
Defines functions update_planting update_field

Documented in update_field update_planting

#' @title Update Field
#' @description
#' \code{update_field} To update details (Farm ID or FieldName) of a particular location in the aWhere API.
#' @details
#' Fields are the easiest way to manage locations in the aWhere APIs, providing an easy reference
#' for tracking weather, agronomics, models, and progress over growing seasons. Once a field is
#' registered, plantings can also be registered for that field with specific information about the
#' crop planted at that location, the date of planting, and other optional information.
#' Occasionally, you may need to update the details of your field. At this time, only the farm ID,
#' field Name, and number of acres can be updated using this function. Field details can only be
#' updated one variable at a time, for one field at a time. If you need to update multiple fields or
#' multiple variables associated with a field, please pass commands sequentially.
#' @param field_id the unique field ID for the field you want to update (character string) (required)
#' @param variable_update the variable that needs to be updated, either "farmId", "name", or "acres"
#'                           (character string) (required)
#' @param value_update the new value for variable_update, to replace the existing value. The existing
#'                        value can be found using get_fields("field_id") (character string) (required)
#' @param keyToUse aWhere API key to use.  For advanced use only.  Most users will not need to use this parameter (optional)
#' @param secretToUse aWhere API secret to use.  For advanced use only.  Most users will not need to use this parameter (optional)
#' @param tokenToUse aWhere API token to use.  For advanced use only.  Most users will not need to use this parameter (optional)
#' @param apiAddressToUse Address of aWhere API to use.  For advanced use only.  Most users will not need to use this parameter (optional)
#' @return - A message confirming the changes have been made
#' @references https://docs.awhere.com/knowledge-base-docs/update-a-field-location/
#' @import httr
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{update_field(field_id = 'field_test',variable_update = 'farmId', value_update = 'This is my territory')}

#' @export

update_field <- function(field_id
                         ,keyToUse = awhereEnv75247$uid
                         ,secretToUse = awhereEnv75247$secret
                         ,tokenToUse = awhereEnv75247$token
                         ,apiAddressToUse = awhereEnv75247$apiAddress) {


  ## Creating the request
  url <- paste0(apiAddressToUse, "/fields/",field_id)

  postbody <- paste0('[{"op":"replace","path":"/', variable_update, '","value":"', value_update, '"}]')

  doWeatherGet <- TRUE
  tryCount <- 0
  while (doWeatherGet == TRUE) {
    tryCount <- tryCount + 1
    request <- httr::PATCH(url, body = postbody, httr::content_type('application/json'),
                           httr:: add_headers(Authorization = paste0("Bearer ", tokenToUse)))

    # Re formating the response recieved from API
    a <- suppressMessages(httr::content(request, as = "text"))

    temp <- check_JSON(a
    doWeatherGet <- temp[[1]]
    #if the token was updated, this will cause it to be used through function
    tokenToUse <- temp[[3]]

  cat(paste0('Operation Complete'))

#' @title Update Planting
#' @description
#' \code{update_planting} To update details of a particular planting
#' @details
#' Occasionally you will need to update a planting, changing the projections
#' or recording the end-of-season information for historical tracking and model tuning.
#' This API supports both partial and complete updates of plantings.  When updating an
#' entire planting, the whole object is replaced in the database. Any properties that
#' were previously set, and now are not, will be null'd. The required properties must
#' also be set even if they are changed.
#' @param planting_id ID of planting to update
#' @param field_id ID of field to search for plantings within
#' @param planting_date new date to update as planting's plant date
#' @param proj_yield_amount new amount to update as planting's projected yield amount
#' @param proj_yield_units new units to update as planting's projected yield units
#' @param proj_harvest_date new projected harvest date to update as planting's projected harvest date
#' @param yield_amount new amount to update as planting's yield amount
#' @param yield_units new units to update as planting's yield units
#' @param harvest_date new actual harvest date to update as planting's harvest date
#' @param keyToUse aWhere API key to use.  For advanced use only.  Most users will not need to use this parameter (optional)
#' @param secretToUse aWhere API secret to use.  For advanced use only.  Most users will not need to use this parameter (optional)
#' @param tokenToUse aWhere API token to use.  For advanced use only.  Most users will not need to use this parameter (optional)
#' @param apiAddressToUse Address of aWhere API to use.  For advanced use only.  Most users will not need to use this parameter (optional)
#' @return - A message confirming the changes have been made
#' @references https://docs.awhere.com/knowledge-base-docs/update-all-or-part-of-a-planting-in-a-field/
#' @import httr
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{update_planting("field_test", "156036", harvest_date = "2016-02-01", yield_amount = "60", yield_units = "Bushels")}
#' @export

