding = umap::umap(d = distanceMatrix, config = umap.parameters, method = "naive")
# if(parameters$clustering.method %in% c("kmeans", "cmeans")){
# clusteringMembership = myClustering(X = umapEmbedding$layout, weightMatrix = weightMatrix, method = parameters$clustering.method, parameters = parameters)$membership
# }
# data <- data.frame(tsne.x = umapEmbedding$layout[, 1],
# tsne.y = umapEmbedding$layout[, 2],
# group = as.factor(clusteringMembership),
# name = colnames(distanceMatrix))
# }
# }
# stability results
# if(parameters$n.stability > 1){
# hammingDist = rep(0, parameters$n.stability/2); hammingDistRef = rep(0, parameters$n.stability/2)
# for(l in seq(1, parameters$n.stability/2)){
# hammingDist[l] = sum(similarityMatrix[(2*l-1),,] != similarityMatrix[2*l,,])
# hammingDistRef[l] = sum(similarityMatrixRef[(2*l-1),,] != similarityMatrixRef[2*l,,])
# }
# result = list(); result$hammingDist = hammingDist/dim(weightMatrix)[1]/(dim(weightMatrix)[1]-1); result$hammingDistRef = hammingDistRef/dim(weightMatrix)[1]/(dim(weightMatrix)[1]-1)
# return(result)
# }
# visualization
# data <- data.frame(tsne.x = tsne$Y[, 1],
# tsne.y = tsne$Y[, 2],
# group = as.factor(clusteringMembership),
# name = colnames(distanceMatrix))
# data = data.frame(tsne.x = tsne$Y[, 1], tsne.y = tsne$Y[, 2], group = as.factor(clusteringMembership), name = colnames(distanceMatrix))
# data = data.table::data.table(data)
# data[, genotype := grepl("^rs", name)]
# data[, size := 3 - genotype]
# get neighbor genes for SNPs
# if(parameters$rsnps.read){
# query = data$name[data$genotype]
# rsnps_results = as.data.frame(haploR::queryHaploreg(query = query, ldThresh = NA, ldPop = "EUR", epi = "vanilla", cons = "siphy", genetypes = "gencode", url = "https://pubs.broadinstitute.org/mammals/haploreg/haploreg.php", timeout = 0.1*length(query), encoding = "UTF-8", verbose = FALSE))
# rsnps_results = rsnps_results[,c("query_snp_rsid", "GENCODE_name","Proteins", "eQTL")]; colnames(rsnps_results) = c("rsid", "gene", "protein", "eQTL")
# # httr::set_config(httr::config(http_version = 0))
# # rsnps_results = rsnps::ncbi_snp_query(data[data$genotype, ]$name)
# } else {
# if(parameters$data == "metabolites"){
# rsnps_results = read.table("./data/metabolitesRsnps.txt", header = TRUE)
# } else if(parameters$data == "biobankSub"){
# rsnps_results = read.table("./data/biobankSubRsnps.txt", header = TRUE)
# } else if(parameters$data == "biobank"){
# rsnps_results = read.table("./data/biobankRsnps.txt", header = TRUE)
# }
# }
# if(parameters$data == "metabolites") {
# description = read.table("./data/metabolitesDescription.txt", header = TRUE)
# } else if (parameters$data == "biobankSub"){
# description = read.table("./data/biobankSubDescription.txt", header = TRUE)
# } else if (parameters$data == "biobank"){
# description = read.table("./data/biobankDescription.txt", header = TRUE)
# }
# if(parameters$data %in% c("metabolites", "biobankSub")){
# rsnps_results = merge(rsnps_results, eQTL_results, by.x = "rsid", by.y = "rsid", all.x = TRUE)
# rsnps_results$gene[which((rsnps_results$gene != "") * (rsnps_results$geneEQTL != "") == 1)] = paste(rsnps_results$gene[which((rsnps_results$gene != "") * (rsnps_results$geneEQTL != "") == 1)], rsnps_results$geneEQTL[which((rsnps_results$gene != "") * (rsnps_results$geneEQTL != "") == 1)], sep = "/")
# rsnps_results$gene[which((rsnps_results$gene == "") * (rsnps_results$geneEQTL != "") == 1)] = paste(rsnps_results$gene[which((rsnps_results$gene == "") * (rsnps_results$geneEQTL != "") == 1)], rsnps_results$geneEQTL[which((rsnps_results$gene == "") * (rsnps_results$geneEQTL != "") == 1)], sep = "")
# rsnps_results$geneEQTL = NULL
# }
# if(parameters$clustering.method == "spectral"){
# data$position = seq(1, dim(kernMatrix)[1])
# data = merge(data, rsnps_results[, c("rsid", "gene")], by.x = "name", by.y = "rsid", all.x = TRUE)
# data[, plot.name := name]
# data[gene != "", plot.name := gene]
# colnames(kernMatrix)[data$position] = data$plot.name
# rownames(kernMatrix)[data$position] = data$plot.name
# clusteringSize = (table(clusteringMembership) + runif(table(clusteringMembership), 0, 0.01))[clusteringMembership]
# genotype-phenotype cluster
# heatmap(kernMatrix[order(clusteringSize), order(clusteringSize)], Colv = NA, Rowv = NA, symm = TRUE, add.expr = abline(h=c(0.5,0.5+cumsum(sort(table(clusteringMembership), decreasing = FALSE))), v=c(0.5,0.5+cumsum(sort(table(clusteringMembership), decreasing = FALSE))), lty = 2, lwd = 1), ColSideColors = c("black", "red")[1+data$genotype[order(data$position)[order(clusteringSize)]]], RowSideColors = c("black", "red")[1+data$genotype[order(data$position)[order(clusteringSize)]]])
# # bi-cluster
# if(parameters$data == "metabolites"){
# pValue = data.matrix(read.table("./data/metabolitesPValue.txt"))
# } else if(parameters$data == "biobankSub"){
# pValue = data.matrix(read.table("./data/biobankSubPValue.txt"))
# } else if(parameters$data == "biobank"){
# pValue = data.matrix(read.table("./data/biobankPValue.txt"))
# }
# pValueBicluster = pValue[data$name[data$genotype], data$name[!data$genotype]]
# rownames(pValueBicluster) = data$plot.name[data$genotype]
# heatmap(-log(pValueBicluster)[order(clusteringSize[data$position[data$genotype]]), order(clusteringSize[data$position[!data$genotype]])], Colv = NA, Rowv = NA, symm = FALSE, add.expr = abline(h=c(0.5,0.5+cumsum(pmax(0.4,aggregate(data$genotype, by = list(data$group), sum)$x[order(table(clusteringMembership))]))), v=c(0.5,0.5+cumsum(pmax(0.4, aggregate(1-data$genotype, by = list(data$group), sum)$x[order(table(clusteringMembership))]))), lty = 2, lwd = 1)) # duplicated columns/rows
# # clustering
# clusteringMembership = rep(seq(1,length(table(clusteringMembership))), sort(table(clusteringMembership)))
# names(clusteringMembership) = rownames(kernMatrix)[order(clusteringSize)]
# result = data[,c("name", "plot.name", "group", "genotype", "position")]
# colnames(result)[c(1,2,3)] = c("rsid", "name", "cluster")
# result$cluster[order(result$position)[order(clusteringSize)]] = rep(seq(1,length(table(clusteringMembership))), sort(table(clusteringMembership)))
# description$name[substr(description$name,1,1) %in% as.character(seq(0,9))] = paste("X", description$name[substr(description$name,1,1) %in% as.character(seq(0,9))], sep = "") #???
