
#' uhcdatasimulator
#' \code{uhcdatasimulator} simulates the data used in Fieberg et al. (In Review)
#' This is a function that creates a dataframe based on the example
#' chosen from the manuscript (Fieberg et al. 2018). In the first example,
#' ("missing predictor") the distribution of a species is related to elevation
#' (\eqn{x_1}) and precipitation (\eqn{x_2}), where \eqn{x_1} and \eqn{x_2}
#' are normally distributed with mean 0 and variance 4. We considered 3
#' different data-generating scenarios in which we varied the correlation of
#' \eqn{x_1,x_2} (\code{corx}) in the training and test data sets.
#' In the second example ("non-linear"), the distribution of
#' a species is non-linearly related to temperature (\eqn{x_3 \sim N(0,4)}).
#' @param nused The number of used locations in training/test data set
#' @param navail The number of background locations in training/test data set
#' @param betas The vector of length 2 for *true* probability of use
#' @param corx The correlation between elevation and precipitation in
#' training/test dataset. For missing predictor example only.
#' @param ntemp A large number of available points.
#' @param example The name of the example. Options include "missing predictor"
#' or "non-linear".
#' @return A dataframe of simulated data
#' @seealso Full archive of the data and code necessary to replicate the
#' manuscript at \url{http://doi.org/10.13020/D6T590}.
#' @examples
#' # Simulate training or test data for the non-linear example
#' nonlinear.data <- uhcdatasimulator(nused = 100,
#'    navail = 10000,
#'    betas = c(2,-1),
#'    ntemp = 1000000,
#'    example = "non-linear")
#' # Simulate training or test data for the missing predictor example
#'    #   Where corr(x1,x2) = 0
#' missingpredictor.0.data <- uhcdatasimulator(nused = 100,
#'    navail = 10000,
#'    betas = c(0.5,-1),
#'    corx = 0,
#'    ntemp = 1000000,
#'    example = "missing predictor")
#'    #   Where corr(x1,x2) = -0.3
#' missingpredictor.N.data <- uhcdatasimulator(nused = 100,
#'    navail = 10000,
#'    betas = c(0.5,-1),
#'    corx = -0.3,
#'    ntemp = 1000000,
#'    example = "missing predictor")
#'    #   Where corr(x1,x2) = 0.3
#' missingpredictor.P.data <- uhcdatasimulator(nused = 100,
#'    navail = 10000,
#'    betas = c(0.5,-1),
#'    corx = 0.3,
#'    ntemp = 1000000,
#'    example = "missing predictor")
#' @export
uhcdatasimulator <- function(nused, navail,
                             betas, corx, ntemp,
  ### Missing predictor example
  if (example=="missing predictor"){
    # ntot = total number of locations in data set
    ntot <- nused + navail

    # Create elevation and precipitation data
    covx <- corx*4
    xdat <- MASS::mvrnorm(navail, mu=c(0,0),
                          Sigma=matrix(c(4,  covx,  covx, 4),
                                       ncol=2, byrow=TRUE))
    elev <- xdat[,1] # elevation data
    precip <- xdat[,2] # precipitation data

    # Generate *used* locations by selecting these points from from a large #
    #    (ntemp) of available points, and assemble data
    tempdat1 <- MASS::mvrnorm(ntemp, mu=c(0,0),
                        Sigma=matrix(c(4,covx, covx, 4),
                                     ncol=2, byrow=TRUE))
    elevtemp <- tempdat1[,1] # available elev
    preciptemp <- tempdat1[,2] # available precip

    # used in data based on *true* probability (wx.true)
    wx.true <- exp(elevtemp*betas[1]+preciptemp*betas[2])
    inds <- sample(1:ntemp, size=nused, replace=TRUE,

    # Compile data for scenario
    sim.data <- data.frame(y=c(rep(0, navail), rep(1, nused)),
                                  elev=c(elev, elevtemp[inds]),
                                  precip=c(precip, preciptemp[inds]))
  ### Non-linear example
  if (example=="non-linear"){
    # Generate *available* covariates in training and test data sets
    #       (assume these distributions are the same in the test and
    #         training data sets)
    temp <- rnorm(navail, 0, 2)

    # Generate *used* locations by selecting from a large number
    #     (ntemp, below) of available points, and assemble data
    temptemp <- rnorm(ntemp, 0, 2) # available points to choose from

    # used in data based on *true* probability (wx.true)
    wx.true <- exp(temptemp*betas[1]+temptemp^2*betas[2])
    inds <- sample(1:ntemp, size=nused,
                         replace=TRUE, prob=wx.true)

    # Compile data
    sim.data <- data.frame(y=c(rep(0, navail), rep(1, nused)),
                             temp=c(temp, temptemp[inds]))

  # Return files
aaarchmiller/uhcplots documentation built on May 10, 2019, 2:05 a.m.