update_planting <- function(field_id
                            ,planting_date = ""
                            ,proj_yield_amount = ""
                            ,proj_yield_units = ""
                            ,proj_harvest_date = ""
                            ,yield_amount = ""
                            ,yield_units = ""
                            ,harvest_date = ""
                            ,keyToUse = awhereEnv75247$uid
                            ,secretToUse = awhereEnv75247$secret
                            ,tokenToUse = awhereEnv75247$token
                            ,apiAddressToUse = awhereEnv75247$apiAddress) {


  ## Error checking

  if(field_id == "") {
    stop("Field ID is required")

  if(proj_yield_amount != "" & is.na(as.double(proj_yield_amount))) {
    stop("Yield amounts must be numeric")

  if(yield_amount != "" & is.na(as.double(yield_amount))) {
    stop("Yield amounts must be numeric")

  if(planting_date != "" & !is.Date(ymd(planting_date))){
    stop("Dates must be in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format")

  if(proj_harvest_date != "" & !is.Date(ymd(proj_harvest_date))){
    stop("Dates must be in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format")

  if(harvest_date != "" & !is.Date(ymd(harvest_date))){
    stop("Dates must be in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format")

  ## Create postbody
  postbody <- c()

  i = 0

  if(planting_date != "") {
    i = i + 1
    postbody[i] <- paste0('{"op":"replace","path":"/plantingDate","value":"', planting_date, '"}')
  if(proj_yield_amount != "") {
    i = i + 1
    postbody[i] <- paste0('{"op":"replace","path":"/projections/yield/amount","value":', proj_yield_amount, '}')
  if(proj_yield_units != "") {
    i = i + 1
    postbody[i] <- paste0('{"op":"replace","path":"/projections/yield/units","value":"', proj_yield_units, '"}')
  if(proj_harvest_date != "") {
    i = i + 1
    postbody[i] <- paste0('{"op":"replace","path":"/projections/harvestDate","value":"', proj_harvest_date, '"}')
  if(yield_amount != "") {
    i = i + 1
    postbody[i] <- paste0('{"op":"replace","path":"/yield/amount","value":', yield_amount, '}')
  if(yield_units != "") {
    i = i + 1
    postbody[i] <- paste0('{"op":"replace","path":"/yield/units","value":"', yield_units, '"}')
  if(harvest_date != "") {
    i = i + 1
    postbody[i] <- paste0('{"op":"replace","path":"/harvestDate","value":"', harvest_date, '"}')

  if(i == 0) {
    stop("Must pass in a value to update")

  body <- paste0("[", postbody[1])
  if(length(postbody) > 1) {
    for(i in 2:length(postbody)) {
      body <- paste0(body, ",", postbody[i])
  body <- paste0(body, "]")

  ## Creating the request
  url <- paste0(apiAddressToUse, "/agronomics/fields/", field_id, "/plantings/")

  if(planting_id == "") {
    url <- paste0(url, "current")
  } else {
    url <- paste0(url, planting_id)

  doWeatherGet <- TRUE
  tryCount <- 0
  while (doWeatherGet == TRUE) {
    tryCount <- tryCount + 1
    ##Send request
    request <- httr::PATCH(url, body = body, httr::content_type('application/json'),
                           httr::add_headers(Authorization = paste0("Bearer ", tokenToUse)))

    a <- suppressMessages(httr::content(request, as = "text"))

    temp <- check_JSON(a
    doWeatherGet <- temp[[1]]
    #if the token was updated, this will cause it to be used through function
    tokenToUse <- temp[[3]]

  cat(paste0('Operation Complete'))
aWhereAPI/aWhere-R-Library documentation built on Nov. 5, 2021, 3:35 a.m.