# result = merge(result, description, by.x = "name", by.y = "name", all.x = TRUE)
# result = merge(result, rsnps_results, by.x = "rsid", by.y = "rsid", all.x = TRUE)
# result = result[order(result$cluster),]
# result$description[result$genotype] = result$name[result$genotype]
# result$name[result$genotype] = result$rsid[result$genotype]
# result$rsid = NULL; result$gene = NULL; result$position = NULL
# result2 = list(); result2$result = result; result2$pl = NA
# return(result2)
# }
# data = merge(data, rsnps_results[, c("rsid", "gene")], by.x = "name", by.y = "rsid", all.x = TRUE)
# data[, plot.name := name]
# data[gene != "", plot.name := gene]
# data[genotype == TRUE, plot.name := paste0("italic('", plot.name, "')")]
# # form edges between phenotypes and genotypes
# if(parameters$data == "metabolites"){
# pValue = data.matrix(read.table("./data/metabolitesPValue.txt"))
# } else if(parameters$data == "biobankSub"){
# pValue = data.matrix(read.table("./data/biobankSubPValue.txt"))
# } else if(parameters$data == "biobank"){
# pValue = data.matrix(read.table("./data/biobankPValue.txt"))
# }
# edge = reshape2::melt(pValue <= sort(pValue, decreasing = FALSE)[parameters$pValue.k])
# if(is.null(parameters$pValue.threshold)){parameters$pValue.threshold = 0.05/dim(pValue)[2]}
# edge2 = reshape2::melt(pValue <= pmin(parameters$pValue.threshold, apply(pValue, 1, min)))
# edge$value = (pmax(edge$value, edge2$value) >= 1)
# edge$pValue = reshape2::melt(pValue)$value
# edge = subset(edge, value)
# names(edge)[1:2] = c("genotype", "phenotype")
# edge = merge(edge, data[, c("name", "tsne.x", "tsne.y")], by.x = "genotype", by.y = "name")
# names(edge)[5:6] = c("genotype.x", "genotype.y")
# edge = merge(edge, data[, c("name", "tsne.x", "tsne.y")], by.x = "phenotype", by.y = "name")
# names(edge)[7:8] = c("phenotype.x", "phenotype.y")
# # plot
# if(names){
# if(parameters$data %in% c("metabolites", "biobankSub")){
# pl = ggplot2::ggplot(data) + ggplot2::aes(x = tsne.x, y = tsne.y) + ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(size = size, shape = genotype, color = group)) + ggrepel::geom_text_repel(parse = TRUE, alpha = 0.7, max.overlaps = 20, ggplot2::aes(size = size, label = plot.name))
# } else if (parameters$data %in% c("biobank")){
# data$size = data$size - 0.5
# pl = ggplot2::ggplot(data) + ggplot2::aes(x = tsne.x, y = tsne.y) + ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(size = size, shape = genotype, color = group)) + ggrepel::geom_text_repel(parse = TRUE, alpha = 0.7, max.overlaps = 30, ggplot2::aes(size = size, label = plot.name))
# }
# } else {
# if(parameters$data %in% c("metabolites", "biobankSub")){
# pl = ggplot2::ggplot(data) + ggplot2::aes(x = tsne.x, y = tsne.y) + ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(size = size, shape = genotype, color = group))
# } else if (parameters$data %in% c("biobank")){
# data$size = data$size - 0.5
# pl = ggplot2::ggplot(data) + ggplot2::aes(x = tsne.x, y = tsne.y) + ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(size = size, shape = genotype, color = group))
# }
# }
# pl$layers = c(ggplot2::geom_segment(ggplot2::aes(x = genotype.x, y = genotype.y, xend = phenotype.x, yend = phenotype.y), size = 0.5-0.5*log(edge$pValue)/max(-log(edge$pValue)), data = edge, color = "gray", alpha = 0.3-0.5 * log(edge$pValue)/max(-log(edge$pValue))), pl$layers)
# pl = pl + ggplot2::theme_void() + ggplot2::scale_size_identity() + ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none")
# if(!is.null(parameters$save.address)){
# ggplot2::ggsave("/Users/zijungao/Desktop/ggplot-visualizationSimple.pdf", pl, width = 12, height = 8) # ggplot-visualization.pdf/ggplot-visualizationVHatRotate.pdf
# }
# result = data[,c("name", "plot.name", "group", "genotype")]
# colnames(result)[c(1,2,3)] = c("rsid", "name", "cluster")
# result$name[result$genotype] = substr(result$name[result$genotype], start = 9, stop = nchar(result$name[result$genotype])-2)
# description$name[substr(description$name,1,1) %in% as.character(seq(0,9))] = paste("X", description$name[substr(description$name,1,1) %in% as.character(seq(0,9))], sep = "") # ???
# if(parameters$data %in% c("biobankSub", "biobank")){
# result = merge(result, description, by.x = "name", by.y = "name", all.x = TRUE)}
# result = merge(result, rsnps_results, by.x = "rsid", by.y = "rsid", all.x = TRUE)
# result = result[order(result$cluster),];
# result$description[result$genotype] = result$name[result$genotype]
# result$name[result$genotype] = result$rsid[result$genotype]
# result$rsid = NULL; result$gene = NULL
# result2 = list(); result2$result = result; result2$pl = pl
# return(result2)
# }
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